Sightings archive: 2020
21st-31st December 2020
largely fresh or strong NW winds, although some calmer spells with lighter SW.
Some sunny spells and some wet days.
Glaucous Gull:
2 from the Good Shepherd on 29th (1cy and 3cy)
Tundra Bean Goose:
one still present with Greylags until the end of the year
Great Tit:
one still around the feeders at Schoolhouse throughout
'Dark-bellied Brent Goose':
one still at Meadow Burn until 23rd
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
182 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose (31st) , 2 'European White-fronted Goose' (juveniles), 12 Wigeon,
19 Mallard,
6 Teal, Goldeneye, 6 Water Rail
(three at Chalet, singles at Schoolhouse, Burkle and Chapel Plantation),
Moorhen (one in with the Haa chickens on 23rd was on Chapel Brae the
following day; first of the year), Slavonian Grebe (Furse,
31st), 7 Lapwing, 2 Golden Plover (28th; first of the month),
15 Curlew,
Woodcock (21st), 43 Redshank, Guillemot (regularly ashore at the end of the
month), Cormorant, Hen Harrier (adult male, 29th), 2 Merlin, 22 Blackbird,
10 Fieldfare, 8 Redwing, Song Thrush (singles at Schoolton and Obs), 2 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll.
Year List: 215
16th-20th December 2020
moderate S or SE freshening from SW, mild and sunny at first although showery
After the plane was out of action on Wednesday and Thursday, it flew on Friday,
enabling a vast amount of post to make it to the Isle (and a fair bit off as
well), although low cloud then scuppered the afternoon flight (although the
remaining passengers were able to get moved on Saturday).
There was some very pleasant conditions and one or two new birds as well.
will be the last update for a while as the 'office' closes for the Christmas
period (although in the event of any Christmas megas, we'll be sure to let you
know. There's not been many festive rarities over the years, but Ivory Gull on 28th December 1933
and Gyr Falcon on 30th December 2004 were both the kind of White Christmas we
wouldn't mind a repeat of). Thank you all for your support over the last year, we look forward to
a better 2021 when we're hoping to see significant progress towards the rebuild.
Keep an eye on the FIBO website for updates on the progress of the project.
Glaucous Gull:
3 (ad and 2 x 1CY) in North on 16th, 3 on 20th (2CY and 1CY in North, 1CY at
South Green)
Velvet Scoter:
two still in North Haven on 16th
Tundra Bean Goose:
one still lingering with Greylags
Great Tit:
one still regularly on the Schoolhouse feeders
'Dark-bellied Brent Goose':
still present around Meadow Burn
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
Greylag Goose, 8 Pink-footed Goose, 3 'European White-fronted Goose' (2
juveniles from 16th and adult still present), 13 Wigeon, 23 Mallard,
6 Teal, Goldeneye, 3 Water Rail
(with two at Chalet and singles at Schoolhouse and Schoolton), 5 Lapwing, 13 Curlew,
2 Woodcock (20th, Wirvie Burn), 230 Turnstone, Razorbill
(17th North Haven), Merlin, Chiffchaff (Obs 17th; latest record
since 2003), 24 Blackbird, 20 Fieldfare, 48 Redwing, Song Thrush, 5 Robin,
Meadow Pipit (16th Shirva), 3 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll (and one 'redpoll sp?'),
11 Twite (17th), Snow Bunting.
Year List: 214
Other wildlife:
The blow from a large whale was seen distantly from North Light on 20th,
presumably a Humpback, but conditions and distance meant the species couldn't be
11th-15th December 2020
largely SE or ESE winds, very strong at times and often showery. Improving
weather towards the end of the period, with winds becoming more southerly, and a
pleasant sunny day on 15th.
A plane on Saturday, then flights on Monday and Tuesday, with the Good Shepherd
also sailing on Tuesday made for a busy week of transport in comparison to
recent times and meant that the bulk of people and goods than need to be moved
got shifted. There was some movement of wildfowl, more than is usualy expected
for the time of the year, with another addition to the year list (which is
rather unusual in December, although this involved a species that may have been
picked up earlier in the year had there been spring census and more visitors).
There were signs that the easterlies may have persuaded a few birds to arrive as
Glaucous Gull: four on 11th (adult and 3 x 1CY) then a 1CY on 14th
Velvet Scoter: a female in Furse on 13th, with two in North Haven on
14th-15th (the first multiple occurence since 2016)
Tundra Bean Goose:
one still with Greylags
Great Tit: still
present on peanut feeders
'Dark-bellied Brent Goose': one around Mires from
13th onwards; the first of this subspecies since 2017 and only the second since 2009
(most Brent Geese occuring on Fair Isle are 'Pale-bellied')
Goosander: not normally in the highlights, but a female in Furse on
11th was the first of the year (and was the first December record since 2012)
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
Greylag Goose, 9 Pink-footed Goose, 'European White-fronted Goose'
(adult from 13th), 13 Wigeon, 23 Mallard,
9 Teal, 4 Long-tailed Duck, Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser,
6 Water Rail
(peak day count; although with singles at Upper Leogh, Haa, Quoy, Skerryholm, Burkle, Schoolton, Schoolhouse
and a
remarkable four at Chalet on 14th, the wintering population is obviously larger
than that and may have benefitted from further arrivals this week), 6 Lapwing
(2 until 14th, then a small arrival),
11 Curlew (a small arrival), 4 Purple Sandpiper, Razorbill
(11th), Cormorant (15th), Merlin (adult male), 18 Blackbird, 20 Fieldfare
(15th), 46 Redwing (20th), Song Thrush (20th),
3 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll (and one 'redpoll sp?'), 4 Snow Bunting.
Year List: 214
6th-10th December 2020
Weather: After
ENE winds to start, the wind became more ESE or SE, becoming strong. Some heavy
showers and usually cloudy.
Weather that would have been great in the autumn was more of a inconvenience in
the winter, with two planes on Monday morning being the only transport of the
week. There was the expected lack of movement in terms of birds, and that seems
likely to continue to the end of the year, although you just never know...
Glaucous Gull: 2cy South Light on 9th
Tundra Bean Goose:
one still present
Great Tit:
one still regularly at Schoolhouse
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
131 Greylag Goose, 9 Pink-footed Goose, 13 Wigeon, 29 Mallard,
12 Teal, Goldeneye (female), 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Water Rail
(Schoolton, Chalet and Schoolhouse), 2 Lapwing,
Guillemot (many offshore on 7th, although none on cliffs), 'blue' Fulmar
(past South Harbour, 7th), Merlin, Peregrine, Skylark, 11 Blackbird, 12 Redwing,
5 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll.
Year List: 213
1st-5th December 2020
Weather: SW
winds from 1st-3rd, with some calm spells, then a fresh SE wind on 4th becoming
NE then E on 5th. Often cool, with a mixture of rain and sunny spells.
Still a little trickle of movement, although mostly quie as would be expected at
this time of year. The Good Shepherd made its weekly sailing and there were
planes on most days (although Thursday's was a late one as we experienced the
first ice on the runway at Tingwall of the season).
The auction to boost the
FIBO rebuild appeal is underway, so please check our Facebook page for details.
Taiga Bean Goose: an interesting Bean Goose that joined the Greylag
flock opposite Stackhoull from 2nd-5th appeared to be this species, showing a long,
relatively thin and predominantly orange bill amongst other
features. If accepted, it
will be the first record of the species since 2017, although these were
satellite tagged birds 17km offshore; the last bird seen on the Isle was 2014.
Tundra Bean Goose:
one accompanying the Taiga Bean Goose from 2nd
Great Tit: one still
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
171 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, 16 Wigeon, 16 Mallard, 13 Teal, Long-tailed Duck, Goldeneye (female), 3 Water Rail
(Schoolton, Leogh and Schoolhouse), Oystercatcher, Lapwing,
225 Turnstone, 3 Woodcock, 63 Redshank, Cormorant (2nd), 2 Long-eared Owl (still at Obs),
2 Peregrine, 3 Skylark, 11 Blackbird, 12 Fieldfare, 12 Redwing,
Chaffinch (male, 30th), Twite, 4 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll,
4 Snow Bunting.
Year List: 213
26th-30th November 2020
Weather: some
calm spells and some fresher NW and SW winds, showery with some prolonged spells
of rain.
Nothing exciting, but a little bit of unexpected movement as we reach the end of
November and therefore the start of the meteorological winter.
Glaucous Gull: 1cy off Finnequoy on 27th
Little Auk:
one stranded in the garden at Kenaby on 27th was released at Muckle Uri Geo,
with another past South Light on 30th
Great Tit: one still
seen sporadically around the crofts
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
193 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, 12 Wigeon, 18 Mallard, 16
Teal, Long-tailed Duck, Goldeneye (male 27th, female 30th), 3 Water Rail
(2 Burkle, Schoolhouse), Oystercatcher, 2 Lapwing,
Dunlin (27th-28th), 5 Purple Sandpiper, 14 Woodcock
(28th), 60 Redshank, Long-eared Owl (at least one still at Obs on 27th and one
at Burkle on 30th),
Merlin, Peregrine, 3 Carrion Crow, Skylark, Blackcap
(male South Haven, 27th), 22 Blackbird, 12 Fieldfare, 20 Redwing,
Meadow Pipit (27th and 29th), Brambling
(female, 28th), 4 Twite, 2 'Mealy Redpoll', 2 Lesser Redpoll.
Year List: 212
21st-25th November 2020
After some Storm Force westerlies at the start of the period, winds remained
fresh from a southerly or westerly direction until it eased on 25th. Showers and
some spells of more prolonged rain throughout.
Very little to report in terms of birds, with the period having a largely
settled feel to it, although the weather at least was exciting!
Iceland Gull: 1cy past Burkle on 22nd
Glaucous Gull:
1cy in South Harbour on 21st
Tundra Bean Goose: still
Little Auk: one off South Light on 22nd
Great Tit:
at least one still in the gardens
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
317 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 5 Wigeon,
25 Mallard, 5 Teal, 2 Long-tailed Duck, Woodpigeon
(Houll), 4 Water Rail
(2 Schoolhouse, Quoy and Meadow Burn), Oystercatcher, 4 Lapwing,
5 Purple Sandpiper, Woodcock,
65 Redshank, Guillemot (small numbers, including birds ashore
on 25th), Great Northern Diver (off South Light 22nd), Grey
Heron (one in South Harbour was found moribund on 25th), Sparrowhawk
(22nd onwards), 2 Long-eared Owl (Obs),
2 Merlin, 2 Carrion Crow, Skylark, 14 Blackbird, 3 Fieldfare, 8 Redwing, 8 Robin,
2 Twite, 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll,
7 Snow Bunting.
Year List: 212
16th-20th November 2020
largely strong SW winds with frequent rain, often heavy. NW severe gales
(gusting Storm Force) on 19th with snow showers then SSE on 20th.
Generally unpleasant weather, a movement of Greylags brought a year tick with
them and there was a bit of seawatching, but most birds were lingering, with few
new arrivals. The Good Shepherd IV made it back late on the evening of
17th (and its good to have it and the crew back), but planes were limited to one
on Friday as the weather again dominated the week.
Tundra Bean Goose: one with Greylags, usually around the Meadow Burn area,
from 17th; first of the year
Glaucous Gull: 1cy past School
on 18th
Little Auk: 3 past South Light on 20th
Great Tit:
at least one still
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
470 Greylag Goose (movement noted throughout, with the peak
count on 19th), 3 Pink-footed Goose, 9 Wigeon,
10 Teal, Common Scoter, 3 Long-tailed Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Water Rail
(Schoolhouse and Meadow Burn), Oystercatcher, 4 Lapwing,
3 Woodcock,
Red-throated Diver (South Harbour 16th), Long-eared Owl (Obs),
Merlin, Chiffchaff (Burkle to 18th), 110 Fieldfare (18th; otherwise just small
numbers of thrushes), 11 Twite, 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll,
Goldfinch (16th).
Year List: 212
11th-15th November 2020
windy, initially from SE then SW or S. Some spells of heavy rain and largely
grey, although sunshine at times on 14th-15th
The weather, and birding to some extent, got more wintry. The first plane for
almost a week made it on on 13th, so we were connected to the outside world
again and the Postie was busy. Hopefully the Good Shepherd IV will be
returning next week as well, having undergone its
annual refit. The Scottish Government eased the restrictions on visiting homes
from 13th, which was a huge relief as we lack any pubs, cafes etc for
meeting up (it's not really the weather for meeting outdoors) and a large
part of the Isle runs on chats over cups of tea! Counts below are again based
on limited birding and even the peaks are from parts of the Isle only, with no
full census possible at this time of year. There were little real signs of
movement, although still reasonable numbers of birds around and a few seawatches
produced one reasonably productive one (which is never guaranteed on Fair
Iceland Gull: 1cy at South Light on 11th
Glaucous Gull: 1cy South Harbour 11th
Little Auk: 3
past South Light in an hour on 11th
Great Tit: at least two still
present throughout
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
65 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, 16 Wigeon,
14 Mallard, 16 Teal, 2 Common Scoter, 3 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser, Woodpigeon, Water Rail
(with sightings at Schoolhouse, Chalet and Vaila's Trees), Oystercatcher, 5 Lapwing,
Dunlin (14th), 9 Woodcock, Jack Snipe (Vaadal, 14th), 56 Snipe
(in South Harbour only on 12th), 16 Kittiwake (past South Light in an hour on
11th, showing slight movement), 29 Guillemot (past South Light in an hour on
Great Northern Diver (one past South Light on 11th, one at
North Haven on 12th), Grey Heron, Sparrowhawk (female still), Short-eared Owl (Da
Water, 13th),
Merlin, 2 Peregrine,
Skylark, 2 Chiffchaff (Lower Leogh), 75 Blackbird, 300 Fieldfare, 60 Redwing, 2 Song
Thrush, 3 Robin, Meadow Pipit, Chaffinch,
9 Twite, 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll,
2 Goldfinch, 22 Snow Bunting.
Year List: 211
6th-10th November 2020
Weather: starting with a moderate SW wind, then a calm day on 7th followed by fresh SE
winds, becoming more SSE later. Mostly dry, just a few light showers, although
cloudy (with some low cloud) on 9th-10th.
An exciting end to the autumn, with a couple of good birds on the first day of
the period, some movement on 7th and an obvious fall on 9th-10th. The Good
Shepherd remains on refit, although the
Snolda put in an appearance on 9th. Planes managed to fly on 6th and a
charter on 7th, but that was it as the wind and cloud conspired against any more
flights. Counts at this time of year are limited by the lack of observers,
whilst the shorter days also mean that other commitments can have a
(sometimes annoying!) impact on birding, so particularly during large falls,
counts are likely to be an underestimate.
Richard's Pipit: one flushed from School Brae
on 6th flew towards Klinger's Geo then onto the Rippack; first of the year
Olive-backed Pipit: one at Quoy on 7th
Glaucous Gull:
1cy over Sauversteen on 8th
Siberian Chiffchaff: one ringed
at Obs on 7th then two in Hjukni Geo on 9th
Great Tit: at least two still present and roaming the
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
56 Greylag Goose, 3 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 9 Wigeon,
16 Mallard, 9 Teal, 3 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, Woodpigeon, 3 Water Rail
(peak count; 5 individuals probably involved), Oystercatcher, 3 Lapwing,
77 Woodcock (after 13 on 7th and 12 on 9th, the Log count for 10th was
77, however, it was estimated from the numbers in the area covered in the north
that the island total was likely to be 300+), Jack Snipe (Wirvie Burn 8th), 77
Snipe, Guillemot (several offshore on 8th),
Grey Heron, Sparrowhawk, Hen Harrier (female, 6th; first of the
autumn), 3 Long-eared Owl (after the first of the autumn at
Chalet on 9th, the following day saw 2 at the Obs and a single in Meadow Burn),
3 Short-eared Owl (Gilsetter, 7th), 3 Merlin,
6 Skylark, 2 Chiffchaff (not including tristis birds), 7
Blackcap (peak on 7th), Garden Warbler (Shirva, 7th),
5 Goldcrest (3 on 9th were the first of the month, with 5 the
following day), 430 Blackbird (numbers building to 10th, but
this is still likely to be a large undercount given areas not covered),
680 Fieldfare (an arrival from 9th, with peak count on 10th), 3 Song
Thrush, 310 Redwing (10th), 9 Robin, Black Redstart (Byerwalls, 10th),
3 Grey
Wagtail, 2 Chaffinch,
3 Brambling, 7 Twite, 3 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll,
2 Goldfinch, 26 Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting.
Year List: 211
1st-5th November 2020
predominantly strong SW or WSW winds, some spells of heavy rain, cool.
Bluethroat: the lingering bird was in a ditch
at Aesterhoull on 4th
Little Auk: one past South Light on
Great Tit: at least two still present and roaming the
Other sightings (counts refer to high count during period
unless otherwise stated):
250 Greylag Goose, 30 Pink-footed Goose, 15 Whooper Swan (2nd,
with 5 remaining the following day and 8 new adults on 5th), 16
8 Teal, 2 Common Scoter, 4 Long-tailed Duck, Woodpigeon, Water Rail
(Schoolhouse), Oystercatcher, 3 Lapwing, 267 Turnstone, 2 Woodcock,
Bonxie (2nd), Red-throated Diver (2nd, South Harbour), Great Northern Diver (2nd, South Light),
Grey Heron, 2 Sparrowhawk, Merlin, Peregrine, Blackcap (2nd), Grey
Wagtail (5th), 3 Chaffinch,
Brambling, 10 Twite, 3 'Mealy Redpoll', 'North-western Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll,
2 Goldfinch, Reed Bunting (4th).
Year List: 210
Saturday 31st October 2020
gale force SE wind, heavy rain at times, although some longer drier spells
Little Auk: 7 east past South Light in a 45
minute morning seawatch
Great Tit: at least one still
Other sightings:
5 Teal, 3 Common Scoter (past South Light), 5 Long-tailed Duck, Water Rail
(Schoolhouse), Lapwing, Woodcock, Great Northern Diver (past
South Light), 2 'blue' Fulmar (South Light).
Year List: 210
Friday 30th October 2020
strong SW wind, sunny but with some sharp, heavy showers.
That's all folks. With tomorrow's forecast being for winds gusting over 55mph
and heavy rain for most of the day, there'll be no census, so this will be the
last of the daily updates (although we'll continue to post updates at regular
intervals). Our seasonal staff Alex, Dan and Georgia will be departing next week
(if the weather allows!), so we'd like to say a big 'thank you' to them for all
their hard work during what has been a very unusual season. They've found some
great birds and allowed us to get through a good chunk of our seabird monitoring
by throwing themselves into the work as soon as they arrived. COVID-19
restrictions have meant that their Fair Isle experience has not been the same as
it would have been most years, but they've got in with things without
complaining and we're very grateful to them.
Today's birding was quiet, as
expected given the weather, although there was an intriguing increase in
Woodcock and Short-eared Owls. The forecast suggests there could be a chance of
more birds over the weekend (although tomorrow at least will make it hard to see
any of them!), so we'll see whether the autumn is finished yet or not...
Siberian Chiffchaff: three still in South Harbour
Great Tit:
one at North Shirva
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 70 Greylag Goose, 37 Pink-footed Goose, 4 Wigeon,
6 Teal, Common Scoter, 6 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Woodpigeon,
Lapwing, Golden Plover, 204 Turnstone, 13 Woodcock (highest
count of the autumn),
Jack Snipe,
46 Snipe, 62 Redshank, 5 Short-eared Owl (Gilsetter; highest
count of the autumn), 2 Merlin,
Peregrine, 41 Skylark, 5 Chiffchaff (in addition to the tristis birds),
6 Blackcap, Goldcrest, 102 Blackbird, 327 Fieldfare,
259 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, 19 Robin,
Wheatear, 42 Meadow Pipit,
2 Brambling, 28 Twite, 4 'Mealy Redpoll, 'North-western Redpoll'
(School Brae), Lesser Redpoll, Goldfinch, 15 Snow
Year List: 210
Thursday 29th October 2020
Weather: a
light S or SW breeze, freshening from the S or SE in the evening, sunny.
A lovely day for census as we approach the end of the season, although it felt
rather quiet and there'd been an obvious clear out. Some unsettled weather
coming up, so the planes today may be the last transport to reach the Isle for a
Yellow-browed Warbler: one at Schoolton in the
Bluethroat: one still on School Brae
Siberian Chiffchaff: three in South Harbour
Great Tit:
two still
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 171 Greylag Goose, 37 Pink-footed Goose, 4 Wigeon,
4 Teal, Common Scoter, 4 Long-tailed Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Water Rail
(Gully and Schoolhouse),
Lapwing, 8 Golden Plover, 201 Turnstone, 3 Woodcock,
3 Jack Snipe,
63 Snipe, 54 Redshank, Merlin,
41 Skylark, Swallow (Obs), 3 Chiffchaff (in addition to the tristis birds),
10 Blackcap, 5 Goldcrest, 120 Blackbird, 244 Fieldfare,
281 Redwing, 3 Song Thrush, 39 Robin,
2 Wheatear, Grey Wagtail, alba wagtail, 42 Meadow Pipit,
97 Rock Pipit (highest count of the month, with generally 50-70
in recent days), 3 Chaffinch, Brambling, 35 Twite, 5 'Mealy Redpoll, 'North-western Redpoll'
(School Brae), 5 Goldfinch, 33 Snow
Bunting (highest count of the month).
Year List: 210
Wednesday 28th October 2020
a light or moderate SW wind, after some heavy overnight rain that lingered until
the morning it became mostly dry with some sunny spells.
interesting day, although most species had decreased in numbers, there were a
few nice new bits and pieces and a lovely rarity to top things off.
BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT: the fifth for Fair Isle
(subject to acceptance) was on Meoness, where it showed well, usually feeding
around a small pool that had formed in the grass, although it could be flighty
at times. Previous records were in 1953, 2007, 2010 and 2012 and all fell
between 17th-29th September, so this is by far the latest record for Fair Isle.
Olive-backed Pipit: one showed well at Da
Bluethroat: what was presumably the bird that had
been lingering around the Houll area was at School Brae then Da Water
Siberian Chiffchaff:
four, including three still in South Harbour
Great Tit: probably three present,
although wandering birds made it harder to say for certain how many are still on
the Isle
Glaucous Gull: 1cy past South Light
Little Auk: 2 past South Light
Velvet Scoter: one still in Furse
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 160 Greylag Goose, 37 Pink-footed Goose,
Whooper Swan (adult south down the Isle at last light), 24 Wigeon,
6 Teal, Common Scoter (Furse), 3 Long-tailed Duck,
3 Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Woodpigeon, Water Rail,
5 Woodcock, 6 Jack Snipe,
89 Snipe, 68 Redshank, Great Northern Diver (past South Light), 4 'blue' Fulmar
(past South Light), 2 Grey Heron, Sparrowhawk
(adult male at Shirva), Short-eared Owl, Kestrel (Barkland), Merlin,
63 Skylark, 7 Chiffchaff (in addition to the tristis birds),
Grasshopper Warbler (Boini Mire; latest ever Fair Isle record),
16 Blackcap, 4 Goldcrest, 191 Blackbird, 511 Fieldfare,
566 Redwing, 5 Song Thrush, 40 Robin,
Wheatear (South Haven), Pied Wagtail, 'White
Wagtail' (and one unidentified alba wagtail), 42 Meadow Pipit,
3 Chaffinch, 7 Brambling, 39 Twite, 6 'Mealy Redpoll, (and 3 Redpoll sp?),
5 Goldfinch, Lapland Bunting (Schoolton), Snow
Year List: 210
Tuesday 27th October 2020
very calm at first, with a cool SE breeze developing. Dry and bright at times,
becoming cloudier.
An interesting day, with birds in (several species recorded their highest totals
for a few days at least) and a real feeling that the end of season biggy was
just round the corner, although it was not to be unfortunately.
Dusky Warbler: one feeding at the the top of
Hill Dyke was the second of the autumn and 22nd record for Fair Isle
Little Bunting:
one at the top of Hill Dyke may well have been a new arrival (or possibly
yesterday's Leogh bird relocating to the cliffs)
Siberian Chiffchaff:
four still (three at South Harbour and one at Stackhoull)
Great Tit: at least two still
(Quoy and Vaila's Trees)
Velvet Scoter: again in Furse
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, 172 Greylag Goose, 37 Pink-footed Goose,
16 Wigeon, Teal, Common Scoter (North Haven), 6 Long-tailed Duck,
Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Woodpigeon, 2 Water Rail (Midway and Schoolhouse), 12 Golden Plover,
133 Turnstone, Knot (Buness), 5 Woodcock,
6 Jack Snipe,
45 Snipe, 94 Redshank, 6 Bonxie, 'blue' Fulmar
(North Light), Gannet (the colonies are mostly empty now, but there was still an
unfledged chick on Yellow Head), Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl, 2 Merlin, Rook,
64 Skylark, 5 Chiffchaff (in addition to the tristis birds),
21 Blackcap, 10 Goldcrest, 69 Wren (not
usually counted on census, but migrants have swelled numbers since mid-October),
246 Blackbird, 412 Fieldfare,
546 Redwing,
18 Song Thrush, 75 Robin,
Wheatear (South Haven), Dunnock, Grey Wagtail (Setter), 2 'White
Wagtail', 65 Meadow Pipit,
2 Chaffinch, 9 Brambling, 69 Twite, 8 'Mealy Redpoll, 'North-western Redpoll', 2 Lesser Redpoll,
2 Goldfinch, 14 Snow
Year List: 209
Other wildlife: 4+
Risso's Dolphin moving north off the west coast
Monday 26th October 2020
fresh SE wind, with a couple of brief showers.
One or two new bits, although it felt largely like a similar spread of birds.
The Good Shepherd IV made its sailing to Grutness ahead of its refit later in
the week and there was a plane as well. With the clocks having gone back at the
weekend there are at least lighter mornings, but the darkness drawing in in the
afternoons is adding to the end of season feel. Not long left now, is there time
for one last surprise?...
Little Bunting: one at Lower Leogh may well
have been a new arrival
Bluethroat: one still around Boini
Siberian Chiffchaff: four still
Blue Tit:
one briefly on the School Brae before heading towards Stackhoull, although it
was not relocated
Great Tit: at least two still
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 155 Greylag Goose, 37 Pink-footed Goose,
20 Wigeon, Common Scoter (North Haven), 3 Long-tailed Duck,
3 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Setter), 11 Golden Plover, 181 Turnstone, Dunlin, 5 Woodcock,
3 Jack Snipe,
78 Snipe, 74 Redshank, Great Northern Diver, Grey Heron,
Sparrowhawk (Dronger), 2 Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Rook,
102 Skylark, 2 Chiffchaff (in addition to the tristis birds),
6 Blackcap, Goldcrest, 172 Blackbird, 609 Fieldfare,
782 Redwing,
3 Song Thrush, 48 Robin,
Wheatear, Dunnock, 54 Meadow Pipit,
4 Chaffinch, 41 Twite, 5 'Mealy Redpoll, Lesser Redpoll (Schoolhouse),
Lapland Bunting (Homisdale), 25 Snow
Year List: 209
Sunday 25th October 2020
bright and sunny with a fresh southerly wind.
A much nicer day of weather, not many signs of migration, but still enough
things to look through and a distinct feeling of something lurking to keep the
interest up.
Red-breasted Flycatcher: one in Swarzie Geo was
either a lurking bird that has gone unseen for eight days, or a new arrival
Siberian Chiffchaff: four still around the
South Harbour area
Great Tit: at least two still present
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 105
Greylag Goose, 20 Pink-footed Goose, 41 Wigeon, Common Scoter, 3 Long-tailed Duck,
4 Woodpigeon, 14 Golden Plover, 181 Turnstone, 5 Woodcock, 3 Jack Snipe,
91 Snipe, 83 Redshank, Cormorant, Grey Heron, 4
Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Rook (Buness), 65 Skylark, 3 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
8 Blackcap, Goldcrest, 145 Blackbird, 613 Fieldfare, 650 Redwing,
6 Song Thrush,
Mistle Thrush (Chalet), 45 Robin,
Wheatear (lingering bird in South Haven), Dunnock (one still at Setter), 45 Meadow Pipit,
5 Chaffinch, 9 Brambling,
68 Twite, 6 'Mealy Redpoll, Lesser Redpoll (Schoolhouse),
Lapland Bunting, 24 Snow
Bunting (highest count of the autumn).
Year List: 209
Saturday 24th October 2020
south-east gale (gusting to 57mph) easing. Heavy rain until early afternoon then
clearing to a dry afternoon with sunny spells.
A really horrible start to the day, with totally unbirdable conditions although
the afternoon at least allowed some records to be gathered. Although the wind
was SE, it wasn't the good type of SE - coming off the leading edge of an
Atlantic low - if tomorrow's improved conditions see anything popping up that
arrived yesterday, it seems as likely to be from the west as the east (although
that would be a bit of a long shot - it's that time of year though where there
could be one last biggy to be found somewhere...).
Iceland Gull: 1cy at Furse; first of the autumn
Great Tit: at least two still present
Other sightings:
3 Long-tailed Duck
2 Woodpigeon, 2 Water Rail (Schoolhouse and Setter), 12 Golden Plover, 2 Woodcock, Grey Heron,
Merlin, 3 Blackcap, Grey Wagtail (Hesti Geo), Chaffinch, Brambling,
2 Snow
Year List: 209
Friday 23rd October 2020
Weather: a
strong SE wind, cloudy throughout with some showers and occasional prolonged
spells of rain.
Although the wind looked quite promising on the face of it, it was actually a
very localised south-easterly coming off the front of an Atlantic low and it
therefore wasn't really expected to deliver much. There did seem to be rather
little newly arrived, although the fact that there were plenty of birds to look
at made for a nice enough day's birding (so long as you weren't in the rainy
bits!). Perhaps the highlight of the day was the first FIBO Zoom Log, enabling
some regular vistiors to join in with the roundup of the day's sightings.
Dusky Warbler: the wandering ringed bird
reappeared at Walli Burn
Little Bunting: the ringed bird
still in Boini Mire
Bluethroat: one still around Aesterhoull
Siberian Chiffchaff: still four in South Harbour
Great Tit:
at least two still present
Other sightings:
100 Greylag Goose, 39 Pink-footed Goose, 2 Teal, Velvet Scoter
(Furse), 2 Long-tailed Duck
2 Goldeneye, 2 Red-breasted
Merganser, 4 Woodpigeon, 13 Golden Plover, 7 Woodcock, 2 Jack Snipe, 81 Snipe, Grey Heron,
3 Short-eared Owl
(Boini Mire and two on Dronger), 2 Merlin, 71 Skylark, 9 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
4 Blackcap, 7 Goldcrest, 2 Ring Ouzel, 307 Blackbird, 861 Fieldfare, 966 Redwing,
17 Song Thrush,
54 Robin,
Dunnock, 43 Meadow Pipit, 2 Chaffinch, 13 Brambling,
72 Twite, 7 'Mealy Redpoll' (plus 7 flyover Redpolls), 'North-western Redpoll'
(still at School Brae), 15 Snow
Bunting, Reed Bunting (Field Ditch).
Year List: 209
Thursday 22nd October 2020
Weather: a
fresh NE wind easing slightly as the day went on. Cloudy with some brighter spells
and a few showers blowing through.
At last, it was a day where we could get out birding properly. Three thrush
species recorded their highest counts of the autumn (by the evening, Blackbirds
were spiralling up above South Light and heading out to sea, so we expect the
counts to be lower tomorrow), although there wasn't much 'small stuff' and the
big rarity just didn't happen. A full day of transport, with the scheduled
flight, workmen coming in from Inverness, a TV crew on a helicopter and the Good
Shepherd IV making a late afternoon sailing to Grutness as the sea finally eased
just about enough for a crossing. Tomorrow is the 'famous 23rd', which has
produced Rufous-tailed Robin, two Siberian Rubythroats and two Black-throated
Thrushes in previous years, so we're hoping for a repeat of something of that
RED-THROATED PIPIT: still present around the
Meadow Burn
Olive-backed Pipit: still present, being seen around
Aesterhoull then School Brae
Little Bunting: ringed bird
still in Boini Mire
Waxwing: one in flight past the Kirk was
the first of the year
Bluethroat: one still around the
Aesterhoull and Boini Mire area
Hawfinch: one still around
Siberian Chiffchaff: two still in South Harbour
Great Tit:
three still around (Schoolhouse, Brecks and Haa)
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 122 Greylag Goose (no real
passage, but flocks milling around the Isle all day made estimates of the actual
number rather difficult) , 27 Pink-footed Goose, 5 Whooper Swan
(adults on the sea off Lerness), 43 Wigeon, 4 Teal, Velvet Scoter
(reappeared in Furse), Common Scoter (South Harbour), 4 Long-tailed Duck
(including one on the pool behind Troila Geo), 2 Red-breasted
Merganser, 4 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Hill Dyke), 12 Golden Plover, 8
Woodcock, 2 Jack Snipe,
110 Snipe, Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl, 2 Merlin, Rook
(first of the autumn), 65 Skylark, 6 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
7 Blackcap,
6 Goldcrest, 3 Ring Ouzel, 367 Blackbird, 1,626
Fieldfare, 1,924 Redwing,
17 Song Thrush,
69 Robin,
2 Wheatear, Dunnock, 53 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(The Houll), 2 Chaffinch, 23 Brambling,
73 Twite, 6 'Mealy Redpoll', 'North-western Redpoll'
(School Brae), 19 Snow
Year List: 209
Wednesday 21st October 2020
Weather: A
strong E or NE wind, rain from the morning becoming heavy and persistent in the
A very disappointing day in many respects, with the weather spoiling the day
and, although there were clearly birds in, there was a feeling that most of the
small stuff was keeping its head down. The forecast for tomorrow is looking like
the rain may finally stop, we're certainly hoping so...
RED-THROATED PIPIT: a flighty bird at Shirva
was presumably a new arrival
Olive-backed Pipit: one around
the Houll area was the second of the autumn
Bluethroat: one
still around Shirva
Hawfinch: one over Burkle was
presumably the lingering bird
Siberian Chiffchaff: 4 still
around South Harbour
Great Tit: one
still in the Schoolhouse garden
Other sightings:
72 Greylag Goose, 27 Pink-footed Goose, 4 Teal, Common Scoter
(South Light), 3 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Goldeneye (Easter Lother;
first of the autumn), 2 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Schoolhouse), 11 Golden Plover,
23 Purple Sandpiper, 6 Woodcock, 2 Jack Snipe, 2 'blue' Fulmar,
Sparrowhawk (adult male, Plantation; first of the autumn), 2
Short-eared Owl, 9 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
8 Blackcap, 2 Goldcrest,
Ring Ouzel, 208 Blackbird, 1290 Fieldfare,
970 Redwing,
14 Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush (Hoini), 25 Robin, Redstart (female still at Burkle),
Wheatear (South Haven), 10 Brambling, 2
'Mealy Redpoll' (School Brae), Lapland Bunting (Lower Stoneybrek).
Year List: 208
Tuesday 20th October 2020
Weather: very
strong ESE wind, easing and becoming more east during the day. Heavy rain
Almost unbirdable, certainly no chance of a full census, although the areas that
were checked suggested it could be really interesting as and when the weather
improves (it's still forecast for heavy rain throughout tomorrow morning). Some
counts are included below, but these should all be considered minima.
Red-breasted Flycatcher: one in the Raevas
2 still (Shirva and Lower Stoneybrek)
Great Tit: one
still at Schoolhouse
Other sightings:
Pink-footed Goose, 7 Teal, 3 Long-tailed Duck, Red-breasted
Merganser, Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Burkle), 8 Purple Sandpiper,
7 Woodcock, Jack Snipe, Merlin, Lesser Whitethroat, 2
Ring Ouzel, 26 Blackbird, 710
Fieldfare, 370 Redwing,
10 Song Thrush, Redstart (female still at Burkle), 8 Brambling (Kirn
o' Skroo),
'North-western Redpoll' (Boini Mire), Lesser Redpoll
Year List: 208
Monday 19th October 2020
Weather: a fresh
SE wind developed through the day. Some heavy rain overnight had eased to
showers by the morning, but became more persistent as the day went on.
Obviously birds in, but the conditions made birding increasingly difficult
and not too much was able to be picked out from amongst them.
Short-toed Lark: still present around the
South Harbour area
Little Bunting: still in Boini Mire
Bluethroat: one still at Lower Stoneybrek
Warbler: one still at Schoolton
Little Auk: one
past South Light
Glaucous Gull: 1cy at Easter Lother in
large gull roost
Chiffchaff': at least two still
Hawfinch: one
flying east over Shirva was presumed to be the lingering bird
Great Tit:
one still at Schoolhouse
Other sightings:
51 Pink-footed Goose, 5 Long-tailed Duck, Red-breasted
Merganser, Woodpigeon, 2 Purple Sandpiper,
2 Woodcock, 143 Common Gull, Red-throated Diver
(past South Light), 'blue' Fulmar, Blackcap (female Schoolhouse),
280 Fieldfare, 355 Redwing,
Mistle Thrush, Wheatear, Grey Wagtail, Tree Pipit
(Lower Leogh), 5 Brambling (Haa),
2 'Mealy Redpoll'.
Year List: 208
Other wildlife:
3+ Risso's Dolphins lingering off South Light
Sunday 18th October 2020
Weather: calm,
with just a light variable breeze at times, some showers but mostly dry until
later in the afternoon when there was some more prolonged rain.
A nice day for birding, the calm conditions encouraged a few things to pop
up again after a few days lurking somewhere. Other than some birds at sea, there
wasn't much indication of new arrivals though.
Short-toed Lark: still around Haa and Pig
Dusky Warbler: one still at Leogh
Little Bunting: the ringed bird again in Boini Mire
Bluethroat: 2; one still at Lower Stoneybrek and one at Midway that
was presumably the bird last seen four days ago
Warbler: one in the central crofts
Little Auk: 6; 5 past South Light
and another past South Haven
Glaucous Gull: 1cy on the
Chiffchaff': 9
Hawfinch: the ringed female still
feasting on Rose hips at Springfield
Great Tit: at least three still present
(Schoolhouse, Brecks and Haa)
Other sightings:
52 Greylag Goose, 53 Pink-footed Goose, 2 Whooper Swan (North
off North Light), 50 Wigeon, 5 Teal, 5 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Red-breasted
Merganser, 3 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Setter), 10 Golden Plover, 129 Turnstone, Dunlin,
25 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Jack Snipe,
80 Snipe, 145 Kittiwake (a lrge arrival given the previous high
this month of just 7), 25 'blue' Fulmar, 3 Sooty Shearwater
(two off South Light and one off Buness), 2 Cormorant, Grey Heron,
3 Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Peregrine,
8 Carrion Crow (including two seen coming in off the sea at
South Light), 73 Skylark, 2 Swallow, 14 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
Lesser Whitethroat (Brecks), 13 Goldcrest, 14 Blackbird, 8 Fieldfare, 65 Redwing,
12 Song Thrush,
98 Robin,
2 Redstart, Dunnock, Grey Wagtail, 84 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(Leogh), 3 Chaffinch, Brambling,
60 Twite, 4 'Mealy Redpoll', Snow
Year List: 208
Other wildlife:
2 Harbour Porpoise off South Light; the first land-based sightings since
Saturday 17th October 2020
Weather: Fresh
NW wind, mostly bright but some showers.
A feeling of a clear out, with little signs of movement.
Short-toed Lark: still around Haa and South
Dusky Warbler: one still around Leogh
Little Auk: one past South Light
Hawfinch: the ringed female again at
Great Tit: at least two still present
Velvet Scoter: still in Furse
Other sightings:
83 Greylag Goose, 56 Pink-footed Goose, 52 Wigeon, 2 Teal, 3 Red-breasted
Merganser, 5 Woodpigeon, 16 Golden Plover, Dunlin, 7 Purple Sandpiper, Woodcock,
3 Jack Snipe,
58 Snipe, 13 'blue' Fulmar, 2 Grey Heron, 2 Merlin, Peregrine,
72 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 15 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
3 Blackcap,
6 Goldcrest, 23 Blackbird, 9 Fieldfare, 134 Redwing, 9 Song Thrush,
114 Robin,
Redstart, Grey Wagtail, 86 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(Burkle), 3 Chaffinch, 5 Brambling,
83 Twite, 3 'Mealy Redpoll', 3 Goldfinch, 6 Lapland Bunting, Snow
Year List: 208
Other wildlife:
9 Risso's Dolphin (6, including two calves, off Dronger and 3 off Meoness)
Friday 16th October 2020
Weather: Fairly
light NNE wind, grey with occasional showers early on.
Very few new birds, although still a nice selection and those things that
did arrive were again quite interesting!
Red-flanked Bluetail: one in the Gully was
later trapped and appeared to be a different individual to the Jivvy Geo bird
from a couple of days ago
Red-breasted Flycatcher: one in Swarzie
RED-THROATED PIPIT: one still around Quoy
Short-toed Lark: still on Meoness,
although elusive
Dusky Warbler: one at Upper Leogh was
presumably the same roaming individual
Bluethroat: still present at Lower
Yellow-browed Warbler:
one in Boini Mire
Glaucous Gull: 1cy Easter Lother
Chiffchaff': 13
Great Tit: at least three still present
Velvet Scoter:
one still in Furse
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 55 Pink-footed Goose, 41 Wigeon, 4 Teal, 6 Woodpigeon, 4
Water Rail (Gully, Schoolhouse, Lower Stoneybrek and Setter),
Lapwing, Golden Plover, Purple Sandpiper, Woodcock,
5 Jack Snipe,
85 Snipe, 2 Short-eared Owl, 3 Merlin, Peregrine, 81 Skylark, 2 Swallow, 28 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
5 Blackcap,
2 Lesser
Whitethroat, 16 Goldcrest, 36 Blackbird, 16 Fieldfare, 86 Redwing, 12 Song Thrush,
131 Robin,
2 Redstart, 4 Wheatear, 2 Dunnock,
47 Meadow Pipit, 12 Chaffinch, 2 Brambling,
58 Twite, 'Mealy Redpoll', Goldfinch (Haa), 2 Lapland Bunting, 3 Snow
Bunting, Yellowhammer (Haa), Reed Bunting.
Year List: 208
Other wildlife:
4+ Risso's Dolphin off South Light
Thursday 15th October 2020
a fresh or moderate NNW wind, regular showers but some sunny spells.
Not stacks of new birds (although a few species recorded their highest
totals for a few days), but a continuation of the recent theme of rarities
turning up regardless. Good, fun birding!
BROWN SHRIKE: an absolute belter of a bird,
found out on the ridge between North and South Naaversgill before heading to the
cliffs and not being seen again. The third for Fair Isle following records on
21st October 2000 (the second for the UK at the time) and 13th October 2019
still present around Quoy
Dusky Warbler:
records at Field Ditch and Walli Burn were assumed to be the same bird
as was seen at Shirva yesterday (a slightly unusual movement today, but unless
photographs can show any differences, it will be assumed to be the same
Short-toed Lark: one at Meoness was the second of the year following
one in May
Little Bunting:
the ringed bird still at Boini Mire
one still around Lower Stoneybrek
the ringed female was at Springfield
Yellow-browed Warbler:
one at North Shirva
Chiffchaff':12 (including two trapped)
Great Tit:at
least two still present
Velvet Scoter: still in Furse
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 61 Pink-footed Goose, 51 Wigeon, Teal, Long-tailed Duck (male
past South Light), 7 Woodpigeon, 2 Water Rail (one still using the Schoolhouse
pond and one trapped in the Gully),
2 Lapwing, 19 Golden Plover, Purple Sandpiper, Little Stint (Muckle Uri Geo),
4 Jack Snipe,
90 Snipe, 25 'blue' Fulmar (24 past South Light and one off
Buness; the highest count of this colour morph since 2016),
Sooty Shearwater (past South Light; the first of the month), 2 Short-eared Owl,
3 Merlin, 2 Peregrine, 65 Skylark, 3 Swallow, 3
Willow Warbler, 32 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
Grasshopper Warbler (Boini Mire), 6 Blackcap,
2 Lesser
Whitethroat, 25 Goldcrest, 66 Blackbird, 28 Fieldfare,
174 Redwing, 15 Song Thrush,
Spotted Flycatcher (still in South Harbour), 155 Robin,
4 Redstart, 2 Whinchat, 6 Wheatear, Dunnock,
Grey Wagtail, 67 Meadow Pipit,
Tree Pipit, 7 Chaffinch, 14 Brambling,
66 Twite, 5 'Mealy Redpoll', Goldfinch (over
Midway; first of the autumn), Siskin, Lapland Bunting (Barkland), 7 Snow
Year List: 208
Other wildlife:
4+ Risso's
Dolphin (off South Light)
Wednesday 14th October 2020
a fresh NE wind, cloudy.
The Good Shepherd (now on its winter timetable of one sailing a week) made up
for its lack of sailing yesterday, planes ran to schedule and the team carried
on with daily census and a few odd jobs. Not many new birds in, but it feels
like it's stepped up a notch or two on the rarity scale; the Chiffchaffs are
getting more eastern and the birds that did turn up included a healthy
proportion of good ones, including a couple of new rarities (even if Bluetail is
technically a scarcity now, it still feels wrong to refer to it as such). Also, it was
nice to be birding in dry conditions without it blowing a hooly, so a pleasant
day all round.
Dusky Warbler:
the 21st for Fair Isle was found at Shirva before heading up towards Midway (exactly a year after the 20th for Fair Isle was found at Shirva!)
Red-flanked Bluetail:
one found in Jivvy Geo showed very well at times, the 23rd record for
Fair Isle
(14 of them having occured since 2014)
the elusive bird reappeared at Quoy
Little Bunting:
a ringed bird in Boini Mire
one still at Lower Stoneybrek, one at the Meadow Burn area and one seen at Koolin later in the day
female trapped at the Obs
Yellow-browed Warbler:
one at Chapel Brae
Chiffchaff': 7 (highest count of the year so far)
Great Tit: at
least three still present (one of which became a tick for
the South Light stick!)
Velvet Scoter: the second of the
year was in Furse
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 57 Pink-footed Goose, 55 Wigeon, 2 Teal, Red-breasted Merganser,
7 Woodpigeon, 2 Water Rail (Gully and Schoolhouse),
2 Lapwing, 19 Golden Plover, Knot, 9 Purple Sandpiper, Little Stint (Muckle Uri Geo),
7 Jack Snipe,
66 Snipe, 5 'blue' Fulmar (all off the south coast),
Short-eared Owl, 2 Merlin, 62 Skylark, 4 Swallow, Willow Warbler, 35 Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds),
2 Blackcap, 3 Lesser
Whitethroat, 10 Goldcrest,
32 Blackbird, 33 Fieldfare, 84 Redwing, 13 Song Thrush,
Spotted Flycatcher (South Harbour), 145 Robin,
Redstart (Skadan), Whinchat, Wheatear, Dunnock, 97 Meadow Pipit,
12 Chaffinch, 13 Brambling,
67 Twite, Linnet, 'Mealy Redpoll', Siskin, Lapland Bunting
(South Light stick!), 3 Snow Bunting,
Yellowhammer (male, Midway), 4 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 207
Tuesday 13th October 2020
A fairly strong NE wind, largely bright with sunny spells and the occasional
light shower.
A quiet day on census, still plenty birds to see, but a lack of much feeling of
new arrivals.
Little Bunting:
one trapped and ringed in the Vaadal (the fifth of the autumn to be
ringed, showing what a good season it has been for this species)
again at Lower Stoneybrek
Yellow-browed Warbler:
2; singles still at Lower Stoneybrek and Skadan
Great Tit:
Other sightings:
133 Greylag Goose, 51 Pink-footed Goose, 47 Wigeon, 5 Teal, 2 Red-breasted Merganser,
2 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Ringing Hut Mire),
Lapwing, 19 Golden Plover, Knot, Dunlin, Little Stint (Muckle Uri Geo), 7 Jack Snipe,
49 Snipe, 2 Grey Heron, Merlin, 92 Skylark, 5 Swallow, Willow Warbler, 19
Chiffchaff (not including the tristis birds), Blackcap, 2 Lesser
Whitethroat, 12 Goldcrest,
18 Blackbird, 14 Fieldfare, 198 Redwing, 19 Song Thrush, 121 Robin,
2 Redstart, Whinchat, 3 Wheatear, 3 Dunnock, 72 Meadow Pipit, 11 Chaffinch, 5 Brambling,
76 Twite, Siskin,
2 Lapland Bunting, 7 Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting.
Year List: 205
Monday 12th October 2020
calm at first, with a light variable wind freshening slightly from the NE.
Largely damp all day, with drizzle and rain in various states of heaviness.
A miserable day weather wise and it seems like there has been a continued clear
out of most species. We keep plodding on though, as it always comes good again
eventually and there are enough birds still turning up just a short sea crossing
away (in all directions!) to keep the hope flickering...
Little Bunting:
one at the Obs in the morning
Yellow-browed Warbler: one at Busta
Little Auk:
one feeding close in to the beach at South Haven
Chiffchaff': 2; singles at Midway and Skadan
Great Tit:
2; one still at Schoolhouse
and another at Quoy
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 332 Greylag Goose, 36 Pink-footed Goose, 4 Whooper Swan (2 adults and 2 juveniles),
66 Wigeon, 6 Teal,
5 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 5 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Schoolhouse),
2 Lapwing,
Grey Plover (Buness), Knot (first of the
month), 2 Dunlin, 2 Woodcock, 12 Jack Snipe,
100 Snipe, 38 Common Gull, 'Viking Gull' (an apparent Glaucous
x Herring Gull hybrid at South Light), 3 'blue' Fulmar
(past South Light), 3 Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl (Gilsetter),
3 Merlin, 86 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 37 Chiffchaff
(not including the 2 tristis birds), 4 Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat (South
Harbour), 23 Goldcrest,
12 Blackbird, 108 Fieldfare, 99 Redwing, 22 Song Thrush, 150 Robin,
2 Redstart, 4 Whinchat, 2 Wheatear, Dunnock, Grey Wagtail,
84 Meadow Pipit, 7 Chaffinch, 6 Brambling, 149 Twite, 'Mealy Redpoll', 3
Lesser Redpoll, 2 Siskin,
Lapland Bunting, 10 Snow Bunting, 2 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 205
Other wildlife:
Risso's Dolphin went west past South Light in the afternoon
Sunday 11th October 2020
NNW wnd easing, sunny with showers, some heavy and prolonged.
RED-THROATED PIPIT: still present around
Schoolton and Quoy, although elusive
Little Bunting:
two (both unringed birds) in Boini Mire
still around Vaila's Trees
Great Tit:
one still at Schoolhouse
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 86 Greylag Goose, 36 Wigeon, 2 Teal,
Long-tailed Duck (one in Muckle Geo then later in South Haven),
Common Scoter (one past South Light), 2 Red-breasted Merganser,
Water Rail (Haa), Little Stint (Da Water then Muckle Uri Geo), 2 Purple
Sandpiper, 4 Grey Heron (South Harbour), Short-eared Owl, Merlin (female,
Gilsetter), Peregrine (adult female, Malcolm's Head), 4 Swallow, 35 Chiffchaff,
2 Lesser Whitethroat, Fieldfare, 120 Redwing, 2 Redstart, 3 Whinchat, 12 Brambling,
'Mealy Redpoll'.
Year List: 205
Saturday 10th October 2020
NNW breeze, cool at first with cloudy patches but largely sunny later.
A good day for Sheep Hill (although the sheep didn't think so, so there was
a lot of running around Ward Hill, Dronger and Lerness this morning!), less than
ideal conditions for migration, but that didn't stop a couple of quality BB
rares turning up. Also, is that some easterlies in the forecast for next week we
see?... We're due a visit from the FIBOT Chairman soon, so hopefully he'll bring
us some luck as well! You've got to love autumn on Fair Isle, and it's got a
while to go yet.
SIBERIAN STONECHAT: one at Midway then the
Boini Mire area, a dropping was collected which it is hoped will provide a DNA
sample to confirm the species identity
RED-THROATED PIPIT: a smart adult at
Schoolton; 93rd record for Fair Isle
Little Bunting:
one still around Boini Mire
and Midway
still around Lower Stoneybrek
Yellow-browed Warbler:
4; singles at Boini Mire, Mid Geo, Vaila's Trees and Chapel
Great Spotted Woodpecker:
one still roaming the crofts
'Northern Bullfinch':
female still at the Obs
Great Tit: three still
Siberian Chiffchaff: one in South Harbour
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 34 Greylag Goose, 71 Pink-footed Goose, 8 Whooper Swan (2
families of 2 adults and 2 juveniles each landed in South Harbour), 51 Wigeon, 5 Teal,
2 Red-breasted Merganser, 5 Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Sheep Cru), 2 Lapwing,
Grey Plover (Buness), 2 Ruff, 3 Dunlin, Little Stint (Da Water), Woodcock,
13 Jack Snipe,
69 Snipe, 3 Grey Heron, 2 Merlin, 73 Skylark, 2 Swallow,
64 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat (Vaadal), 28 Goldcrest,
16 Blackbird, 2 Fieldfare, 104 Redwing, 21 Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush
(Malcolm's Head), 205 Robin, 3 Redstart, 6 Whinchat, 7 Wheatear, 7 Dunnock, Grey Wagtail,
2 'White Wagtail', 95
Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit (South Harbour), 8 Chaffinch, 15 Brambling, 39 Twite, 3 Linnet,
2 'Mealy Redpoll', 2 Siskin,
9 Lapland Bunting, 7 Snow Bunting, 6 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 205
Other wildlife:
Sheep, lots of sheep!
Friday 9th October 2020
Weather: calm
at first with a NW wind developing. Rain at first, some heavy and prolonged,
then a dry afternoon with sunny spells
Census revealed a largely similar spread of species, with most showing reduced
numbers from yesterday. There were still plenty of scarcities around though,
including a couple of new arrivals, whilst the day's big excitement was an
extremely big bird indeed.
Springfield (presumed to be the lingering bird)
White-tailed Eagle: an adult left Sumburgh Head at around 1305hrs and
was seen off Buness at 1330hrs before wandering up and down the Isle (making
it onto several house lists and becoming possibly the most twitched bird of the
year!) then apparently leaving high to the SW at around 1515hrs.
The 17th record since a reintroduction attempt in 1968
Red-breasted Flycatcher:
one at
Klinger's Geo was presumed to have moved up the Isle to Lower
Stoneybrek and Schoolhouse
Little Bunting:
3; Obs, Chalet and North Shirva
Bluethroat: one
around Lower Stoneybrek and Vaila's Trees
Yellow-browed Warbler: 5;
singles at Plantation, Burkle and Swarzi and two around Lower Stoneybrek
Great Spotted Woodpecker: adult female at Skadan then touring the
various feeders of the Isle (second of the year following a
record in July)
'Northern Bullfinch': female still at Obs
the ringed male still roaming the crofts
Great Tit: 3; one
at the Plantation still and two at Burkle,
one of which was trapped and ringed (the fourth of the autumn to be ringed)
Other sightings:
253 Barnacle Goose, 202 Greylag Goose,
131 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Whooper Swan (family of 2
adult and 4 juveniles went south), Shoveler (Easter Lother Water), 80
Wigeon, 7 Teal,
4 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Woodpigeon, 2 Water Rail (Gilsetter
and one dead at Chalet), 20 Golden Plover,
2 Ruff, 4 Dunlin, Little Stint (Da Water), Woodcock,
20 Jack Snipe,
101 Snipe, Red-throated Diver (past South
Light), Great Northern Diver (past South Light), Grey Heron,
2 Short-eared Owl,
Kestrel, 3 Merlin, Peregrine, 180 Skylark, 4 Swallow,
House Martin, 2 Willow Warbler, 39 Chiffchaff, 17 Blackcap, 38 Goldcrest,
2 Ring Ouzel, 20 Blackbird,
Fieldfare, 93 Redwing, 67 Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush (Malcolm's
Head), 201 Robin, 3 Redstart, 2 Whinchat, 5 Wheatear, 3 Dunnock, 3 Grey Wagtail,
149 Meadow Pipit, 9 Chaffinch, 36 Brambling, 127 Twite, 2 Linnet, 'North-western
Redpoll' (Mast), 4 Siskin,
6 Lapland Bunting, 7 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 203
Thursday 8th October 2020
fresh or moderate W or NW wind, cloudy with some brighter spells and some
showers before a largely sunny afternoon.
Much of a muchness in terms of 'plenty birds around, a couple new scarce birds,
no real big rarities and the feeling that there's still something out there!
what was presumed to be the lingering bird was at South Light then South Green
Little Bunting:
singles at Field Ditch, Lower Leogh, Boini Mire/Midway and Haa
Citrine Wagtail:
still in the ditch just south of Setter
one at Lower Leogh then Vaila's Trees (the second of the autumn)
Common Rosefinch:
one still around Schoolhouse
Yellow-browed Warbler:
4; Setter,
Plantation, Boini Mire, North
Glaucous Gull: 1cy in gull roost in
'Northern Bullfinch':
female still at the Obs
one still at Burkle
Great Tit: 2; one still around Burkle
(where it was ringed)
and another ringed in the Plantation
Easter Lother Water still
Other sightings:
2 'Pale-bellied Brent Goose' (Muckle Uri Geo),
Barnacle Goose, 17 Greylag Goose, 94 Pink-footed Goose,
2 Gadwall (pair on Golden Water; second record of the
year), 62 Wigeon, 10 Teal,
4 Red-breasted Merganser, Woodpigeon, Water Rail (Boini Mire), 8 Golden Plover,
132 Turnstone, 3 Ruff, 4 Dunlin, Little Stint, Woodcock,
20 Jack Snipe,
105 Snipe, Common Sandpiper, 2 'blue' Fulmar (past South Light), Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl,
Merlin, Peregrine, 191 Skylark, 5 Swallow,
House Martin, 2 Willow Warbler, 88 Chiffchaff, Grasshopper Warbler (Boini Mire - not all October
locustellas are rare ones!), 17 Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat
62 Goldcrest,
Ring Ouzel, 23 Blackbird,
9 Fieldfare, 236 Redwing, 202 Song Thrush, Spotted Flycatcher,
285 Robin, 9 Redstart, 3 Whinchat, Stonechat,
6 Wheatear, 8 Dunnock, 5 Grey Wagtail, 2 'White Wagtail', 128 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit (Vaila's Trees),
15 Chaffinch,
100 Brambling, 124 Twite, 3 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll', 10 Siskin,
6 Lapland Bunting, 8 Snow Bunting, 6 Reed Bunting.
Other wildlife:
Risso's Dolphin: four off South Light.
Year List: 203
Wednesday 7th October 2020
Weather: a
freshening NW wind, some low cloud and drizzle, especially in the morning.
Another day with plenty of birds, another addition to the year list, but no big
rarities (despite them being all around us!). It happens sometimes, but with
another pre-dawn to dusk effort from the team it feels like they should have had
a few more rewards! Maybe it's just one of those years where it isn't going to
quite happen for us, maybe we'll get a few bits in the coming days or maybe
we're saving up for something mind-blowing! The birding today was interesting,
with fewer thrushes and a clear movement of things off the west cliffs and onto
the crofts and the south coast.
Little Bunting: 4; singles at Furse, Vaadal
(the fourth of the year to be ringed, which is the most ever trapped in a year
on Fair Isle), South Harbour/Chapel Brae and North Shirva/Boini Mire
Citrine Wagtail:
again around Setter
Common Rosefinch: sightings at
Schoolhouse, Midway and Field probably all referred to the same
Hawfinch: one still present in the crofts
Yellow-browed Warbler:
4; Meadow Burn, Skadan, Lower Stoneybrek and North Shirva
'Northern Bullfinch': a female trapped at the Obs
was the first record since 2018
'Siberian Chiffchaff': 2 at
Kirki Geo
Great Tit: 3; two around Schoolhouse in the morning with one still at Burkle. One in the
Plantation may have been one of the School birds, or could possibly have been a
new individual.
Blue Tit: one at Brecks was a new arrival,
with the Lower Leogh bird found dead earlier in the day
Grebe: still on Easter Lother
Other sightings:
2 'Pale-bellied Brent Goose' (west past South Harbour; first of
the autumn),
Barnacle Goose, 31 Greylag Goose, 63 Pink-footed Goose,
Shoveler (Easter Lother Water), 36 Wigeon, 13 Teal,
Red-breasted Merganser, 10 Woodpigeon, Water Rail
(Hill Dyke), 7 Lapwing, 22 Golden Plover, Grey Plover (over Homisdale),
155 Turnstone, 9 Dunlin, Little Stint (Da Water), 4 Woodcock,
17 Jack Snipe,
127 Snipe, Common Sandpiper (Utra), Cormorant,
2 Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl, 2 Kestrel, 2 Peregrine, 157 Skylark, 3 Swallow,
House Martin, 3 Willow Warbler, 83 Chiffchaff (not including
the tristis birds), 54 Blackcap, 2 Lesser Whitethroat,
73 Goldcrest,
4 Ring Ouzel, 30 Blackbird,
Fieldfare, 549 Redwing, 337 Song Thrush, 3 Spotted Flycatcher,
394 Robin, 12 Redstart, 3 Whinchat, Stonechat,
8 Wheatear, 6 Dunnock, 2 Grey Wagtail, 164 Meadow Pipit, 13 Chaffinch,
95 Brambling,
119 Twite, 3 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser
Redpoll, 17 Siskin, 7 Lapland Bunting, 10 Snow Bunting, 7 Reed Bunting.
Other wildlife:
Risso's Dolphin: four lingering off the south coast.
Year List: 203
Tuesday 6th October 2020
a strong ENE wind easing through the day. Some heavy, prolonged showers in the
morning, early afternoon and late evening, although most of the afternoon was
rather pleasant, with some sunshine.
The conditions became unbirdable at times, but as it cleared there were clearly
birds in, with the west cliffs littered with migrants. The year list was boosted
by three species, although there was still a lack of new 'rarities' (despite all
the year ticks being decent Fair Isle birds!). It's great birding when there are
falls like this, although the Isle feels very large and it's frustrating on days
like this when there are some ditches that we just don't have enough time and
people to get around!
Citrine Wagtail: still present, returning to the
field below Setter
Little Bunting: 3; singles in the Walli
Burn, Haa and Boini Mire
Common Rosefinch: one again at
Hawfinch: a mobile indivdual around the crofts
Yellow-browed Warbler:
3; singles at Lower Stoneybrek, Shalstane and Dog Geo
Great Tit:
3; one in the Quoy/Burkle area with two at Chalet later in the day. The
56th-58th individuals for Fair Isle, the first record since spring 2017 and the
highest count since autumn 2012
Blue Tit: one at Lower
Leogh, the 27th individual for the Isle (and first since 2018), with 15 of these
having occured since 2012
Shorelark: one flew from the grass
above Dog Geo and was later seen over Quoy (first of the year)
Grebe: still present on Easter Lother
Other sightings:
50 Barnacle Goose, 21 Greylag Goose, 81 Pink-footed Goose,
2 Shoveler (still roaming the Isle), 57 Wigeon, 51 Teal,
Red-breasted Merganser, 7 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove (Haa; first
since July), 6 Lapwing, 13 Golden Plover, Grey Plover (Buness then Shalstane),
197 Turnstone, 3 Ruff,
7 Dunlin, Little Stint (still on Da Water), 29 Jack Snipe,
139 Snipe, Common Sandpiper (Utra), Cormorant,
2 Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl, 2 Kestrel, Peregrine, 169 Skylark, Sand
Martin, 6 Swallow, 5 Willow Warbler, 55 Chiffchaff, 41 Blackcap,
3 Lesser Whitethroat, 211 Goldcrest,
10 Ring Ouzel, 53 Blackbird,
8 Fieldfare, 833 Redwing, 463 Song Thrush, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 351
Robin, 10 Redstart, 3 Whinchat, 2 Stonechat,
17 Wheatear, 10 Dunnock, 230 Meadow Pipit, 34 Chaffinch,
90 Brambling,
64 Twite, Linnet, 'North-western Redpoll' (School Brae), Lesser
Redpoll, 19 Siskin, 5 Lapland Bunting, 15 Snow Bunting,
16 Reed Bunting.
Other wildlife:
of seven animals moved south down the west coast, apparently fishing as they did
Year List: 202
Monday 5th October 2020
strong or moderate ENE wind, largely bright with some cloudy spells.
Sheep Hill in the morning was assisted by the wardening team as usual and a busy
day of birds followed. There were obviously one or two new birds, although the
increase in some species may well have related to the improved conditions making
birds more visible.
reappeared at Brecks
RUSTIC BUNTING: the ringed bird still
present in Da Water
Citrine Wagtail: relocated on Da Water
Little Bunting: 4; two at Haa (including a ringed bird) and
singles at Setter and Schoolhouse
Common Rosefinch:
one briefly at Schoolhouse
one trapped at Burkle
Yellow-browed Warbler:
still on Easter Lother Water
Other sightings:
45 Barnacle Goose, 74 Greylag Goose, 146 Pink-footed Goose,
2 Shoveler, 48 Wigeon, Pintail, 28 Teal,
Tufted Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, 6 Woodpigeon, 3 Water Rail, 6 Lapwing, 40 Golden Plover, Grey Plover (South
Light), 139 Turnstone, 3 Ruff,
11 Dunlin, Little Stint (Da Water), 2 Woodcock, 18 Jack Snipe, 75 Snipe,
Red-throated Diver (North Haven), 2 Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl, 4 Kestrel, Merlin,
149 Skylark, 5 Swallow, House Martin, 4 Willow Warbler,
20 Chiffchaff, 107 Blackcap,
Lesser Whitethroat, 36 Goldcrest,
3 Ring Ouzel, 42 Blackbird,
9 Fieldfare, 1010 Redwing, 649 Song Thrush, Mistle
Thrush, Spotted Flycatcher, 248 Robin, 7 Redstart, 3 Whinchat, 2 Stonechat,
11 Wheatear, 9 Dunnock, 2 Grey Wagtail, 333 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit,
17 Chaffinch, 66 Brambling,
81 Twite, 4 'Mealy Redpoll', 4 Siskin, 2 Lapland Bunting,
17 Snow Bunting,
15 Reed Bunting.
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral (Bull's Park)
Year List: 199
Sunday 4th October 2020
Weather: a
strong ENE wind throughout. Cloudy, with some prolonged showers in the morning
and again in the later afternoon.
Still plenty birds to look through, but still somewhat hampered by the weather
(although there was still full census again and a good deal more birding
besides). We get sunshine and an easing wind tomorrow hopefully (and the first
autumn round up of the Hill Sheep - which traditionally coincides with a big
RUSTIC BUNTING: still in Boini Mire
Little Bunting: 3; one still in Boini Mire, with two at the Haa
(including the bird ringed in the Vaadal yesterday)
one at Auld Haa
Yellow-browed Warbler: just one, at Burkle
Grebe: still present, although had made the short commute to Easter Lother Water
Other sightings:
552 Barnacle Goose (gathered on Meoness in the evening),
66 Greylag Goose (highest count so far this autumn), 110 Pink-footed Goose,
60 Wigeon, 49 Teal, Tufted Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, Woodpigeon, Water Rail
(ringed in the Vaadal), 6 Lapwing, 15 Golden Plover,
Grey Plover (heard in a couple of locations over the Isle), Ruff,
10 Dunlin, Little Stint (relocated on Da Water), 3
Woodcock, 18 Jack Snipe, 59 Snipe,
Red-throated Diver (South Harbour), Short-eared Owl, 5 Kestrel, Merlin,
Peregrine, 115 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 10 Chiffchaff, 37 Blackcap,
Lesser Whitethroat (Haa), Whitethroat, 55 Goldcrest,
5 Ring Ouzel, 40 Blackbird, 9 Fieldfare,
898 Redwing, 537 Song Thrush, 2 Spotted Flycatcher
(Loangie), 229 Robin, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 8 Redstart, 4 Whinchat,
3 Stonechat,
9 Wheatear, 6 Dunnock, 219 Meadow Pipit, 3 Tree Pipit,
24 Chaffinch, 68 Brambling,
100 Twite, 3 Siskin, 4 Lapland Bunting, 5 Snow Bunting,
12 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 199
Saturday 3rd October 2020
Weather: SE
becoming more E strong throughout, showery (some heavy), with prolonged rain for
a spell in the afternoon. Low cloud over the North for a lot of the day.
A day that felt impacted by weather, with counts likely to have been affected. A
couple of new bits (including another year tick though). Notwithstanding the
weather, there did seem to have been a genuine decrease in most species.
Tomorrow also looks windy and wet, but the start of next week may be a bit more
RUSTIC BUNTING: the ringed bird still at Boini Mire.
Little Bunting: 2; singles at Vaadal (trapped and ringed) and Boini
Mire area.
Citrine Wagtail:
again at Setter
Barred Warbler:
Hjukni Geo
Common Rosefinch: Quoy
Yellow-browed Warbler:
'Siberian Chiffchaff':
Hesti Geo
still on Golden Water
Other sightings:
160 Barnacle Goose, 13 Greylag Goose, 105 Pink-footed Goose,
68 Wigeon, 36 Teal, 3 Red-breasted Merganser, Stock
Dove (Malcolm's Head; the first of the year and first autumn record
since 2011), 7 Woodpigeon, 3 Water Rail, 4 Lapwing, 34 Golden Plover,
2 Ruff, 7 Dunlin, Woodcock, 15 Jack Snipe, 99 Snipe, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull,
2 Short-eared Owl, 2 Kestrel, Merlin,
132 Skylark, 3 Swallow, 5 Willow Warbler,
16 Chiffchaff (not including the 'Siberian' bird),
66 Blackcap, 62 Goldcrest,
30 Blackbird,
646 Redwing, 693 Song Thrush, 216 Robin, 2 Redstart, 2 Whinchat, Stonechat,
12 Wheatear, Dunnock, 3 Grey Wagtail, 252 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit,
24 Chaffinch, 50 Brambling,
128 Twite, 2 'Mealy Redpoll', Lesser Redpoll, 24 Siskin, 4 Lapland Bunting, 5 Snow Bunting,
13 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 199
Other wildlife: the
large unidentifed bat was at Quoy in the evening
Friday 2nd October 2020
gale-force SE winds overnight eased rapidly to a fresh breeze during the day.
Rain cleared early on and the sun shone in the afternoon.
My word, that was quite a day. As is often the way when large numbers are involved,
there weren't masses of rarities, but that said, there were some cracking
highlights, decent scarcities and some big increases in common migrants (as well
as two additions to the year list). We've not bothered listing 'highest count of
the autumn' for all the species to which it applies below, as it's fairly
obvious for most! It's long days of traps, census and nets for the team at the
moment and they couldn't be happier, with some interesting weather still to
come as well...
BOOTED WARBLER: one briefly at Da Water was
seen at the airstrip, then later at Shirva.
RUSTIC BUNTING: the ringed bird still at Boini Mire.
Little Bunting: 3; singles in Boini Mire/Da Water, Field Ditch and one
trapped in the evening the Obs (with another at the Obs possibly one of the
birds from down the Isle, although it was very possibly a 4th individual).
Citrine Wagtail:
the poorly-marked bird was back at Furse.
Flycatcher: 5; singles at Midway, Schoolton, South Raeva, Steensi
Geo and Shalstane, the joint-highest count for Fair Isle (five were also
recorded on 5th September 1958 and 7th October 1988).
Yellow-browed Warbler: 15; second-highest count of the autumn.
'Siberian Chiffchaff': one trapped in the
Gully; first of the autumn
Grebe: still on Golden Water.
Other sightings:
92 Barnacle Goose (all moving south), 22 Greylag Goose, 132 Pink-footed Goose,
30 Wigeon, Pintail (South Harbour; first of
the autumn), 35 Teal, Common Scoter (past
South Light; first since January), Tufted
Duck, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 7 Woodpigeon, Slavonian Grebe (off South
Light then Hesti Geo), 4 Lapwing, 34 Golden Plover,
Grey Plover (one over Gilsetter was later relocated at Sprittery Hol;
first of the year), Little Stint (Easter Lother Water; first of
the year and first October record since 2006), 2 Woodcock
(first of the month),
27 Jack Snipe, 91 Snipe, 7 Grey Heron, 2
Short-eared Owl, 3 Kestrel, Merlin,
2 Peregrine, 185 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 8 Willow Warbler,
30 Chiffchaff (not including the 'Siberian' bird),
3 Reed Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler (trapped
at Burkle), 301 Blackcap (the second-highest ever Fair Isle
count, with only an astounding 1,000 on 21st September 1981 being larger),
6 Garden Warbler, 4 Lesser Whitethroat,
Whitethroat, 191 Goldcrest (the highest count since 2016),
7 Ring Ouzel, 31 Blackbird,
3 Fieldfare, 850 Redwing, 468 Song Thrush,
Mistle Thrush (first of the autumn), 2 Spotted
Flycatcher (first since 31st August), 248 Robin, 2
Pied Flycatcher, 18 Redstart (only two singles
this autumn prior to today), 7 Whinchat, 2 Stonechat,
4 'White Wagtail' (and 4 alba wagtails), 21 Wheatear, 350 Meadow Pipit, 2
Tree Pipit, 40 Chaffinch, 63 Brambling,
58 Twite, 'Mealy Redpoll', 'North-western Redpoll' (Boini Mire), 29
Siskin, 6 Lapland Bunting, 4 Snow Bunting, 12
Reed Bunting.
Year List: 198
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral (Haa; first record since 16th September)
Thursday 1st October 2020
Weather: a
light or moderate SE that increased during the day. Rain at first, then cloudy
before rain set in after lunch and remained heavy for the afternoon.
A great day, with a lot of variety including several new arrivals. Census was
slightly delayed by early rain and unfortunately conditions became pretty
horrible earlier than forecast. We're hoping tomorrow will be drier as there is
definitely more to be found.
WHITE'S THRUSH: one at Wirvie Burn saw the
species returned to their recent tradition of occurrences in the North census
area. Photographs appeared to confirm that this was not the
same as the individual on 26th September. There is a previous year with multiple
records, with three recorded in 2008 (including two on 1st October that year).
2; the lingering bird still at Boini Mire and an unringed bird at Utra; the
first year with more than one autumn occurence since 2001.
HORNEMANN'S ARCTIC REDPOLL: sightings at the Plantation in the morning
and Schoolhouse in the afternoon were probably the same bird,
which was presumed to be one of the lingering individuals.
Crake: one showed well in Gilsetter before disappearing; the 52nd
record for Fair Isle and first since 2016.
Citrine Wagtail:
one flew south over Da Water in the morning.
Flycatcher: one on the cliffs at South Raeva; the second of the autumn.
Common Rosefinch: two at Quoy.
Hawfinch: one at
Yellow-browed Warbler: 5
Grebe: still present on Golden Water
Other sightings:
37 Barnacle Goose (south over Furse; first of the autumn), 52
Greylag Goose, 62 Pink-footed Goose, 15 Wigeon, 25 Teal, Tufted
Duck (male still on Da Water), Red-breasted Merganser, Water Rail (Gilsetter),
Slavonian Grebe (the second of the autumn was in South
Harbour), 66 Golden Plover, 213 Turnstone, 3 Ruff,
13 Jack Snipe, 141 Snipe, Kestrel, Merlin,
Peregrine (adult male), 178 Skylark, 5 Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff,
Reed Warbler (Field Ditch), 43 Blackcap,
Garden Warbler (Burkle), Lesser Whitethroat,
Whitethroat, 2 Goldcrest, 5 Ring Ouzel, 18 Blackbird,
2 Fieldfare, 208 Redwing, 96 Song Thrush, 4
Robin, Stonechat,
17 Wheatear, 317 Meadow Pipit, 7 Chaffinch, 24 Brambling,
99 Twite, 'North-western Redpoll', 2 Lesser Redpoll,
3 Siskin, 2 Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting.
Year List: 196
Wednesday 30th September 2020
a strong SSE wind, reaching gale-force at times, with light rain on and off
during the morning then heavy rain from mid-afternoon.
A difficult day for birding, although there were a few birds coming in.
Excitement mounting with the forecast though...
RUSTIC BUNTING: one still around Boini Mire
then Stackhoull
Citrine Wagtail: one briefly at Setter was presumed to be yesterday's
bird from Furse
Yellow-browed Warbler: 5
Grebe: one at Golden Water (which could be remarkably elusive
considering it's a small water body with virtually no cover) was the first
record since 2017 and only the 43rd for Fair Isle.
Other sightings:
109 Pink-footed Goose, 9 Wigeon, 15 Teal, Tufted Duck (male, Da
Water), 2 Long-tailed Duck
(males in South Harbour; first of the autumn), Red-breasted Merganser,
Woodpigeon (first of the month), Water Rail (Gully),
24 Golden Plover, 3 Ruff,
11 Jack Snipe, 89 Snipe, Red-throated Diver,
Great Northern Diver,2 Kestrel, Merlin,
220 Skylark, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat,
3 Goldcrest, Ring Ouzel, 7 Blackbird,
Fieldfare, 72 Redwing, 131 Song Thrush, Redstart (male Obs; the
first Redstart to arrive this September), Whinchat, Stonechat,
12 Wheatear, 2 alba wagtail, 324 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(North Krojeals),
58 Rock Pipit, 2 Chaffinch, 9 Brambling, 101 Twite, 4 Redpoll sp?,
2 Siskin, 3 Lapland Bunting,
4 Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting.
Year List: 195
Other wildlife:
Dolphin: at least three moved slowly west past Green Holm
Tuesday 29th September 2020
SW2-3, a calm, pleasant and sunny day.
Another year without a birthday lifer for the Warden (it appeared to have gone
to Yell instead!), but a lovely day to be out and about on the Isle. Plenty
still to look at, but not too much new to report.
2 still around Brecks (one of which spent the previous night in a box
recuperating after stunning itself against a window, but which was none the
worse for its encounter the following day)
RUSTIC BUNTING: the ringed individual reappeared at Shirva
Citrine Wagtail: one (a rather weakly-marked individual) at Furse
before flying North
Little Bunting:
Wirvie Geo
Yellow-browed Warbler: 13
Other sightings:
107 Pink-footed Goose, 9 Wigeon, 9 Teal,
Lapwing, 25 Golden Plover, Ruff,
10 Jack Snipe, 77 Snipe, Kestrel, Merlin, 218 Skylark, 4 Willow Warbler,
Chiffchaff, 9 Blackcap, 4 Lesser Whitethroat,
Whitethroat (Setter; first of the month), 5 Goldcrest, 12 Blackbird,
64 Redwing, 123 Song Thrush, Robin, Whinchat, Stonechat,
17 Wheatear, 2 Dunnock (first migrants of the autumn), White Wagtail (along
with 5 alba wags), 390 Meadow Pipit,
57 Rock Pipit, 3 Chaffinch, 9 Brambling, 152 Twite, 2 Linnet,
2 Siskin, 3 Lapland Bunting,
10 Snow Bunting, 5 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 194
Monday 28th September 2020
SE3-4, generally dull and overcast with a few light showers.
At last, a fall (of sorts) - so the worst day to be a staff member down due to
sickness (don't worry, nothing serious and all better now!). Great birding and
it finally felt a bit more like Fair Isle in the autumn, with thrushes arriving.
After potential for a couple of quieter days, it looks like it could then get
rather exciting...
Yellow-browed Warbler:
Bluethroat: still in the Obs garden
Other sightings:
103 Pink-footed Goose, 7 Wigeon, 8 Teal, 30 Golden Plover, 127 Turnstone, Knot, 2 Ruff,
10 Jack Snipe, 38 Snipe, Grey Heron, Kestrel, 2 Merlin, 2 Peregrine, 157
Skylark, 3 Willow Warbler, 4 Blackcap, 8 Goldcrest,
3 Ring Ouzel (first of the autumn), 20 Blackbird,
Fieldfare (Gilsetter; first of the autumn), 198
Redwing, 171 Song Thrush, 2 Robin, Pied Flycatcher, Stonechat,
10 Wheatear, 2 White Wagtail (along with Pied and 5 alba wags), 376 Meadow Pipit,
78 Rock Pipit, 5 Chaffinch, 8 Brambling, 43 Twite, Linnet,
Common Redpoll, Lesser
Redpoll, 3 Lapland Bunting,
Snow Bunting, 3 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 194
Sunday 27th September 2020
cool NNE breeze easing to a largely calm day, some sunny spells, but largely
cloudy, occasional patches of low cloud and light drizzle.
A really good day's birding, although sadly the potential biggest bird of the
day went frustratingly unconfirmed (a Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler seen once in
flight by an experienced observer that sadly couldn't be relocated). Plenty to
keep everyone happy though, with a decent selection of new arrivals and some
real hope of more to come. With only one visiting birder at the moment, the Isle
really does feel a big place for thos of us here to cover though!
birds roamed the south of the Isle today, being seen at Midway, Walli Burn,
Brecks and Springfield
RUSTIC BUNTING: still present around the Plantation
Yellow-browed Warbler: 24; the actual number may have been
higher as birds were arriving during the day, with most present in the crofts
Little Bunting: one at Chalet in the evening then flew south
Bluethroat: a 1cy ringed at the Obs at dusk
one at Chalet in the morning
Other sightings:
6 Greylag Goose, 111 Pink-footed Goose, 7 Wigeon, 9 Teal, Red-breasted
Merganser, 55 Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Ruff,
10 Jack Snipe, 69 Snipe, 3 'blue' Fulmar (west
off South Light), 2 Grey Heron, Kestrel, 2 Merlin, 252 Skylark, 3 Willow
Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcap, Garden Warbler
(Lower Leogh), 5 Lesser Whitethroat (highest count of
the autumn), 12 Goldcrest,
4 Blackbird, 11 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, Robin,
Pied Flycatcher (Obs), 4 Whinchat, Stonechat, 14 Wheatear, Dunnock (Obs),
6 White Wagtail (along 3 Pied and 7 alba wags), 491 Meadow Pipit,
70 Rock Pipit, Chaffinch, 6 Brambling, 117 Twite, 9 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll',
'North-western Redpoll' (trapped at Obs), 2 Lesser
Redpoll, 3 Crossbill, 7 Siskin
(highest count of the autumn), 8 Lapland Bunting,
2 Reed Bunting.
Year List: 193
Other wildlife:
Whale: 4, including a large bull, close in off Dronger and North Light
gave good views and proved twitchable
Silver Y: 1
Saturday 26th September 2020
strong (near gale force) NNE wind, sunny spells and dry, although cool.
This wasn't a day that was predicted to bring much. Strong northerly winds
sometimes give the hope of something 'Arctic', so there's always the hope of a
big white bird. After yesterday's big (for a redpoll) white rarity, there was a
'big' White's rarity today (which followed just an hour after the first migrant
Blackbird of the autumn!). Late September on Fair Isle is always an exciting
time, and with a calmer day forecast tomorrow, there's a chance of a bit more
drifty stuff, so let's see whether we can keep up our good run.
WHITE'S THRUSH: Fair Isle's 17th record (with
five of these in the last eight years) was found at the Hill Dyke near Gunnawark
and, after roaming around Hoini a bit, headed into North where it showed well.
HORNEMANN'S ARCTIC REDPOLL: 2; both together and showing well at
Wester Lother.
RUSTIC BUNTING: still present at the Plantation, then near Chalet.
Yellow-browed Warbler: one at Haa
Other sightings:
5 Greylag Goose, 124 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 62 Golden Plover, 3 Ruff,
3 Jack Snipe, 3 Grey Heron, Kestrel, 3 Merlin, 254 Skylark, 4
Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat (an 'eastern' looking bird on the south coast), 3 Goldcrest,
3 Blackbird (including the first two migrants of the autumn), 13
Redwing, Robin, Whinchat, Stonechat (Midway), 17
Wheatear, Dunnock (Obs), 2 White Wagtail (along 7 alba wags), 403 Meadow Pipit,
74 Rock Pipit, Chaffinch, 57 Twite, 5 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll', Siskin, 8 Lapland Bunting,
5 Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting.
Year List: 193
Other wildlife:
Bat sp?: one seen in flight at Upper
Leogh/Nether Taft appeared to be a larger individual than a pipistrelle.
Friday 25th September 2020
a fresh NNW wind, cloudy but dry with the occasional brighter spell and quite
September is rapidly running out of time for any significant fall,
but the unfavourable conditions for easterly vagrants did at least deliver a
decent bird from the west.
individual, which approached observers to one metre at times as it fed in the
grass, at Wester Lother was a real 'snowball'. The 30th record of this
subspecies and 96th Arctic Repoll (there are 55 accepted 'Coues's Arctic
Redpolls') for Fair Isle (if accepted). A typical arrival date
for this subspecies, which is often recorded earlier in the autumn than Coues's.
RUSTIC BUNTING: still around the Vaadal reservoir.
Other sightings:
21 Greylag Goose, 95 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Wigeon, 2 Teal, Red-breasted Merganser, Slavonian Grebe
(North Haven), 31 Golden Plover, 2 Ruff, 3 Jack Snipe, 58 Snipe, 5 Cormorant, 2 Grey Heron, Merlin,
272 Skylark, 4 Willow Warbler, Blackcap,
3 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Goldcrest, 2 Blackbird (summering pair
still present), 4 Redwing, Whinchat, 13 Wheatear, Dunnock (Obs),
Grey Wagtail (Wirvie Burn), 2 White Wagtail (along with Pied and 7 alba wags),
599 Meadow Pipit, 64 Rock Pipit, Chaffinch, 110 Twite, 4 Linnet, 'Mealy Redpoll',
3 Lesser Redpoll, Crossbill (male found at the School by the pupils was later
seen in around the crofts), 8 Lapland Bunting, 3 Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting (a
ringed bird in the Meadow Burn).
Year List: 192
Thursday 24th September 2020
a strong WNW wind, some sunny spells but mostly cloudy.
A few signs of
movement, but generally a quiet day as we still wait for the autumn to really
get going.
RUSTIC BUNTING: still present in the
Yellow-browed Warbler: 2; singles still at Burkle and Lower
Other sightings:
7 Greylag Goose, 131 Pink-footed Goose (mostly lingering birds after yesterday's
passage), 9 Wigeon, 9 Teal, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, Water Rail
(Gully), Slavonian Grebe (North Haven), 49 Golden Plover, 2 Sanderling, Dunlin,
3 Jack Snipe,
69 Snipe, 5 Cormorant, 4 Grey Heron, 2 Kestrel,
2 Merlin,
180 Skylark, 4 Willow Warbler,
3 Blackcap,
2 Lesser Whitethroat (including an 'eastern' bird at Quoy), 3 Goldcrest, 8 Redwing,
Song Thrush (North Raeva), Robin, Pied
Flycatcher (Gully), 3 Whinchat, 29 Wheatear, Dunnock (Obs),
Grey Wagtail, 7 White
Wagtail (along with Pied and 7 alba wags), 480
Meadow Pipit, 76 Rock Pipit, 137 Twite, 3 Linnet, 'Mealy Redpoll' (along with 3 Redpoll sp?),
3 Siskin, 9 Lapland Bunting, 2
Snow Bunting, Reed Bunting (first of the autumn).
Year List: 191
Wednesday 23rd September 2020
a calm start, with the light west wind becoming more NE later. Dry and sunny,
with clear skies; a pleasant day all in all
A lovely drifty feel, with
decent goose passage and some clear increases in several species. Nothing too
rare, but a nice enough day's birding.
RUSTIC BUNTING: still present around the traps
and Gilsetter.
Yellow-browed Warbler: 5 (singles still at
Burkle, Vaila's Trees and Chalet, with presumed new arrivals at Field Ditch and
the Obs).
Common Rosefinch: one still at Quoy.
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, 452 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Wigeon, 15 Teal,
2 Red-breasted Merganser, Slavonian Grebe (North Haven),
2 Lapwing, 72 Golden Plover, 2 Ruff, 3 Sanderling, 4 Dunlin, 6 Jack Snipe,
48 Snipe, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Sooty Shearwater (from the
Good Shepherd IV), 4 Cormorant, 2 Grey Heron, Merlin,
Peregrine (adult female), 4 Carrion Crow (along with 14 Hooded Crow and one
hybrid), 199 Skylark, 9 Swallow, 7 Willow Warbler,
Chiffchaff, 9 Blackcap,
Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Goldcrest, Blackbird (moulting female,
Brecks), 7 Redwing, 4 Whinchat, 72
Wheatear, 104 House Sparrow (one of several resident species counted
today as a snapshot of the numbers present), Dunnock (still at Obs), 4 White
Wagtail (along with 3 Pied and 7 alba wags), 590
Meadow Pipit, 124 Rock Pipit, Chaffinch (male, Gully), 3
Brambling, 82 Twite, 7 Linnet, 'Mealy Redpoll' (Obs),
Lesser Redpoll (Obs), 2 Redpoll sp?, Crossbill (male,
Ditfield), 2 Siskin, 31 Lapland Bunting, 12
Snow Bunting.
Year List: 191
Other wildlife: Silver Y
Tuesday 22nd September 2020
rain, with a southerly wind that strengthened for a while during the morning as
the rain became heavier and more persistent.
Most of the day was pretty
much unbirdable, so full census wasn't possible, but that's not to say there
were no birds!
RUSTIC BUNTING: a 1cy male at the Plantation
was trapped and ringed and went on to show well at the Vaadal reservoir. Prior
to 2020 there were 138 accepted records for Fair Isle; this is only the second
autumn record in the last 11 years.
Common Rosefinch: one still at Quoy.
Hawfinch: male still at Burkle.
Other sightings:
67 Pink-footed Goose, 7 Wigeon, 5 Teal, 3 Red-breasted Merganser, Slavonian Grebe (still in North Haven),
14 Purple Sandpiper, 'blue'
Fulmar (South Light), Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap,
Goldcrest, 3 Redwing, 20 Wheatear (minimum count, with the suggestion of an
arrival later in the day).
Year List: 191
Monday 21st September 2020
a strong SW wind, rain after lunch and cloudy throughout.
Not easy conditions at times, although there was always the hope of
something western (not much hope, but an Empidonax on Iceland shows what's
possible - especially as we're now almost directly inbetween the two recent
Western Palearctic records...). The forecast is still somewhat unpromising, but
the next couple of days look a bit better at least. Whether it's good or not,
we'll still be out there looking, so hopefully there'll be something to report
Little Bunting: the ringed bird was at Wirvie
Yellow-browed Warbler: 3; one at Vaila's Trees and
singles still at Burkle and Plantation
Common Rosefinch: two still at Quoy
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 5 Wigeon, 10 Teal, Water Rail
(Boini Mire), Slavonian Grebe (still in North Haven), 24 Golden Plover,
3 Ruff, 3 Sanderling, 5 Dunlin, 5 Purple Sandpiper, 2 'blue'
Fulmar (singles off Dronger and South Light), Grey Heron,
Peregrine (adult male), 160 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 6 Blackcap,
Lesser Whitethroat, Goldcrest (Slogar), Blackbird (the summering female still at
North Shirva), 3 Redwing, Song Thrush (Pund), 2 Whinchat, 13 Wheatear, 2 'White
Wagtail' (and 7 alba wagtails), 318 Meadow Pipit, 102 Rock Pipit, 3 Brambling,
89 Twite, Linnet, Lesser Redpoll (School Brae), Siskin
(Burkle), 28 Lapland Bunting.
Year List: 191
Sunday 20th September 2020
Fog, with occasional clearer spells, calm at first with freshening SW wind.
A poor day with census not possible, although the wind should hopefully
clear things for tomorrow. The birding that was done suggested very little new
in as the autumn continues to be generally tough going with a few more pleasant
spells scattered amongst the poor conditions.
Yellow-browed Warbler: 2; singles still at
Plantation and Burkle
Common Rosefinch: two still at Quoy
male still around Burkle
Other sightings:
23 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Teal, Slavonian Grebe (still in North Haven), 17 Golden Plover,
Sanderling, 2 Dunlin, 6 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Common Tern
(adult and two juveniles in North Haven), Storm Petrel (a
juvenile found at the top of South Light was released unharmed at night),
Sooty Shearwater (one off South Light), 2 Grey Heron, Sand Martin,
5 Willow Warbler, Blackcap,
Goldcrest, Redwing, 2 Whinchat, 3 Brambling, Redpoll sp?, Siskin.
Year List: 191
Saturday 19th September 2020
calm, with a light SE breeze developing then becoming slightly more SW. Fog,
with occasional clearer spells and some drizzle.
Full census wasn't possible due to the weather ruling out being able to see
most of the Isle, but there was still reasonable coverage of those areas that
could be seen, some trapping was possible. Other than geese that could be heard
(and sometimes seen) passing over, there didn't appear to be much evidence of
movement, with the fog possibly stopping birds finding us to some extent.
Little Bunting: one still in Boini Mire
Yellow-browed Warbler: 5 still around the crofts and traps
Warbler: one still at Chalet, although looking somewhat unwell
Common Rosefinch: two still at Quoy
one still around Burkle and Chapel Plantation
Other sightings:
290 Pink-footed Goose (a minimum count given the lack of
visibility), 3 Wigeon,
11 Teal, Slavonian Grebe (still in North Haven), 17 Golden Plover,
Bar-tailed Godwit (Skadan: first of the autumn), Black-tailed Godwit (still
present), 9 Dunlin, 7 Cormorant, 2 Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl (Da
Water), Merlin (female), Sand Martin, 6 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff (Obs and
Gully), 8 Blackcap,
3 Garden Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Goldcrest, Redwing, 2 Whinchat,
5 Brambling, 3 'Mealy Redpoll', Siskin, 10 Lapland Bunting.
Year List: 191
Friday 18th September 2020
Weather: a
moderate SW wind, easing to calm later. Clear at first (although cloud on the
hills), but low cloud dropping from late morning bringing some rain with it.
The reduced visibility and rain in the afternoon spoilt the birding a bit,
although generally it seemed like things were a bit quieter for new arrivals
today. With the wind dropping away, tomorrow has a chance of some nice 'drifty'
birding, but whether the fog stays in and gets in the way a bit remains to be
Little Bunting: 3; birds still in Field Ditch
and Boini Mire, whilst the ringed bird was in South Restengeo
Yellow-browed Warbler: 6; mostly around the crofts
Warbler: one still at Chalet
one around Burkle
Other sightings:
56 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Wigeon,
11 Teal, Slavonian Grebe (North Haven; first of the autumn), 19 Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit (Chatham's
Land), Ruff (Barkland), Sanderling, 9 Dunlin, 43 Snipe, 10 Grey Heron,
Short-eared Owl (Field Ditch), 156 Skylark, Sand Martin,
13 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff (trapped at the Obs), Sedge
Warbler (Chalet), Reed Warbler (Setter), 5 Blackcap,
Garden Warbler, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Goldcrest, 6 Redwing, 3 Pied Flycatcher,
2 Whinchat, 20 Wheatear, Dunnock (one trapped at the Obs was
the summering bird last seen on 9th August!), 4 White Wagtail and 6 alba wagtails,
263 Meadow Pipit, 125 Rock Pipit, Chaffinch (male), 3
Brambling, 89 Twite, 4 Linnet, 3 'Mealy Redpoll' (and two Redpoll sp?), 16
Lapland Bunting.
Year List: 191
Thursday 17th September 2020
Weather: blustery wind just
east of south, cloudy.
A really fun day, with plenty of new birds including a few species debuting
for the autumn. Many ditches were walked in the hope of something a bit rarer,
but that will have to wait for now - we're not complaining though, it's all
smiles after some great birding!
Little Bunting: 3; one
trapped in the Vaadal in the morning and other (unringed) birds
seen concurrently at Field Ditch and Boini Mire
Red-breasted Flycatcher: one in Steensi Geo; first of the autumn
Red-backed Shrike: one in Linni Geo
Icterine Warbler:
one in North Raeva
Yellow-browed Warbler: 7 scattered
amongst the crofts and on the cliffs
Warbler: 3; one trapped and ringed at Plantation early
in the morning, an unringed bird at Chalet and one at Kirn o' Skroo
Common Rosefinch:
2; both at Quoy
Hawfinch: male in North Raeva
Other sightings:
13 Pink-footed Goose, 7 Wigeon,
23 Teal, Lapwing (Da Water, first of the
month), 15 Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit (1cy now around Chatham's Land), 3
Knot, 2 Sanderling, 3 Dunlin, 2 Jack Snipe (Da Water and Boini Mire), 57
Snipe, 82 Common Gull, Red-throated Diver (past
Meoness), 3 Cormorant, 11 Grey Heron, Merlin, 285
Skylark (highest count of the autumn), Sand Martin, 10 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff,
9 Blackcap (highest count of the autumn),
6 Garden Warbler, 4 Lesser Whitethroat, 5 Goldcrest, 14
Redwing (including the first migrants), 2 Song Thrush (Wester Lother
and South Naaversgill), Robin, 9 Pied Flycatcher (highest count
of the autumn), Stonechat (Quoy), 33 Wheatear,
9 alba wagtails, 449 Meadow Pipit, 135 Rock Pipit,
Chaffinch (male, Plantation; first of the autumn), 4
Brambling (first of the autumn), 138 Twite, Linnet, 8 'Mealy Redpoll', 'North-western Redpoll' (Chapel Plantation), Lesser Redpoll (School
Brae), 2 Siskin, 34 Lapland Bunting, 11 Snow Bunting.
Year List: 191
Wednesday 16th September 2020
Weather: a very strong
northerly wind overnight had eased somewhat by the morning and veered from NW
towards the SE during the course of the day. After a cloudy start, the sun came
out and it became a very pleasant and rather mild day.
Not a bad haul at all, with no big numbers of migrants, but enough new bits
and pieces to keep everyone happy.
Little Bunting: one in Field Ditch; first of
the year
Citrine Wagtail: one in Field Ditch was very
probably a new arrival
Yellow-browed Warbler: still present
at North Shirva
Rose-coloured Starling: 1cy again at Schoolhouse
Warbler: 2; one trapped and ringed at Schoolhouse and another at Chalet
Common Rosefinch: one on School
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Wigeon, 3
Teal, 6 Golden Plover, 3 Sanderling, 6 Dunlin, 2 Jack Snipe
(Walli Burn; first of the month), 27 Snipe, 3 Cormorant, Merlin (Ward Hill),
127 Skylark, Sand Martin, 4 Swallow, 5 Willow Warbler,
2 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap,
2 Lesser Whitethroat, Goldcrest,
4 Redwing, Song Thrush (Gully), Robin (Pund then Field Ditch;
first of the autumn), Pied Flycatcher,
Whinchat (Haa), 28 Wheatear,
3 White Wagtail (along with 7 alba subsp?), 540 Meadow Pipit, 152 Rock Pipit,
162 Twite, 6 Linnet, 4 Common Redpoll (Chapel Plantation), 2 Siskin
(first of the month), 44 Lapland Bunting, 2 Snow Bunting
(Buness and Jivy Geo).
Year List: 191
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral (Pund)
Tueday 15th September 2020
Weather: calm with just a hint of
a SE wind developing during the day. After heavy rain at first it was largely
dry, grey and cloudy.
A day that looked and felt properly rare and was accompanied by some decent
birds and a small fall. Its still fairly slim pickings, but there are birds
coming in and a sense of anticipation.
Yellow-browed Warbler:
the first of the autumn was found in the afternoon in the North Shirva thistle
patch (five days earlier than the first record in 2019)
Warbler: one at Vaila's Trees
Common Rosefinch: one appeared on Dronger
Rose-coloured Starling: 1cy still
Hawfinch: a female in the bottom of Troila Geo
Other sightings:
7 Teal, 13 Golden Plover, 39 Ringed Plover, Black-tailed Godwit
(one trapped overnight was still present at Bull's Park, it becomes just the
second to be ringed on Fair Isle, following one in 1967), 108 Turnstone, 4 Knot,
4 Sanderling, 12 Dunlin, 60 Snipe, Green Sandpiper, 39 Redshank, Cormorant, Merlin,
85 Skylark, 3 Sand Martin, 3 Swallow, 6 Willow Warbler,
Chiffchaff (Schoolhouse; first of the autumn), Sedge
Warbler (Barkland; first of the month), 7 Blackcap,
Garden Warbler (Hesti Geo), 4 Lesser Whitethroat, 14
4 Redwing, Song Thrush (Gully), 2 Pied Flycatcher,
Whinchat (Da Water), 72 Wheatear,
7 White Wagtail (along with 13 alba subsp?), 669 Meadow Pipit
(highest count of the autumn), Tree Pipit (Meadow Burn), 163 Rock Pipit,
183 Twite, Linnet, Common Redpoll (Kenaby), 52 Lapland Bunting (highest
count since 2016).
Year List: 189
Other wildlife:
Risso's Dolphin: 4 went north close in
to Buness
Monday 14th September 2020
Weather: a light SW wind,
dropping away through the day. Clear at first then low cloud and rain, with some
fog from mid-afternoon.
Fairly quiet, although pipits were on the move and there were a few new bits
and pieces, including the first
Phylloscs for five days!
Pectoral Sandpiper:
1cy on Easter Lother Water
Citrine Wagtail: 1cy in Boini Mire
again, although still flighty
Rose-coloured Starling:
1cy still, having moved to Barkland
Other sightings:
8 Pink-footed Goose,
6 Teal, 118 Turnstone, Ruff (Meoness), Sanderling, 8 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper,
69 Redshank, 5 Cormorant, 2 Merlin (first of
the month), 138 Skylark, Sand Martin (Da Water), 2
Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Garden Warbler (Plantation), 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Goldcrest
4 Redwing, Pied Flycatcher, 54 Wheatear,
3 White Wagtail (along with 13 alba subsp?), 634 Meadow Pipit
(highest count of the autumn), 182 Rock Pipit, 172
Twite, Common Redpoll (Busta), 35 Lapland Bunting (including a flock of 22 at Airstrip).
Year List: 188
Sunday 13th September 2020
Weather: Largley calm, with a
light breeze picking up from the SE becoming more NE later. A generally pleasant
day until just after lunch, when rain set in and the afternoon remained drizzly.
Helloooo, what have we here? After what feels like a very long spell of very
windy days, with a westerly airflow, it was calm. Not only that, but it even
became a light easterly for a spell in the afternoon. The rain spoilt the
potential a little bit, but there were actually warblers and other migrants
after what has been a by-and-large slow spell. Not many yet, but that doesn't
matter - it's a sign that things are getting better for the birding, and the
forecast for the week ahead suggests we could get a few more bits soon.
Pectoral Sandpiper:
1cy still on Easter Lother Water
Citrine Wagtail: 1cy still in Boini Mire
Rose-coloured Starling:
1cy still around Lower Stoneybrek
Other sightings:
6 Teal, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 114 Turnstone,
2 Knot, Ruff, 2 Sanderling, 10 Dunlin, 2 Purple Sandpiper,
Green Sandpiper, Bonxie (a noticeable decrease around the colonies as birds head
off for the winter), Red-throated Diver (still in South Harbour), 2
Sooty Shearwater (from Good Shepherd IV), Peregrine, 87 Skylark,
2 Sand Martin (Haa and Haven), 3 Lesser
Whitethroat (2 Gully, 1 Haa), 2 Blackcap, Goldcrest
(Steensi Geo; first since a very early migrant on 22nd August),
Blackbird (male, North Shirva), 3 Redwing, 36 Wheatear,
4 White Wagtail (along with 15 alba subsp?), 499 Meadow Pipit,
239 Rock Pipit (highest count of the year), 126
Twite, 3 Linnet, 'North-western Redpoll'
(one at Kirn o' Skroo with Twite), 3 Redpoll sp? (south over School
Brae), Crossbill (heard going south over Quoy), 37
Lapland Bunting (including a flock of 20 at Airstrip).
Year List: 188
Other wildlife:
Risso's Dolphin: 4 off Meoness in the morning may have been the same animals
seen from the Good Shepherd IV off North Light as it came back in the
Harbour Porpoise: around 10 five miles north of the Isle from the
Good Shepherd IV .
Saturday 12th September 2020
Weather: Heavy rain at first
then showery (some heavy and prolonged) with a strong SW wind.
A not very pleasant day of weather, although staying dry on census (which at
times was more of a 'nice walk' and 'morning exercise' than birding as the gusts
were difficult to stand up in on the higher ground) was a bonus. The birding was
about what would be expected given the conditions, but we'll keep plodding on!
Pectoral Sandpiper:
1cy still on Easter Lother Water
Rose-coloured Starling:
again in the Schoolhouse garden, feeding enthusiastically in the compost bin and
on kitchen scraps, it was later seen in the Upper Stoneybrek chicken run before
heading off towards Stackhoull (showing it does eat things other than compost).
Citrine Wagtail:
1cy still in Boini Mire
Other sightings:
8 Teal, 169 Turnstone,
5 Knot, Sanderling, 5 Dunlin, 6 Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper (Boini Mire), Red-throated Diver
(still in South Harbour), Kestrel, 79 Skylark, Swallow,
Lesser Whitethroat (South Restengeo), Song Thrush (Gully), 43 Wheatear,
6 White Wagtail (along with 4 alba subsp?), 367 Meadow Pipit,
118 Rock Pipit, 90 Twite, 19 Lapland Bunting,
2 Snow Bunting.
Year List: 188
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral: given the conditions, one at Utra was a bit of a surprise, although
it was struggling with the wind.
Friday 11th September 2020
Weather: strong SW wind, heavy
rain for most of the day, although clearing later in the afternoon and some
sunny spells.
A very poor day for weather, with census not possible. Although there were a few
birds to be seen, there was no real feeling of any new arrivals. A batch of
easterlies has appeared in the forecast for next week, which we're still not
relying on, but are certainly talking about!
Pectoral Sandpiper: 1cy still present at Easter
Lother Water
Other sightings:
5 Teal, Ruff (Da Water), Whimbrel, 2 Dunlin, 3 Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Red-throated Diver (adult
still in South Harbour), Kestrel, Lesser Whitethroat (Gully), 2 Redwing, Song
Thrush, 3 Linnet.
Year List: 188
Thursday 10th September 2020
Weather: Fresh SSW
strengthening from the SW, rain at first then clearing to a largely clear day
before rain returned later in the evening.
Birds on the move, with Meadow Pipits passing in good numbers until a spell of
heavy rain around breakfast time seemed to halt their progress. The highlight
was the westerlies delivering an American species (it could have come from the
east, but given the conditions, we're going to bet on a Transatlantic origin),
just the second addition to the year list so far this month. It was, however,
the first day of the month with no warblers recorded, reflecting the downside of
constant westerlies! A calmer start than recent days saw the first plane since
Monday morning (although the afternoon schedule had to be brought forward as
conditions deteriorated) and the first Good Shepherd sailing for a while.
Pectoral Sandpiper: a 1cy at the typical
location of Easter Lother water represents (if accepted) the 37th record for
Fair Isle
Citrine Wagtail: 1cy still in Boini Mire/Da Water
Other sightings:
7 Teal, 127 Turnstone,
6 Knot, Ruff (Meoness; first of the month), 2 Sanderling, 5 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, 2
Red-throated Diver (including an adult close-in to South Harbour beach), Grey Heron,
Short-eared Owl (Ringing Hut Marsh; first of the month),
101 Skylark, Blackbird (pair at North Shirva), 4 Redwing, 67 Wheatear,
2 White Wagtail (along with 10 alba subsp?), 581 Meadow Pipit (highest count of the autumn),
162 Rock Pipit, 111 Twite, 2 Linnet, 18 Lapland Bunting,
Snow Bunting (on top of Ward Hill; first of the autumn).
Year List: 188
Other wildlife:
Harbour Porpoise: 3 or 4 two miles north of Fair Isle seen from the Good
Shepherd IV.
Wednesday 9th September 2020
Weather: strong WNW wind, rain
at first, but clearing to a sunny afternoon.
A few migrants made it in despite the weather, but the highlight was offshore
Citrine Wagtail: again in Boini Mire before
flying toward Da Water
Rose-coloured Starling: reappeared in the Schoolhouse compost
Other sightings:
Teal, 20 Golden Plover, 108 Turnstone,
2 Knot, Sanderling, 9 Dunlin, Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 2 Grey Heron,
Kestrel, 73 Skylark, 3 Willow Warbler, Blackcap (female Haa;
first of the autumn), 2 Lesser Whitethroat (one still in Gully and one at Burkle),
Blackbird (male at North Shirva), 5 Redwing, Pied Flycatcher
(trapped in Plantation), Whinchat (Mast), 61 Wheatear,
6 White Wagtail, 449 Meadow Pipit (highest count of the autumn),
157 Rock Pipit, 57 Twite, 11 Lapland Bunting (4 at South
Naaversgill, 2 at Airstrip, 2 at Wester Lother, 2 on Hoini and one at Setter).
Year List: 187
Other wildlife:
Killer Whale: 4 (a bull, two female-types and a younger one)
distantly off North Light before moving off to the NNE. There seems to be a
pattern of mid-autumn sightings involving offshore individuals that appear to be
fish-eaters rather than the seal-hunting animals that come closer inshore.
Tuesday 8th September 2020
Weather: strong SW wind, showers,
especially at first.
It certainly felt autumnal, and geese overhead added to the experience, but it
(unsurprisingly) wasn't a day with many migrants from the east.
Citrine Wagtail: still on Da Water
Common Rosefinch: still at Lower Stoneybrek
Other sightings:
Pink-footed Goose (in three flocks; first of the autumn), 6 Wigeon,
4 Teal, 41 Golden Plover, 121 Turnstone,
4 Knot, Sanderling, 8 Dunlin, 4 Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 16
Black-headed Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 4 Cormorant, Peregrine
(adult male), 97 Skylark, 2 Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat (one
trapped in Gully, possibly S.c.blythi), 5 Redwing, Song Thrush, 2 Whinchat (Taing
still, plus one at the Mast), 50 Wheatear,
4 White Wagtail, 366 Meadow Pipit, 179 Rock Pipit, 216 Twite
(highest count of the autumn), 2 Linnet, Lesser Redpoll (still around Vaadal), 7
Lapland Bunting.
Year List: 187
Monday 7th September 2020
Weather: rain from early morning
through to early afternoon. Strong SW wind.
There was no chance of censusing in the pretty horrible conditions, although
some birding was possible later. Pretty quiet all round, but we'll be hoping for
something American during the forthcoming westerlies.
Arctic Warbler: one still at
Other sightings:
Whooper Swan, 5 Wigeon, 19 Teal, Red-breasted Merganser
(North Haven), 11 Golden Plover, 8 Knot, Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Grey Heron, Kestrel,
Garden Warbler (Gully), Lesser Whitethroat (Obs), Whinchat (Taing).
Year List: 187
Sunday 6th September 2020
Weather: a fresh NW or WNW wind,
easing later in the day, cloudy with a few showers and occasional sunny spells.
Some distinct signs of movement, although largely of birds that would be
expected given the north-westerly winds.
Citrine Wagtail: sightings of a 1cy at Utra,
Boini Mire, Kirki Mire and Da Water were probably all one wide-ranging
individual, but it is possible that more than one bird was involved
Arctic Warbler:
one still in the Plantation, calling frequently
Rose-coloured Starling: 1cy again in Schoolhouse compost bin
Barred Warbler: one still at Vaila's Trees
Common Rosefinch: one still around the Lower Stoneybrek area
Other sightings:
Whooper Swan (first of the autumn), 2 Greylag Goose,
6 Wigeon, 13 Teal, 2 Golden Plover, 27 Ringed Plover, 68 Turnstone,
7 Knot, 2 Sanderling, 9 Dunlin, Red-throated Diver (one east past Meoness), 2 Cormorant,
91 Skylark, Willow Warbler, Reed Warbler (the ringed bird again
at Quoy), Lesser Whitethroat (Obs), 4 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush
(including one ringed in the Gully; first migrant of the autumn), Pied
Flycatcher (Busta Geo), Whinchat (Chatham's Land), 34 Wheatear,
4 White Wagtail, 422 Meadow Pipit (highest count of the autumn),
237 Rock Pipit (highest count of the autumn),
174 Twite (highest count of the autumn), 3 Linnet, Lesser Redpoll (still
in Plantation, along with one unidentified Redpoll sp. flying over in the
North), 27 Lapland Bunting (21 at the Airstrip, 3 at Mopul, 2 at Lerness and
one at Quoy).
Year List: 187
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral (Gully)
Saturday 5th September 2020
Weather: strong SW or WSW wind,
showers at times
Still nice birds about, but not much in the way of arrivals (perhaps to be
expected given the conditions).
Citrine Wagtail: 1cy still on Da Water
Arctic Warbler:
adult still in the Plantation
Barred Warbler: one still at Vaila's Trees
Other sightings:
6 Teal, 3 Golden Plover, 6 Knot, Whimbrel, 2 Cormorant,
Grey Heron, 3 Sand Martin,
3 Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Grasshopper Warbler (North Shirva
still), 3 Redwing (all 'resident' birds),
Lesser Redpoll (trapped and ringed at Plantation), Lapland Bunting
Year List: 187
Friday 4th September 2020
Weather: a strong SW wind,
bringing a few heavy showers at first and again later on, although some nice
sunny spells in between
Still an unpromising wind direction, but still some birds coming in, despite the
birding being tough at times. There's a bit of hope of something westerly given
the forecast, but that always feels a bit of a long shot at this time of year,
when we're all really after winds from the east.
Citrine Wagtail: 1cy on Da Water; first of the
autumn and 82nd for the Isle (if accepted)
Arctic Warbler:
one at Schoolton was presumed to be the lingering 1cy and the ringed
adult was still in the Plantation
Common Rosefinch: one still at Vaila's Trees
Other sightings:
Wigeon, 10 Teal, 9 Golden Plover, 58 Ringed Plover, 134 Turnstone,
6 Knot, 10 Sanderling, 13 Dunlin, 49 Snipe, Green Sandpiper,
3 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3 Sooty Shearwater,
Grey Heron, Kestrel, 64 Skylark, 11 Swallow,
4 Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Redwing, 94 Wheatear,
17 White Wagtail, 295 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(Da Water), 142 Rock Pipit,
134 Twite, 3 Linnet, 'North-western Redpoll' (one at South
Naaversgill is the first record of this subspecies group this year),
Lesser Redpoll (Plantation).
Year List: 187
Thursday 3rd September 2020
Weather: quite calm at first
with a developing SW wind during the day. Although largely sunny, there were
some heavy showers and low cloud in the afternoon, and it became windy with
heavy rain overnight.
It felt like there should be a bit more drifty stuff than there was. The species
list was a decent one, comprising mostly lingering birds, although there was a
small wildfowl arrival and some seawatching movement.
Arctic Warbler: 2; one at Lower Leogh was
presumed to be the Meadow Burn bird from Tuesday, whilst the ringed individual
was still in the Plantation
Barred Warbler: 2; singles at Schoolton and Quoy
Common Rosefinch:
one at the Lower Stoneybrek crop strip and surrounding area
Rose-coloured Starling: 1cy still present at
Other sightings:
8 Wigeon, 22 Teal, Scaup,
Water Rail (1cy Setter; first of the autumn), 5 Golden Plover,
73 Ringed Plover, Whimbrel, 164
59 Knot (including 54 that moved east past South Light in the
morning), 9 Sanderling, 13 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper,
45 Redshank, 82 Common Gull, 9 Arctic Skua, 21 Razorbill, Great Northern
Diver (past South Light), 6 Sooty Shearwater (past
South Light later in the day),
3 Cormorant,
2 Grey Heron, Kestrel, 64 Skylark, 7 Swallow,
6 Willow Warbler, Grasshopper
Warbler (still in North Shirva thistles), Garden Warbler (Schoolton), 3
Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Redwing, 3 Pied Flycatcher
(North Raeva, Lerness and Wester Lother), 80 Wheatear,
18 White Wagtail, 272 Meadow Pipit, 2 Tree Pipit
(Da Water and Lower Leogh), 202 Rock Pipit,
158 Twite, 3 Linnet, Redpoll sp?,
Lapland Bunting (Wester Lother; first of the autumn).
Year List: 187
Other wildlife:
2 Red Admiral
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Weather: a southerly gale,
picking up through the day, with a couple of light showers then heavy rain late
in the afternoon.
A difficult day for census, with very strong winds making the cliffs decidely
awkward for birding and the vegetation on the Isle top being whipped around. Not
many signs of new arrivals, although there was another addition to the year
Arctic Warbler: ringed adult still present in
the Plantation
Barred Warbler: one roaming between Quoy and Schoolton
Common Rosefinch:
one at Chalet
Rose-coloured Starling: still present at
Other sightings:
2 Wigeon, 12 Teal, 12 Golden Plover, 42 Ringed Plover, 135 Turnstone,
3 Knot, 8 Sanderling, 2 Dunlin, Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 64
Redshank, 2 Arctic Tern, 16 Arctic Skua (mostly birds passing South
Light), 5 Sooty Shearwater (4 east past the south coast and one
off Buness; first of the year and the latest first arrival date since pre-1991),
6 Cormorant,
Grey Heron, 44 Skylark, 3 Swallow,
6 Willow Warbler,
Reed Warbler (a ringed bird at Quoy), Grasshopper
Warbler (one again at North Shirva thistles), Redwing, 45 Wheatear,
5 White Wagtail, 315 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(Da Water), 140 Rock Pipit,
75 Twite.
Year List: 187
Tuesday 1st September 2020
Weather: fresh SSE or S wind,
largely sunny.
A pleasant day, with another rarity (albeit the same species as yesterday!), the
flight made it in and all is well with the world.
Arctic Warbler: 2; the adult from yesterday was
at the Vaadal and a newly arrived 1CY was at Nether Taft then Meadow Burn
Barred Warbler: one at Lower Leogh
Common Rosefinch: 2;
sightings at several locations in the south probably related to the same two
Rose-coloured Starling: lingering juvenile still present at
Other sightings:
13 Teal, 17 Golden Plover, 56 Ringed Plover, 68 Turnstone, Knot, 7 Sanderling, 8 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper,
4 Arctic Skua (most of the population has now left the Isle), 3 Cormorant,
2 Grey Heron, Peregrine (adult male), 53 Skylark, 5 Swallow,
5 Willow Warbler,
Garden Warbler,
3 Redwing, Song Thrush, 3 Pied Flycatcher (Mast and Gully birds still present
and one at South Raeva), Redstart (Chapel
Plantation), 70 Wheatear,
10 White Wagtail, 240 Meadow Pipit, 160 Rock Pipit,
122 Twite, Linnet, 2 Crossbill (Ward Hill).
Year List: 186
Monday 31st August 2020
Weather: absolutely flat calm at
first, with a freshening wind from the SE or SSE through the day. Largely sunny.
An incredibly beautiful start to the day (a thought unfortunately shared by
midges, which were present in abundance early on), which had clearly delivered
some birds. A decent rarity (no longer a BB, but always still a special one, and
one that Fair Isle has a good record for) and some migrants scattered around added to the excitement.
It was a good day for transport as well, with the Good Shepherd making lamb runs
to Shetland and three planes.
That's another month gone, with the year list
at the end of August being a healthy 186 (the average in the last five years at
the same stage is 187), which shows it's been a good birding year when you
consider there was no spring census. Next it's the big one next - September,
surely the 'classic' Fair Isle month, with expectations always high. What will
the month bring, a few Fair Isle specials for this year's team hopefully (who
are all in their first season with FIBO), maybe the first Yellow-breasted
Bunting since 2006, perhaps even something bigger? A phrase we heard recently
from one of our regular visitors was 'high anticipation birding', which sums up
September on Fair Isle perfectly!
Arctic Warbler: an adult at Leogh was later
relocated at the Chapel Plantation; first of the year and 99th record for Fair
Common Rosefinch: 2; sightings at various locations around the
south of the Isle
Rose-coloured Starling: the juvenile commuting between
Schoolhouse compost bin and the Stoneybrek area
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 3
Teal, Golden Plover, 54 Ringed Plover, 10 Sanderling, 11 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper,
2 Cormorant,
3 Grey Heron, 44 Skylark, 2 Sand Martin, 10 Swallow,
Wood Warbler (Vaila's Trees), 5 Willow Warbler,
Grasshopper Warbler (Shirva), Garden Warbler,
Lesser Whitethroat (Upper Leogh), Blackbird (female North Shirva), 2 Redwing, Spotted Flycatcher (Obs),
2 Pied Flycatcher (Mast and Gully), Redstart (Chapel
Plantation), Whinchat (Mast), 59 Wheatear,
9 White Wagtail, 245 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit (Da Water), 145 Rock Pipit,
88 Twite, 3 Linnet.
Year List: 186
Other wildlife:
Small Tortoiseshell
Sunday 30th August 2020
Weather: light NW wind, easing
slightly through the day. Cloudy with showers at first but sunny from late
A quiet day for arrivals, although a very pleasant wander. The Good Shepherd
made its delayed sailing from yesterday, with lamb runs due this week.
Common Rosefinch: 2 at Haa
Rose-coloured Starling: the juvenile still
around Schoolhouse for most of the day
Other sightings:
Teal, 4 Golden Plover, 2 Knot, 7 Sanderling, 12 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, 10
Razorbill, 2 Puffin, 6 Cormorant,
Peregrine, 45 Skylark, 10 Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler,
Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Redwing, Spotted Flycatcher (Obs), Pied Flycatcher, 40 Wheatear,
2 White Wagtail, 362 Meadow Pipit, 156 Rock Pipit, 83 Twite,
9 Linnet, Crossbill.
Year List: 185
Other wildlife:
10 Risso's Dolphin: a very active group
that moved west off South Light in the evening
Peacock (North Light), Red Admiral
Saturday 29th August 2020
Weather: A strong NNW wind,
mostly sunny but with showery at times.
Very little new to report in not very good weather for new arrivals.
Things were quiet enough for an enterprising attempt at a 2.5hr seawatch off
South Light in the afternoon - but still no Sooty Shearwater for the year list! We're a bit
more hopeful for next week though...
Rose-coloured Starling: the juvenile was at
Schoolhouse for most of the day, where it generally fed in the compost bin and
proved rather aggresive towards and somewhat dominant over the local Starlings.
Barred Warbler: one at Schoolton
Other sightings:
Teal, Knot, 9 Sanderling, 2 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper (Gully), 48 Great Skua
(still birds about on the Isle, but 48 west past South Light was an interesting
movement), 2 Guillemot, 10 Razorbill, 6 Grey Heron, Kestrel
(one 'in-off' at South Light), Peregrine (a Fulmar-oiled bird at Shirva), 6 Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat (Lower
Leogh), Redwing, 2 Spotted Flycatcher (School
Brae and Obs),
Redstart (Quoy), 7 Linnet,
2 Crossbill
(juveniles, South Harbour).
Year List: 185
Friday 28th August 2020
Weather: Fresh or strong NNW, showery at first with prolonged rain from early morning, then a showery late afternoon with some sunny spells.
Rather unpleasant in the end, with rain somewhat spoiling the day, although
there was still some nice stuff out there with a couple of decent rarities!
THRUSH NIGHTINGALE: an elusive individual at
Utra in the afternoon
Rose-coloured Starling: a juvenile at
Lower Stoneybrek then fed out towards the Raevas
Other sightings:
7 Sanderling, 6 Dunlin, Greenshank, Arctic Tern, 2 Cormorant,
15 Willow Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat (Obs), Redwing, 2 Spotted Flycatcher (School
Brae and Obs),
Pied Flycatcher, Redstart (1cy Burkle; first of the autumn), 3 Linnet,
2 Crossbill
(juveniles, South Harbour).
Year List: 185
Thursday 27th August 2020
Weather: rather pleasant, with
sunshine after a cloudy start (that brought some light rain early on), a light
WNW wind.
A couple of new migrants and a bit of a cetacean-fest made for an interesting
Common Rosefinch: 1cy at Meadow Burn then
roaming the south
Red-backed Shrike: 1cy still around Meadow Burn
Barred Warbler: 1cy still in the Burkle and Haa area
Other sightings:
2 Teal, Whimbrel,
3 Knot, 10 Sanderling, 10 Dunlin, Greenshank, 5 Arctic Tern, 5 Cormorant,
5 Grey Heron, 2 Kestrel, 36 Skylark, 4 Swallow,
House Martin, 24 Willow Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler,
Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Redwing, Song Thrush (Gully),
2 Spotted Flycatcher (Hjukni Geo and Obs; first of the autumn),
2 Pied Flycatcher, 88 Wheatear,
7 White Wagtail, 229 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(Da Water), 130 Rock Pipit, 115 Twite, 8 Linnet, 3 Crossbill
(female and juvenile at Houll and juvenile at Haa).
Year List: 185
Other wildlife:
3 Killer Whale: seen from
a fishing vessel 12 miles east of the Isle (the fishing boat was visible from
land, the whales weren't unfortunately!)
Minke Whale: one
distantly from North Light
4 White-beaked Dolphin: a number of dolphins were seen
distantly off the east coast, with sightings later from North Light thought to
involve the same animals, which were positively identified. Distance and
behavior meant that there may have been more present than these counts.
Risso's Dolphin: seen off North Light at the same time as the
White-beaked Dolphins
2 Red Admiral
Wednesday 26th August 2020
Weather: a cloudy day
with a fresh NW wind, occasional light showers.
At last, a fall! Not a massive one, but a fall none the less, which made for
very pleasant birding. A rarity capped the day in unusual circumstances and
we're looking forward to see what tomorrow brings.
TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL: a 1CY landed in the Schoolhouse garden
calling before heading south and vanishing towards Malcolm's Head. Remarkably,
as it left the Schoolhouse garden, it stopped and landed on a driftwood log that
the Warden was carrying to Schoolhouse at the time!
Red-backed Shrike: a 1CY bird around
Chapel area appeared to be a new arrival
Barred Warbler: one at the Haa
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 3 Teal, 11 Golden Plover, Ruff,
4 Sanderling, 11 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper,
Greenshank, Arctic Tern, 2 Razorbill, Red-throated
Diver, Cormorant, Grey Heron (an adult on the cliffs at North Raeva
moved to the Pund nettles), 3 Kestrel, Peregrine, 18 Skylark, 3 Swallow,
House Martin, 24 Willow Warbler (the first
double-figure count of the autumn),
Reed Warbler (Walli Burn), 2 Garden Warbler,
Lesser Whitethroat (Skadan), 3 Redwing, Song Thrush (Gully),
3 Pied Flycatcher (highest count of the autumn so far), 100 Wheatear,
3 White Wagtail, 224 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(North Shirva), 140 Rock Pipit, 145 Twite, 5 Linnet.
Year List: 185
Tuesday 25th August 2020
Weather: very calm at first,
with a freshening wind from SE then more NE later. Sunny at first, clouding over later.
It was always a bit of a long shot that these conditions would bring much, but
despite that, it was still a bit quieter than hoped.
Barred Warbler: one still at Burkle
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 8 Teal, 9 Golden Plover, 15 Knot (including 14
that arrived in-off the sea at South Light in the evening),
Curlew Sandpiper (still present on Easter Lother
Water), 2 Sanderling, 7 Dunlin, 40 Snipe, Green Sandpiper,
Arctic Tern, 2 Guillemot, 2 Razorbill, Puffin,
12 Cormorant (a flock that flew north through the Haven),
2 Kestrel, 55 Skylark, 8 Swallow, 3 Willow Warbler,
Chiffchaff (first of the autumn), 4 Garden Warbler,
2 Lesser Whitethroat (Lower Leogh), Whitethroat (still at Pund),
3 Redwing, Song Thrush (the summering bird seen in the Gully),
2 Whinchat, 130 Wheatear, 5 White Wagtail
(along with 6 Pied and 15 unidentified alba
wagtails), 266 Meadow Pipit, 2 Tree Pipit
(Obs and North Shirva), 178 Rock Pipit, 99 Twite, 3 Linnet.
Year List: 184
Other wildlife:
White-sided Dolphin: off Dronger, although distant
Painted Lady, 2 Silver Y
Monday 24th August 2020
Weather: a fresh WNW wind,
calming later. Mostly sunny, although a couple of showers
A quiet day for
new arrivals, but another addition to the year list.
WESTERN BONELLI'S WARBLER: still showing well at Midway, where
it was calling occasionally and proving itself to be a Western.
Icterine Warbler: still at Wirvie
Barred Warbler: 2; singles at Burkle and the Leogh area still
Red-backed Shrike:
Schoolton (but no sign of the long-staying female at the Obs)
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, Shoveler (Da Water), 2 Wigeon, 6 Teal, 7 Golden
Plover, Ruff, Curlew Sandpiper (juvenile on
Easter Lother Water; the first autumn record since 2011, although there were
spring birds in 2018 and 2019), Sanderling, 6 Dunlin, Jack Snipe (one flushed by
an Isle resident from Boini Mire; first of the autumn), Green Sandpiper (Buness),
2 Arctic Tern, Razorbill, Puffin (one seen taking fish into
Green Holm),
4 Cormorant,
Grey Heron, 3 Kestrel, 46 Skylark, 2 Sand Martin
(Da Water), 11 Swallow, 6 Willow Warbler,
Reed Warbler, Grasshopper
Warbler (Lower Stoneybrek), Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
4 Redwing, 2 Whinchat, 135 Wheatear, 14 White Wagtail
(along with 5 Pied and 10 unidentified alba
wagtails), 239 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit
(Shirva), 127 Rock Pipit,
115 Twite, 5 Linnet.
Year List: 184
Other wildlife:
Painted Lady
Convolvulous Hawk-moth: one found on flowers at Shirva
Sunday 23rd August 2020
Weather: a quite strong
WNW wind, with largely sunny conditions.
Not a huge amount new in, but
those birds did include an absolute stunner of an addition to the year list.
WESTERN BONELLI'S WARBLER: a confiding little beauty was found
feeding on the Angelicas at Midway. It remained silent, so was trapped
to try to confirm identification, with the biometrics strongly suggesting
'Western'. A dropping and a couple of feathers shed during ringing will be sent
for DNA analysis and should confirm the identification. The fifth record for
Fair Isle if accepted (with one unidentified Bonelli's Warbler sp?).
Rose-coloured Starling: a juvenile flushed from Houll was later seen
(perched on a sheep) near Shirva; the earliest juvenile to arrive on Fair Isle
since one on the same date in 1968, with the only earlier record involving one
on 22nd August 1950. Also, a long-dead adult was found in Midway, presumably one
of the individuals from the spring.
Barred Warbler: 2;
singles at Lower Leogh and Burkle
Red-backed Shrike: 2; Obs
and the south-east (both lingering birds)
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Shoveler (Da Water), 2 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 7 Golden
Plover, Wood Sandpiper
(Utra), Grey Heron, 2 Kestrel, Peregrine (female), 7 Willow Warbler,
2 Garden Warbler, 2 Lesser
Whitethroat (Lower Leogh), Whitethroat,
Redwing, 4 Whinchat, 5 White Wagtail, Tree Pipit (Chalet), Mealy Redpoll,
Lesser Redpoll (the same two redpolls as seen on 19th, with sightings since then
presumably also relating to the same birds).
Year List: 183
Other wildlife:
Painted Lady
Saturday 22nd August 2020
Weather: Moderate SW
wind, drizzly with low cloud and fog on west.
Despite unpromising
condiions, there were a few new arrivals; not many, but it's a start.
Icterine Warbler: one again in the Wirvie Burn
Red-backed Shrike:
2 still
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Shoveler (still on Da Water), 12 Teal, 7 Golden
Plover, 68 Ringed Plover, 3 Knot, 4 Sanderling, 15 Dunlin, 43 Redshank, Wood Sandpiper
(Meoness), 8 Arctic Tern, Guillemot (with no Puffins seen today),
Fulmar (fledged), 4 Cormorant,
3 Grey Heron, 4 Kestrel, 21 Skylark, 6 Swallow, 7 Willow Warbler,
Sedge Warbler (Leogh), Reed Warbler, Grasshopper
Warbler (Lower Leogh), 3 Garden Warbler, 2 Lesser
Whitethroat (Lower Leogh), Whitethroat,
Goldcrest (one in South Harbou; a very early arrival date), 4 Redwing, 128 Wheatear, 8 White Wagtail
(along with 4 Pied and 11 unidentified alba
wagtails), 172 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit (Chalet), 116 Rock Pipit,
80 Twite, 2 Linnet, Mealy Redpoll
(and Redpoll sp?), Crossbill.
Year List: 182
Friday 21st August 2020
Weather: Moderate SSE
wind, rain then low cloud at first then sunny later, with low cloud returning
Red-backed Shrike: 2; with lingering birds at Obs and Schoolton
Other sightings:
Shoveler (Da Water), Teal, 42 Oystercatcher, 16 Golden Plover,
65 Ringed Plover, 155 Turnstone,
3 Knot, 7 Sanderling, 17 Dunlin, 30 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper,
Wood Sandpiper
(Utra scrape), 11 Arctic Tern, Puffin (very few still around now), 3 Cormorant,
Grey Heron, 4 Kestrel, 22 Skylark, 3 Swallow, 5 Willow Warbler,
2 Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
Blackbird (male, Midway), 3 Redwing, 3 Whinchat, 142 Wheatear, 10 White Wagtail
(along with 3 Pied and 15 unidentified alba
wagtails), 192 Meadow Pipit, 161 Rock Pipit, 82 Twite, Linnet, .
Year List: 182
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Silver Y
Thursday 20th August 2020
Weather: strong ESE
wind built up overnight and continued into the before backing more southerly and
dropping to fresh or moderate. Heavy rain and low cloud throughout the morning,
clearing to a sunny, warm afternoon.
It was hoped the conditions would lead to a fall (we're still waiting for our
first of the autumn), but it didn't really happen. That said, there were
seemingly a few new migrants later on.
Icterine Warbler: 2; a new arrival at Wirvie Burn and one still
around the Schoolton area
Red-backed Shrike: 3 lingering
birds; adult female at the Obs and two still in the south-west
Barred Warbler:
one still at Burkle
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 9 Teal, 26 Oystercatcher, Whimbrel, 88 Turnstone,
5 Knot, 3 Ruff (2 Suka Mire, 1 Easter Lother),
8 Sanderling, 14 Dunlin, 3
Common Sandpiper, 2 Green Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper
(Utra scrape), Greenshank (Buness), Arctic Skua (a
fledged juvenile on Ward Hill brings a successful breeding season to an end for
the species, with 26 chicks fledged from 27 territories), 15 Arctic Tern
(Buness; including a newly fledged chick), Razorbill (one off South Light was
the first since early August), 2 Cormorant,
Grey Heron, 3 Kestrel, 29 Skylark, 7 Swallow, 5 Willow Warbler,
2 Reed Warbler (2 Gully), 4 Garden Warbler, Lesser
Whitethroat (Klinger's Geo; first of the autumn), Whitethroat,
Blackbird (male, Midway), 4 Redwing, Pied Flycatcher (Lower
Stoneybrek), 2 Whinchat, 175 Wheatear, 7 Pied Wagtail
(along with 18 White and 25 unidentified alba
wagtails), 217 Meadow Pipit, 115 Rock Pipit, 65 Twite, 2 Redpoll
sp? (over Chalet), 2 Crossbill (Dronger and Burkle).
Year List: 182
Other wildlife:
2 Red Admiral, 2 Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell
(Dronger), Silver Y
The Bioluminescence again put on a
wonderful overnight show in South Haven and was twitched by several Islanders
Wednesday 19th August 2020
Weather: low cloud over the
hills, with some fog across the Isle at times, although also some sunny spells
until later when the cloud dropped and some rain set in. A light E or
ENE wind.
A better day than expected, but still not much visibility in the North (so
counts will be somewhat lower for some species). Census failed to produce much
in the way of new birds, but a few insects were new in and there were still
things to see.
Red-backed Shrike: 2; at least one juvenile in the south and
the female still at the Obs
Barred Warbler: 2; singles at
Burkle/Haa and Lower Leogh
Icterine Warbler:
still present and showing well at Midway in the Angelica
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 7
Teal, 45 Oystercatcher, 17 Golden Plover,
50 Turnstone, Knot, 2 Sanderling, 25 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper (Buness), Wood Sandpiper
(Utra scrape),
Northern Diver (still off Hesti Geo), 71 Storm Petrel (trapped
overnight in the Haven), 5 Cormorant,
9 Grey Heron, Kestrel, Peregrine, 23 Skylark, 7 Swallow, 4 Willow Warbler,
3 Reed Warbler (2 Gully and Meadow Burn), 3 Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
Blackbird (a female trapped at Burkle was presumably one of the Midway breeding
pair, and had been ringed on the Isle on 19th November 2019, a rare example of
an apparent 'resident' bird), 3 Redwing, Whinchat (Boini Mire), 140 Wheatear, 10 Pied Wagtail
(along with 2 White and 13 unidentified alba
wagtails), 129 Meadow Pipit, 117 Rock Pipit, 76 Twite, 8 Linnet,
'Mealy Redpoll' (juvenile), Lesser Redpoll (one with the a
Mealy Redpoll at Upper Stoneybrek), Crossbill.
Year List: 182
Other wildlife:
4 Painted Lady, 4 Red Admiral, 4 Silver Y
A spectacular display of
Bioluminescence in South Haven overnight was a bonus for Storm Petrel ringers
Tuesday 18th August 2020
Weather: fog from the start
of the day lingered throughout, a light SE or ESE breeze.
No chance of a full census given the very poor visibility throughout the day. No
chance of planes either, although the Good Shepherd IV sailed. A
scatter of birds were seen, although what was visible suggested little in the
way of new movement. Tomorrow's forecast isn't great either...
Common Rosefinch: adult male still present
Red-backed Shrike:
female still at the Obs
Barred Warbler: 2; Upper Leogh and
Icterine Warbler:
one still at Midway
Other sightings:
Teal, Tufted Duck (male, Da Water), 3 Golden Plover,
Green Sandpiper (Gully), 3 Grey Heron, Kestrel, 5 Swallow, 4 Willow Warbler,
2 Reed Warbler (Gully), Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
Redwing (juvenile), Whinchat (Midway), 'Mealy Redpoll' (juvenile, Schoolhouse).
Year List: 182
Other wildlife:
Minke Whale - one 7 miles North of North Light (seen from the Good
Shepherd IV)
Harbour Porpoise - at least six 3 miles North of North
Light (seen from the Good Shepherd IV)
Monday 17th August 2020
Weather: fog at first,
but quickly lifting, with a mostly cloudy day seeing a couple of sunny spells,
with a fresh NE breeze.
Although the forecast hadn't looked great, it was a much better day than
expected. Not too much in the way of birds, but that allowed a bit of end of
season seabird ringing and some trap repairs to be done after census. The Obs
rebuild appeal was launched (check the main section of the website for details)
which also kept folk busy. The messages of support, offers of help and donations
have been wonderful, so thank you to everyone who has been in touch so far.
Common Rosefinch: the red adult male was still pinging around
in the south-east.
Red-backed Shrike: 2; lingering birds at
Obs (female) and Chapel area (1cy).
Barred Warbler: one
still at Burkle.
Icterine Warbler:
still around the Midway area.
Other sightings:
Teal, Tufted Duck (male again on Da Water), 22 Oystercatcher, 15 Golden Plover,
66 Ringed Plover, 3 Sanderling, 22 Dunlin, 2 Green Sandpiper, 42 Redshank,
Wood Sandpiper (still around Utra),
Arctic Skua (single chicks fledged at Johnny Arcus
Park and the Airstrip, leaving just one active nest), Great
Northern Diver (still off South Light), 8 Cormorant,
9 Grey Heron, 2 Kestrel, Peregrine, 36 Skylark, 8 Swallow, 6 Willow Warbler,
Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
4 Redwing (adult and three juveniles still), 2 Whinchat, 150 Wheatear, 14 Pied Wagtail
(along with 17 White and 19 unidentified alba
wagtails), 188 Meadow Pipit, 160 Rock Pipit, 61 Twite, 9 Linnet,
'Mealy Redpoll', Crossbill.
Year List: 182
Other wildlife:
2 Silver Y
Sunday 16th August 2020
Weather: Fog and low cloud
drifting in and out throughout the day with a cool NW breeze developing.
No full census due to the conditions,
although still some birds around.
Mediterranean Gull: still present, although moved to Kenaby
before dropping into Da Water.
Common Rosefinch: an adult
male at Burkle
Barred Warbler: one at Haa
Red-backed Shrike:
2; lingering birds at Obs and Schoolton
Icterine Warbler:
still around Midway
Other sightings:
36 Golden Plover,
Sanderling, Wood Sandpiper (still present),
Great Northern Diver (still off Hesti Geo), 2 Willow Warbler,
Year List: 182
Saturday 15th August 2020
Weather: a slightly breezy
W wind easing through the day to a totally calm evening, sun throughout most of
the day and a rather warm afternoon.
A rare day of Midge horrificness, with the calm evening seeing lots of folk on
the Isle eating outside and then scuttling back in again! The birding continued
to throw up a few highlights without delivering much in the way of numbers
(although there was an increase in waders), but there was an addition to the
year list for the first time this month.
Mediterranean Gull: a moulting 3cy was on the sea fairly
distantly of Hjukni before relocating to South Light later in the evening;
fourth Fair Isle record following birds in October 1995, July 2016 and October
Red-backed Shrike: 3; birds remaining at Obs, Chapel
Plantation and Meadow Burn.
Barred Warbler: 3; singles at
Gully, Setter and Boini Mire.
Icterine Warbler: still present around Midway and
Other sightings:
5 Greylag Goose, 22 Oystercatcher, 32 Golden Plover,
60 Ringed
Plover, Whimbrel, 10 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Knot,
2 Sanderling, 17 Dunlin, 10 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Green Sandpiper, 51
Redshank, Wood Sandpiper (still around Utra),
19 Cormorant (largest count since 2011),
4 Grey Heron, 3 Kestrel, Peregrine (adult female), 46 Skylark, Sand
Martin (Buness), 8 Swallow, Willow Warbler,
3 Reed Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler (again at Burkle), 3 Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
3 Redwing, Whinchat (Midway), 220 Wheatear, 9 Pied Wagtail
(along with 2 White and 8 unidentified alba
wagtails), 133 Meadow Pipit, 215 Rock Pipit, 60 Twite, Linnet, 11 Crossbill.
Year List: 182
Other wildlife:
Minke Whale (one off North Light in the evening)
Harbour Porpoise (Meoness)
9 Red Admiral
2 Painted Lady
4 Silver Y
Friday 14th August 2020
Weather: very calm at first,
with a very light w or NW breeze developing. Cloudy, although visibility good.
A beautiful calm day, with flat seas that were perfect for cetacean watching -
at last! Migration was on a similar level to recent days - a few more
birds, but no big numbers. However, the first BBRC rarity of the autumn was
found, which is always a good moment!
THRUSH NIGHTINGALE: one at Utra; 66th record for Fair Isle if
accepted. The 13th autumn record, and first since 2015, only one (12th August
1977) has arrived earlier in this season.
Red-backed Shrike:
3; the same birds as yesterday, with a female still at the Obs, the ringed 1cy
now around Chapel Plantation and an unringed 1cy at Meadow Burn.
Barred Warbler:
2; at least two, with one at Gully and at least one in the south-east.
Icterine Warbler: one
at Schoolton and Midway.
Other sightings:
7 Greylag Goose, Tufted Duck (still on Da Water), 44 Oystercatcher, 6 Golden Plover,
23 Ringed
Plover, 3 Sanderling, 9 Dunlin, 32 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Green Sandpiper,
Wood Sandpiper (Utra), 24 Redshank,
Great Northern Diver
(still off South Light), 6 Cormorant,
3 Grey Heron,
Short-eared Owl (one circling high over Brecks looked like it was leaving the
Isle), 2 Kestrel, Peregrine (adult female), 26 Skylark, 14 Swallow, 6
Willow Warbler,
4 Reed Warbler, 6 Garden Warbler, Whitethroat,
3 Redwing, 2 Pied
Flycatcher, Whinchat (Da Water), 172 Wheatear, 24 Pied Wagtail
(along with 6 White and 32 unidentified alba
wagtails), 197 Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit, 135 Rock Pipit, 73 Twite, Linnet, 17 Crossbill.
Year List: 181
Other wildlife:
2 Minke Whale (singles seen off Buness and Dronger moved down the east and west coasts respectively)
Risso's Dolphin (off Meoness, moving slowly north; first sighting of the year)
Harbour Porpoise (one at Ditfield, two off Meoness)
Painted Lady (first of
the month)
3 Silver Y
Thursday 13th August 2020
Weather: Fairly calm with thick fog
at first. By early afternoon, a freshening NW breeze cleared the fog, although
it remained cloudy. The wind eased again later in the day as cloud dropped onto
the tops of the hills again.
A bit of all sorts with the weather, but it was fine enough in the afternoon to
allow a plane in (after none yesterday). The morning wasn't much use for
anything other than office work, so census was late starting and it was a
similar picture, a couple new species for the autumn, a light scatter of
scarcities but very few migrants overall.
Red-backed Shrike: 3; two at the Obs (one trapped and
ringed) and one in the Schoolton and Burkle area.
Barred Warbler:
one at Schoolton.
Icterine Warbler: one still at Schoolton.
Other sightings:
63 Oystercatcher, 21 Golden Plover, 47 Ringed
Plover, 9 Sanderling, 18 Dunlin, 4 Green Sandpiper,
Wood Sandpiper (Utra), 27 Redshank,
Greenshank (over North Light), Puffin (still present, but mostly
offshore and in vastly reduced numbers), Great Northern Diver
(still off South Light), Gannet (fledged chick off Lerness,
although most still have a couple of weeks to go), 11 Cormorant,
3 Grey Heron,
Short-eared Owl (Boini Mire), Kestrel, 30 Skylark, 9 Swallow, 3 Willow Warbler,
2 Reed Warbler
(Meadow Burn and Gully), 2 Garden Warbler, Whitethroat (Schoolton), Blackbird
(male still at Midway), 5 Redwing (2 adults and 3 juveniles still), Pied
Flycatcher (Gunnawark; first of the autumn [at last!]), 2
Whinchat (Da Water; first of the autumn), 160 Wheatear, 17 Pied Wagtail
(along with 21 unidentified alba
wagtails), 216 Meadow Pipit, 99 Rock Pipit, 80 Twite, 2 Redpoll sp?, 36 Crossbill.
Year List: 181
Other wildlife: 3 Red Admiral, Silver-Y.
12th August 2020
Weather: fog at first, with low cloud
lingering over the hills for most of the day. A light ESE breeze
becoming NW later. A brief spell of torrential rain in the early afternoon, but
otherwise dry and generally mild.
It's getting there... A few species made their first appearance of the autumn
and there were a couple more scarcities. It still feels that there should be
more common migrants, but there's still plenty of time.
Icterine Warbler: Schoolton; first of the
Red-backed Shrike: two; 1CY at Obs and an adult female at
Wirvie Burn.
Barred Warbler: three;
singles at Burkle (trapped), with another in SE (probably the bird ringed at
Chapel on 10th) and an unringed bird at Setter.
Other sightings:
5 Teal,
Tufted Duck (Da Water), 60 Oystercatcher, 5 Golden Plover, 3 Sanderling, 22 Dunlin,
3 Green Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper (sightings
from Utra Scrape, Boini Mire and Da Water were probably related to one roaming
individual), 14 Black-headed Gull, 77 Common Gull, Great Northern Diver
(off Green Holm), 2 Cormorant, 9 Grey Heron,
Short-eared Owl (Boini Mire), 3 Kestrel, 5 Swallow, 4
Willow Warbler (highest count of the autumn so far), 2
Reed Warbler
(Meadow Burn and Chapel, with unstreaked acros briefly at Boini Mire and Furse),
Grasshopper Warbler (trapped at Burkle; first of the autumn), 3 Garden Warbler,
2 Whitethroat (first of the autumn), Tree Pipit
(over Aesterhoull; first of the autumn),
8 Linnet, 41 Crossbill.
Year List: 181
Other wildlife: 5 Red Admiral, 6 Silver-Y.
11th August 2020
Weather: breezy easterly. Fog and some rain
at first, giving way to a more pleasant late morning and afternoon.
A real slow-builder of a week considering the weather, but the signs are there
that there are birds on the move. After the poor weather of the morning delayed
census, we were hopeful that it would have dropped birds, but it was slim
pickings. Another scarcity, but a marked lack of 'common' migrants (e.g. no
Willow Warblers, let alone Redstarts or Pied Flys)...
Red-backed Shrike: 1CY on Lerness; first of the
autumn and earliest autumn arrival since 2011.
Barred Warbler: one
trapped in the Gully (with photos indicating it was a different bird to that
seen yesterday).
Other sightings:
Shoveler (Da Water), 6 Teal,
Tufted Duck (Da Water), 53 Oystercatcher, 6 Golden
Plover, Whimbrel, 3 Ruff, 4 Sanderling, 10 Dunlin, 2 Green Sandpiper,
Greenshank (Golden Water), 14 Black-headed Gull, 134 Common Gull, 16 Lesser Black-backed Gull, Red-throated Diver, 203
Storm Petrel (trapped overnight in Haven), 2 Cormorant, 6 Grey Heron,
Short-eared Owl (Boini Mire), Kestrel, 5 Swallow, Reed Warbler
(Haa; first of the autumn), 3 Garden Warbler, 241 Wheatear, 16 Pied Wagtail (along with
1 'White' and 6 unidentified alba
wagtails), 223 Meadow Pipit, 150 Rock Pipit,
60 Twite, 3 Linnet, 3 'Mealy Redpoll', 22 Crossbill.
Year List: 181
Other wildlife: Silver-Y. A Cornflower in Bull's Park was an
unusual sight for Fair Isle
10th August 2020
Weather: ESE wind, generally light or
moderate. Mostly cloudy, fairly mild, although cooler at first.
Census in the morning (assume it's been full census unless we say otherwise from
now until November!), then a check on the Bonxie breeding success in the
afternoon. The full figures aren't in yet, but it has obviously been a poor year
for the species, with rather few fledged chicks seen (certainly in comparison to
the population of 400+ pairs). A day that felt more full or promise than
delivering on it, but a couple decent scarcities dropped in (although very few
common migrants) which has raised hopes even further for the next couple of
days. The winds look pretty good tomorrow and Wednesday, although we may suffer
from rain and/or fog, which is not so good. It's exciting times though and
hopefully the team can soon get to experience their first Fair Isle fall.
Barred Warbler: 2; singles in the Gully and
Burkle (the latter later trapped at the Chapel Plantation); first of the autumn (and first to be reported on Birdguides in the UK
this autumn) and a slightly earlier than usual arrival date (although last year
there were two on 1st August).
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, Teal,
Tufted Duck (male still on Da Water), Swift,
60 Oystercatcher, 5 Golden
Plover, Whimbrel, 4 Sanderling, 24 Dunlin, 4 Green Sandpiper,
Red-throated Diver, 3 Cormorant, 9 Grey Heron, Merlin, 9 Swallow,
Wood Warbler (Schoolton; first of the autumn), Willow Warbler,
3 Garden Warbler, 232 Wheatear, 19 Pied Wagtail (along with 3 'White' and 9 unidentified alba
wagtails), 196 Meadow Pipit, 182 Rock Pipit,
55 Twite, 8 Linnet, 5 'Mealy Redpoll', 30 Crossbill.
Year List: 181
9th August 2020
Weather: very calm at first, with a
slight ESE breeze developing. Sunny and warm.
Another beautiful day, a few bits and pieces around with larger numbers of most
of the common migrants.
Leach's Petrel: 3 trapped and ringed in the
Haven overnight (the most caught in a single session since 2017)
Other sightings:
Tufted Duck (male), Woodpigeon,
47 Oystercatcher, 9 Golden
Plover, Whimbrel, 4 Sanderling, 17 Dunlin, Green Sandpiper (Field Ditch),
308 Storm Petrel (trapped overnight in the Haven), 3 Cormorant,
Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl (Chalet area),
Peregrine, Sand Martin,
17 Swallow (including a flock fo 11 that went north off North
Light), 2 Willow Warbler, 3 Garden Warbler,
Blackbird (adult male still), 6 Redwing (2 adults and 3 juveniles still, plus a different moulting adult
trapped at the Obs), 299 Wheatear, Dunnock (a moulting adult
trapped at the Obs had been ringed there on 13th June but not seen since 7th
July), 21 Pied Wagtail (along with two 'White' and 3 unidentified alba
wagtails), 177 Meadow Pipit, 219 Rock Pipit,
92 Twite, 5 Linnet, 4 'Mealy Redpoll', 48 Crossbill.
Other Wildlife:
Small Tortoiseshell (Dronger)
Year List: 181
8th August 2020
Weather: after a cool, drizzly start,
the sun came out and it became warm and pleasant. A light SW wind eased to a
very calm evening.
Another lovely day, a few bits and pieces of movement and even pleasant enough
to have outdoor Log (a vast improvement on 'socially-distanced phone Log'!)
complete with a green flash as the sun set. The last of the Fulmar productivity
plots had their last visits and a few more Fulmar chicks were ringed around the
Isle. A calm night looks good for moth catching and Stormie ringing and tomorrow
could well see a few more migrants as a light south-easterly is forecast.
Hawfinch: a male at Barkland
then settled on the Schoolhouse feeder for the day. Although now an annual
migrant, this is the first August record for Fair Isle (although there were two
in July in 2019).
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Tufted Duck, 114 Oystercatcher, 7 Golden
Plover, 4 Sanderling, 14 Dunlin, Common Sandpiper,
Green Sandpiper, 2 Cormorant,
Merlin (Furse; first of the autumn. Although August sightings
have become almost annual in recent years, this was the earliest since 1992), Sand Martin,
11 Swallow, Willow Warbler (juvenile), 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler,
4 Redwing (2 adults and 2 juveniles), 208 Wheatear, 145 Meadow Pipit, 165 Rock Pipit, 60
Twite, 5 Linnet, 6 'Mealy Redpoll', 48 Crossbill.
Other Wildlife:
Silver Y
Year List: 181
7th August 2020
Weather: A fresh southerly breeze,
sunny at first but clouding later and rain in the evening.
Full census saw a nice selection of birds around and there's hopefully more to
2 Greylag Goose, Shoveler (Da Water), 78 Oystercatcher, 2 Lapwing, 2 Golden
Plover, Whimbrel, 4 Sanderling, 12 Dunlin, 26 Purple Sandpiper, Wood
Sandpiper (Muckle Uri Geo; a fairly scarce bird in the autumn it was
even more unusual for being on salt water), 247 Common Gull, 41
Arctic Tern (most of the breeding seabirds are now dispersing, with no Razorbill
seen today for example), 2 Cormorant, Sand Martin (Hoini), 6
Swallow, 3 Willow Warbler (including the first juvenile
of the autumn), Sedge Warbler (Gully), 3 Garden Warbler, Blackbird
(confirmed as nesting this year when a failed nest was found at Midway), 179
Wheatear, 102 Meadow Pipit, 149 Rock Pipit, 60 Twite, 2 'Mealy Redpoll',
57 Crossbill (highest count since 2009).
Other Wildlife:
Silver Y
Year List: 181
6th August 2020
Weather: Totally calm at first,
with cloud clearing as a slight southerly wind picked up.
Some low cloud and fog later on. Dry and warm.
Time was taken up with Sheep Hill in the morning which went well. The afternoon
saw a variety of tasks rattled out, including getting the traps repaired and
primed ahead of an interesting forecast for next week... A few more Fulmar
chicks ringed (always fun in the sun!) and a few bits of monitoring, as the
seabird season rapidly comes towards the end.
3 Shoveler (Da Water; the highest count since 2012), Tufted Duck (Da Water),
2 Knot,
Short-eared Owl (Byerwalls), Willow Warbler (Burkle), 3 Sedge Warbler (Plantation,
Gully and Obs), Grey Wagtail (Field Ditch; the earliest autumn
for Fair Isle), 'White Wagtail' (Airstrip), 7 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll' (plus
one flyover Redpoll sp?).
Year List: 181
5th August 2020
Weather: Mostly grey and cloudy,
with regular rain (especially in the morning) and fog, with low cloud lingering
on the hills for the day.
A good day for office work, but not so much for sightings.
Shoveler (Da Water), 2
Teal, 2 Tufted Duck (Da Water), Swift (Stoneybrek), Black-tailed Godwit (Upper
42 Turnstone, 3 Sanderling, 11 Dunlin, 29 Purple Sandpiper, 40 Redshank, 4
Cormorant, Kestrel (juvenile, Obs), Peregrine (Ditfield), 3 Swallow,
Willow Warbler (Schoolton), Sedge Warbler (Lower Stoneybrek), Garden Warbler
(Schoolton), 2 Crossbill (Plantation).
Year List: 181
4th August 2020
Weather: A fresh SSE wind,
becoming SW. Sunny at first then rain from early afternoon, becoming
heavy later.
With only half a day of weather according to the forecast, seabird work was the
priority in the morning, with monitoring almost complete for most species now.
Teal, Swift, Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit (adult, Taft),
2 Manx Shearwater (Good Shepherd IV), 2 Carrion Crow,
Willow Warbler (Schoolton).
Year List: 181
3rd August 2020
Weather: SW4, showers and sunny
First census of the autumn and a few birds to show for it.
2 Greylag Goose,
Shoveler (Da Water), Tufted Duck,
Swift, 108 Oystercatcher, 18 Ringed Plover, 15
Curlew, 13 Turnstone, Sanderling, 2 Dunlin, 25 Redshank, 10 Black-headed Gull,
82 Common Gull, 8 Cormorant, 2 Kestrel, 5 Carrion Crow,
8 Swallow, Willow Warbler, 3 Sedge Warbler, Blackbird (moulting
adult male, Schoolton), 175 Wheatear, 120 Meadow Pipit, 110 Rock Pipit, 50
Twite, 4 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll'.
Year List: 181
2nd August 2020
Weather: SW2-3, increasing 4
later, cloudy patches with some light rain in the morning, but sunny later on.
A pleasant day, with signs of autumn starting to build. Exciting times!
Glaucous Gull: adult still at South Light
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose,
Shoveler (Da Water), 3 Teal, 2 Tufted Duck,
Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Woodpigeon, 76 Oystercatcher (Meadow Burn),
2 Lapwing, Whimbrel,
89 Turnstone, Sanderling, Dunlin, 6 Purple Sandpiper, Common
Sandpiper, 2 Black-headed Gull, 6 Cormorant, 2 Kestrel, 3 Carrion Crow, 7
Swallow (including four fledged young at the Mast), Willow Warbler (Haa),
2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler, 6 'Mealy Redpoll', 6 Crossbill, Siskin.
Year List: 181
1st August 2020
Glaucous Gull: adult South Light
Other sightings:
Shoveler (Da Water; second record of the year), Teal, 75 Oystercatcher (Meadow Burn), Golden Plover, Whimbrel,
Sandpiper, 4 Green Sandpiper, 4 Black-headed Gull, 117 Common Gull,
134 Arctic Tern (South Light roost), Great Northern Diver, 7 Cormorant, Short-eared Owl,
2 Kestrel (first of the autumn), Peregrine, Carrion Crow, Sand Martin
(Golden Water; first of the autumn), Willow Warbler
(Skerryholm; first of the autumn), Sedge Warbler (Walli Burn;
first of the autumn), 2 Garden Warbler (first of the autumn), 3 Linnet, Redpoll
sp. (one over Schoolhouse), 2 Crossbill (Utra), 3 Siskin.
Year List: 181
26th-31st July 2020
Leach's Petrel:
one trapped at Muckle Uri Geo, 27th
Red-necked Phalarope: male, Golden Water on 29th
Glaucous Gull: adult on Da Water 27th, then around South Light until
end of month; the first July record since 2009
Other sightings (peak counts unless otherwise
4 Teal, 91 Oystercatcher (Meadow Burn), 4 Golden Plover, 5 Whimbrel,
95 Turnstone,
2 Knot, 2 Ruff (Da Water, 26th-27th with one on 31st; first of
the year), 7 Sanderling, 13
5 Purple Sandpiper, 2 Common
Sandpiper (29th), 40 Redshank, Greenshank, 7 Black-headed Gull,
270 Common Gull (26th),
Red-throated Diver (30th), Great Northern Diver (lingering bird), 27 Storm
Petrel (trapped Muckle Uri Geo 27th), Short-eared Owl (present until 28th), 2 Carrion Crow
(along with 2 hybrids, possibly locally-bred birds), Garden Warbler (still at
the Obs), Redwing (the breeding pair of Icelandic birds
fledged at least three chicks on 30th; second breeding record for Fair Isle following a
pair in 1935), Song Thrush (still in Gully 31st), 2 Linnet, 7 'Mealy Redpoll',
Lesser Redpoll (26th), 18 Crossbill (peak
count on 30th), 3 Siskin.
Year List: 181
Other Wildlife: 2 Large White
21st-25th July 2020
Leach's Petrel:
2 trapped in the Haven, 23rd.
Other sightings (peak counts unless otherwise
Golden Plover, 2 Whimbrel,
3 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Turnstone,
5 Knot, 10
4 Purple Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper (Golden Water from 22nd;
first of the autumn),
Greenshank (Da Water from 22nd; first of the year), 2 Black-headed Gull, Common Gull
(fledged from Buness on 21st), Common Tern (South Light, 21st),
142 Arctic Tern (roosting at South Light), Great Northern
Diver (still present in North),
Storm Petrel (Good Shepherd on 21st, 40 around Vaasetter overnight on 21st, 30
around Malcolm's Head overnight on 23rd, 102 trapped in Haven 23rd, 14 trapped
at South Light on 25th), 3 Grey Heron (24th),
Short-eared Owl (pale individual still present),
2 Swallow, Chiffchaff (adult still at Schoolton), Garden Warbler (summering bird
still at the Obs), Song Thrush (Gully, 23rd), 'White
Wagtail' (Golden Water, 24th), 4 Linnet, 5 'Mealy Redpoll',
6 Crossbill, Siskin.
Year List: 180
Other Wildlife: 2
Harbour Porpoise (from Good Shepherd IV on 21st), Large
White (max. of 3; an unusually large count for this recently rather scarce
migrant, especially given the relative paucity of other butterfly sightings this
summer). Magpie Moth (23rd).
16th-20th July 2020
Rose-coloured Starling: one
still around South Ramnegeo and Wirvie until 20th.
Great Spotted Woodpecker: juvenile at Haa on 18th; first record since
2018 (and just second since 2015) and only second July arrival (first was in
Leach's Petrel: trapped in the Haven, 16th.
Other sightings (peak counts unless otherwise
Teal (17th; first of the month), 2
Swift, Collared Dove (20th), Golden Plover, 2 Whimbrel,
14 Black-tailed Godwit (Meoness 18th, with 13 still on 20th),
24 Turnstone, 3 Knot, 10 Sanderling, 50 Dunlin (18th), 7 Purple Sandpiper, Common
71 Redshank (18th), 41 Black-headed Gull
(19th), Common Gull (first passage juveniles from 19th), Common Tern
(adult and two juveniles, South Harbour 16th; first of the year),
Arctic Skua (first fledged chick on 19th), Red-throated Diver
(19th), Great Northern
Diver (lingering bird),
222 Storm Petrel (trapped, 16th), Manx Shearwater
(3 off South Light, 17th), Short-eared Owl
(Field then Gilsetter area from 18th),
2 Carrion Crow, 2 Swallow, 4 Linnet, 16 'Mealy Redpoll',
16 Crossbill.
Year List: 179
Other Wildlife: Harbour
Porpoise (4 South Light, 20th), Large
White (South Light, 20th)
11th-15th July 2020
Weather: a largely southerly or SW wind, strong at times but with
calmer spells. Mostly mild with some sunny spells.
Seabirds continue to do well, waders and finches are on the move, the year
list gained a couple of unexpected additions: things are going generally pretty
well all round!
Common Rosefinch: female or
immature male, Chapel Willows 11th; the first July record since 2015 (although
there have now been records in this month in 11 years since 2000).
Rose-coloured Starling:
what was presumably the Roskillie bird from last week was seen over the
Plantation on 11th then Shirva, where it remained the following day before
moving back up to the South Restengeo area on 14th-15th.
Leach's Petrel: birds trapped on 11th (two) and 15th; first of the year.
Red-necked Phalarope: a migrant male on Da Water on 14th
Sandwich Tern: one in the Haven on 15th; first record since
Other sightings (peak counts unless otherwise
2 Swift (15th), Golden Plover, 6 Whimbrel,
Curlew (several migrant flocks on the move), 23 Turnstone, Dunlin
36 Purple Sandpiper (13th; first of the autumn), Common
Sandpiper (13th; first of the autumn), 18 Redshank,
Black-headed Gull (small numbers including the first juveniles
from 15th), 80 Common Gull (migrants on the move on 15th), Arctic Tern (over
90 chicks fledged from Buness, 25 2cy birds also in roost), Red-throated Diver
(11th and 13th), Great Northern
Diver (non-breeding plumaged bird still around Furse),
Storm Petrel (102 trapped on 11th, 140 on 15th), 2 Grey Heron
(15th), Peregrine, 2 Carrion Crow (and a hybrid), Swallow, House Martin
(13th), Chiffchaff (worn adult), Garden Warbler (Obs), Blackbird
(female), 6 Linnet, 16 'Mealy Redpoll' (the family party of two
adults and four fledged chicks remained at the Obs, with migrants scattered
elsewhere across the Isle, with numbers peaking on 15th), Lesser Redpoll
(at least one with Mealy Redpolls on 13th; first of the year),
12 Crossbill, 2 Siskin.
Year List: 177
Other Wildlife:
Killer Whales: a group seen distantly off South Harbour on 14th
6th-10th July 2020
Strong NW winds and showers to start, feeling very cool, before winds dropped and backed more SW or S, bringing sunshine and warmer conditions.
Seabird monitoring again took up the bulk of the time, but any work that involves being outside on Fair Isle is going to have the chance of bumping in
to some good birds, whilst the team continued to make the most of any spare time by getting out birding
which also turned up the odd sign of movement.
Rose-coloured Starling: an
adult seen during the Puffin feedwatch count at Roskillie on 8th as it flew
along the clifftop. Probably the best bird found on a Puffin feedwatch over the
Sightings (peak counts unless otherwise
4 Greylag Goose (8th), Red-breasted Merganser, Golden Plover, 5 Whimbrel, 7 Turnstone, Dunlin,
24 Redshank,
Black-headed Gull, 47 Arctic Tern (South Light roost on 9th, including 17 2cy
birds. The breeding colony on Buness continues to thrive, with the first
fledged chicks seen on 8th), Guillemot (large numbers fledging from
Kristal Kame during the evening of 8th), Red-throated Diver, Great Northern
Diver (non-breeding plumaged bird still lingering around the north of the Isle),
125 Storm Petrel (trapped in the early hours of 10th), 5
Carrion Crow, 4 Swallow, Chiffchaff (worn adult, Schoolton, 10th), Reed
Warbler (trapped in Plantation, 10th), Blackcap (female, Vaila's Trees,
8th), Garden Warbler (still at Obs), Dunnock (Obs), 4 Linnet, 3 'Mealy Redpoll' (including
two recently fledged chicks at Obs on 8th from the first Fair
Isle breeding record), 5 Crossbill, Siskin (7th, Gully).
Year List: 174
Other Wildlife:
sp.: one surfaced once off North Light on 8th; a decent-sized, fairly tall, blow suggested a
large whale species, rather than Minke but unfortunately it wasn't seen again.
'Cabbage White': a white sp? (probably Large), 9th
1st-5th July 2020
Cool, with a west or north-west airflow, although some pleasant weather,
especially on Friday. Spells of rain, especially on Sunday.
Spring migration has surely now come to an end, with the movements of birds
noted being largely summer dispersal of northern finches and some returning
waders. Seabird work continues to take up the bulk of the staff time when the weather is suitable, with a 20.5 hour feedwatch of Guillemots on Friday being a highlight of the week.
It doesn't feel all that summery, with temperatures generally in very low double
figures, but there's usually a sheltered side to the building or sunny patch
somewhere to enjoy outdoors - especially with social distancing measures on
children under 12 being eased in Scotland allowing some normal outdoor play just
in time for the start of the school holidays, which has been especially enjoyed
by the Obs kids and their friends!
Sightings (peak counts unless otherwise
Greylag Goose (north on 3rd), Wigeon (north on 5th), 2
Tufted Duck (males on 1st-2nd), 2 Woodpigeon, 2 Collared Dove, Golden Plover
(2nd), 3 Whimbrel, 16 Turnstone,
Knot (Muckle Uri Geo, 5th), 2 Dunlin, 15 Redshank,
5 Black-headed Gull, 2 Red-throated Diver (over Isle on 3rd and 5th),
'blue' Fulmar (went south over Furse on 3rd), Cormorant (3rd-4th),
Kestrel, Peregrine, 3 Carrion Crow, Hooded Crow (first fledged
birds of the year seen on 5th at South Raeva), 2 Swallow, Willow Warbler (Lower
Leogh, 2nd), Blackcap (female, Obs, 3rd), Garden Warbler (Obs, 3rd), Blackbird
(male), Black Redstart (Vaadal, 2nd), Dunnock (lingering ringed
bird, Gully), 6 Linnet, 7 'Mealy Redpoll' (numbers building up
at Obs through the period), Crossbill (4 on 3rd, 6 on 5th).
Year List: 174
Other Wildlife:
Silver Y,
4 Magpie Moth (3rd)
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Weather: a moderate NW wind, cloudy a lot of the time, although some sunny spells and milder than expected.
Still good enough weather for seabird work, but despite that, more quality birds. What a late spring spell this is! Surely with the forecast northerlies, that's it now?...
BOOTED WARBLER: a singing bird intially seen briefly at Vaila's Trees moved to Shirva where it showed very well on occasions.
If accepted, the 16th record for Fair Isle, but first since 2016, and first
spring record.
Rose-coloured Starling: one on Dronger continued the excellent spring for this species
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Red-breasted Merganser, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Whimbrel, Turnstone,
Redshank, Manx Shearwater (two from Good Shepherd IV),
Grey Heron, Kestrel, Carrion Crow, Swallow, House Martin, Willow Warbler (a
'northern' bird at Haa), Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Dunnock, Linnet
(including at least three fledged juveniles at the Obs).
Year List: 174
Other Wildlife:
3 Red Admiral,
7 Silver Y,
Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Shirva; first
of the year).
Friday-Monday 26th-29th June 2020
Weather: the wind remained in the SE, quite fresh at times, with poor visibility and rain at times.
Monday saw a switch to a more northerly wind later in the day, with the cloud
closing in and bringing rain with it.
The team cracked on with seabird work where possible and, although the predictions were in the 'Oriental Plover, Pallas's Sandgrouse' league, it never quite came to pass. The sea state prevented the
Good Shepherd IV from making its sailing, although there was a plane on Friday. It looks like we're getting some winds from Siberia next week, although as they appear to be coming over the top of the North Pole, it seems that colder conditions is more likely than big rarities. With the June run of birds though, the epic end to 1992's spring, which saw Brown Flycatcher and Pacific Golden Plover in early July is still being murmured about!
Crane: one seen by an islander on 29th as it flew towards Quoy,
but disappeared
Other sightings (maximum counts in
10 Greylag Goose, Tufted Duck (male, Golden Water 28th),
Red-breasted Merganser (male, 28th-29th), Woodpigeon, Turtle Dove
(the second of the year was at Field on 26th), Collared Dove, Whimbrel,
Bar-tailed Godwit (29th), 3 Turnstone, 7 Redshank, Razorbill
(first fledged chick departed its nest in Mavers Geo on 26th), Cormorant,
2 Grey Heron, 2 Kestrel, Carrion Crow, 4 Swallow,
House Martin, Chiffchaff, Reed Warbler (Schoolton,
28th), 2 Blackcap (pair at Schoolton), Garden Warbler
(Plantation, 26th), Lesser Whitethroat (27th-28th), 'Fair Isle
Wren (fledged youngsters at Jivvy Geo on 28th), 2 Blackbird,
Song Thrush (26th), Dunnock (ringed bird at Schoolhouse), 3 Linnet,
Crossbill (2 on 26th, 1 27th and 3 28th), 3 Siskin.
Year List: 173
Other Wildlife:
23 Red Admiral,
4 Painted Lady, 25 Silver Y, White Satin Moth (Obs, 26th; first
for Fair Isle).
Thursday 25th June 2020
Weather: Fresh SE breeze, easing later. Although clear at first, fog
drifted in for the morning and early afternoon before clearing to a pleasant
sunny evening, with just a few wisps of low cloud appearing later.
A frustrating pause on the seabird work as the visibility closed in, but
thankfully it didn't last all day and so monitoring continued. It's been a busy
couple of weeks playing catch-up, and for some species we've had to miss a
year's monitoring as things began too late, but hopefully we'll have some
meaningful statistics on several of our seabirds. The early 'gut feeling' is
that it looks like a reasonable year for most species so far.
Marsh Warbler: an unringed bird at Gully in the evening
briefly indulged in some sub-song
Other sightings:
4 Swift, Collared Dove, Whimbrel, 2 Turnstone, Dunlin (a pair
with three chicks at the Mast; although possibly overlooked,
the species is at best a rare breeder, with suspected or confirmed breeding
recorded recently in only 2019, 2017, 2015 and 2007, with chicks not actually
observed in any of those years), Cormorant (immature wrestling with an eel in
Muckle Uri Geo), 3 Carrion Crow (South Light), 2 Swallow, 2 Willow
Warbler, Sedge Warbler (Schoolton), 3 Blackcap (females
at Plantation, Obs and Leogh), Whitethroat (Vaila's Trees), 4 Blackbird (pairs
in two locations), Black Redstart (female-type, Chalet),
Dunnock (ringed bird in Gully), Twite (first fledged youngster
seen), 5 Linnet,
5 Crossbill (south-east over Furse), 3 Siskin.
Year List: 173
Other Wildlife:
5 Red Admiral,
3 Painted Lady, 15 Silver Y. European Eel (aforementioned
individual in Muckle Uri Geo - the eel won)
Weather: a fresh SE wind becoming SW and easing to a very calm evening. Mostly cloudy.
This spring just keeps providing, with a couple more quality birds today;
neither amazingly rare, but both stunning in their own way.
Barred Warbler:
one, probably a 2CY male, at Schoolton then moved to Chapel Plantation and Burkle. There are just
four previous spring records for Fair Isle; 28th May 1992 and three birds
trapped in June 1997, on 6th, 8th and 22nd-23rd.
Starling: the third of the spring was at Chalet
Citrine Wagtail: still at Da Water, although no singing noted today
Other sightings:
6 Greylag Goose, 3 Teal, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Whimbrel, 5 Turnstone, 2 Redshank, Carrion Crow, 2 Swallow, Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap (male Chalet, female Schoolton), 2 Linnet,
4 Siskin (including juveniles).
Year List: 173
Other Wildlife:
2 Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Silver Y
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Weather: sunny, although a couple of light showers in the
afternoon, with a generally light SE breeze and rather mild
Still more
migrants in what is seeming to be a never-ending spring, whilst seabirds
continue to advance, with some hopeful signs for the season.
a female in the Vaadal was the third latest spring arrival on record
for Fair Isle, with only birds on 3rd July 1996 and 8th July 1987 being later
(summering individuals were also recorded in 1973 and 1975)
2; a singing male in the Plantation and another in the Walli Burn
what was presumably yesterday's bird was seen in the morning only
Citrine Wagtail:
still in Da Water
Red-backed Shrike: the female still in
the Gully
Other sightings:
2 Teal, Eider (first ducklings seen;
brood of five near the Gully), Woodpigeon, Curlew (fledged chick
at the Kirk), Dunlin, 5 Redshank, Great Northern Diver (non-breeding
plumaged bird in South Haven), Short-eared Owl (the oiled bird still clinging on
at Wirvie Burn), Swallow, Willow Warbler (a new arrival at the Obs), 2 Blackcap, Common Redpoll,
2 Crossbill (one over the Haven in the morning and a yellow male at Burkle), Siskin
(female, Schoolhouse).
Year List: 172
Other wildlife:
5 Red Admiral, 7 Painted Lady, 5 Silver Y
Monday 22nd June 2020
SSE3-4, increasing 5 later. Sunny and warm at first, although then clouding
over, when it also became somewhat cooler.
What a day, with the
last of the Guillemot and Razorbill counts squeezed in and a bonus good bird
found whilst doing it!
the clifftop at Bergaroo was found at around 0815 and roamed the short grass in
the area between there and Kirn o' Skroo for around an hour before dropping over
the edge of the cliff and vanishing. The 7th for Fair Isle (subject to
acceptance), with previous records in 1978, 1999, 2000, 2008, 2014 and 2016 and
spanned the period 20th April to 22nd May).
Crane: one flew
north over a small group of happy Calandra Lark observers, heading out to sea. A
couple of hours later, what was assumed to be the same bird (having presumably
changed its mind and headed back south), was seen at the base of Hoini, before
wandering up and down the Isle a couple of times.
Citrine Wagtail:
still singing at Da Water, although generally less vocal now.
Red-backed Shrike: the ringed female was in the Gully
Other sightings:
5 Greylag Goose, 2 Teal (pair, Da Water), Scaup
(female, Da Water), Swift, 3 Golden Plover, 2 Whimbrel, 8
Curlew (south over the Obs - breeding birds still present but these were a clear
sign of passage), 2 Dunlin (singles at North Haven and North Light), Redshank,
Arctic Skua (chicks at the airstrip and Bull's Park),
Red-throated Diver (over the Isle in the morning), Great Northern Diver (North
Light), Cormorant (immature still), Kestrel, Peregrine, 2
Carrion Crow, Sand Martin, Swallow, 3 Blackcap, Whitethroat, 5 Linnet,
2 Siskin.
Year List: 172
Sunday 21st June 2020
Weather: a fresh SE wind, easing through the day, with
sunshine at first but rain and low cloud for most of the day until it cleared
again in the evening.
A generally poor day for weather reflected in the
general lack of birds, although that wind is still rather promising.
Citrine Wagtail:
still singing at Da Water
Marsh Warbler:
still in the Plantation
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose (east off South Light), Wigeon, Teal, Scaup
(female, Da Water), 2 Red-breasted Merganser, Collared Dove, 2 Whimbrel,
8 Turnstone, Cormorant (immature, South Harbour),
2 Blackbird, 5 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll,
3 Siskin.
Year List: 171
Saturday 20th June 2020
Weather: light SE wind, with fog and some drizzle until early
evening when it cleared somewhat to low cloud.
The longest day was
somewhat hampered by rubbish weather.
Citrine Wagtail:
still singing merrily away despite the conditions
Marsh Warbler:
still in the Plantation
Other sightings:
12 Greylag Goose, Wigeon, Teal, Scaup
(female, Da Water), 2 Red-breasted Merganser (Hesti Geo), Whimbrel, 3
Turnstone, Storm Petrel (from the Good Shepherd IV just north of the
Isle; first of the year), Peregrine, 3 Blackcap, Whitethroat, 3 Blackbird, 7 Linnet (including 3
fledged chicks at Schoolton; at least two other pairs are probably
breeding on the Isle), Crossbill (juvenile, Midway),
4 Siskin.
Year List: 171
Friday 19th June 2020
Weather: light SE wind and fog.
A generally poor day, with
little to report.
Citrine Wagtail:
still at Da Water and singing
Red-backed Shrike: what was presumably
yesterday's female was trapped at the Obs
Other sightings:
Scaup (female, Da Water), 3 Swallow, Chiffchaff,
Year List: 170
Thursday 18th June 2020
Weather: Cloudy, with a F2-3 NE breeze that was cool at times,
visibility was generally good, although some low cloud was occasionally wisping
around the hills.
A day that felt generally quite quiet, although a big
flyover certainly livened things up!
the second of the year involved one seen heading north over Schoolhouse
just before 11am that made it as far as Mopul before circling, then heading
south again (Shetland wasn't visible at the time, so it obviously didn't fancy
the journey into the unknown). It reached somewhere around the airstrip before
circling again, when it presumably gained enough height to lift it out of the
fog as it wasn't seen again.
Citrine Wagtail:
the male still noisily pining away for company in Da Water
Marsh Warbler: one in the Plantation
Red-backed Shrike: female at Dumlin's
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Wigeon, Scaup
(female, Da Water), Woodpigeon, 4 Golden Plover, Whimbrel, 3 Redshank, 4 Swallow, Willow Warbler, ,
Blackcap, 2 Garden Warbler, 2 Whitethroat, Blackbird, 5 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll,
3 Siskin.
Year List: 170
Other wildlife:
8 Red Admiral, 4 Painted Lady, 5 Silver Y
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Weather: a very light easterly breeze, although mostly flat calm,
fog throughout a lot of the day, clearing most of the Isle for a short while in
the evening.
A few spells where the weather was good enough to see
things on the Isle, although not for seabird monitoring, but generally the fog
dominated the day. An interesting arrival of
Sylvia warblers as the spring migration keeps dragging on.
Citrine Wagtail:
male still singing at Da Water (and
occasionally on the roadside fence)
Red-backed Shrike:
female at Meadow Burn
Marsh Warbler:
2; one singing at Meadow Burn and another at
Other sightings:
Wigeon, Teal, Woodpigeon, 2 Whimbrel, Dunlin,
Redshank, Swallow, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Reed Warbler (Schoolton),
10 Blackcap, 5 Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 4
Whitethroat, Blackbird, Song Thrush (Obs), 4 Spotted Flycatcher,
Robin (Schoolton),
Redstart (female Schoolton), 2 Dunnock,
flava wagtail (over Stackhoull), 3 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll.
Year List: 170
Other wildlife:
14 Red Admiral, 12 Painted Lady, 9 Silver Y
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Weather: sunny, hot with a light easterly wind, clear until late evening when a few tendrils of fog started to creep onto the Isle.
Another absolutely glorious day, with temperatures rising to over 15 degrees - the hottest day of the year so far. The birds lived up to it as well, with a scatter of migrants and a top-drawer rarity. The day wasn't over yet though, with the evening seeing the first cetacean sighting of the year - and a quality one at that!
GREEN WARBLER: the second for Fair Isle and 8th for the UK (subject to acceptance) was found at Vaila's Trees where it showed well at times. A fortunate find as, during a day dominated by seabird work, it was discovered whilst popping into Stackhoull Stores for ice creams!
Citrine Wagtail: male still singing at Da Water
Marsh Warbler: a male singing at Vaila's Trees
Other sightings:
Wigeon (male, Da Water), Scaup (female in South Harbour was an unexpected year tick, less than annual [there were records in 2018 and 2019, but none from 2015-2017], the first spring record since 2011 and the first June record since 1997), Swift (Vaila's Trees), 2 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Whimbrel, 2 Turnstone, Dunlin, Redshank, Arctic Tern (247 nests located on Buness, where the first chicks were also noted), Bonxie (first chick noted, on Eas Brecks), 2 Red-throated Diver (still circling the Isle and calling in the morning), Short-eared Owl (Da Water), 4 Swallow, House Martin, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler, 3 Blackcap, Garden Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Whitethroat (including a nest-building male), 8 Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher (female still at Chalet), Dunnock, flava wagtail, 4 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll.
Year List: 170
Other Wildlife:
KILLER WHALE: at least 10, possibly as many as 14, originally found in South Harbour, they milled around Brecks, some offshore, others closer in for a while, with some roaming as far as the Obs. They were identified as the '27's who have visited Fair Isle before, most recently on 3rd November 2019, but who made a similar appearance on 15th (when they were joined by another group) and 28th June 2017, when they entered South Harbour and North Haven hunting Grey Seals.
8 Red Admiral, 10 Painted Lady, 2 Silver Y
Monday 15th June 2020
Weather: sunny, warm (14.7 degrees was the warmest day of the year so far), with a F3 ESE breeze easing.
A full-on day of seabird monitoring, with a few migrants noted whilst the team were out and about, complete with a new species for the year list, along with some clear insect passage.
Greenish Warbler: one glimpsed briefly by the School was later caught in the mistnet at Schoolhouse; first of the year, the 57th record for Fair Isle but just 12th in spring (subject to acceptance).
Citrine Wagtail: male still singing at Da Water
Marsh Warbler: 2; lingering birds at the Obs and Lower Leogh
Other sightings:
Canada Goose, 6 Greylag Goose, 3 Whimbrel, 8 Turnstone, Redshank, 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Short-eared Owl (the oiled bird at Kirn o' Skroo and a migrant on the west coast), Kestrel (Burrashield), Carrion Crow (Lerness), 5 Swallow (including a nest-building pair), 3 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, 3 Garden Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat, Blackbird (male Midway), 10 Spotted Flycatcher (highest count of the year so far, with half on the north coast where they appeared to be taking advantage of migrant insects), Pied Flycatcher (female, Chalet), 2 Redstart (female Guidicum, male Moss Geo), 2 Dunnock, 2 Common Redpoll.
Year List: 168
Other Wildlife:
45 Red Admiral, 25 Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, 20 Silver Y (all counts minimum figures), many Diamond-back Moths
Sunday 14th June 2020
Weather: although foggy at first, it cleared for a while, ESE breeze, fresh at times.
The break in weather allowed for some seabird monitoring to be snuck in between bouts of poor visibility.
THRUSH NIGHTINGALE: still present at Schoolhouse, where it was running around on the drive below the bathroom window, before heading up to Chalet and being lost to view.
Citrine Wagtail: male still singing at Da Water
Marsh Warbler: 3; birds still at Lower Leogh and Meadow Burn, with one trapped at the Obs.
Other sightings:
Teal, 5 Whimbrel, 10 Turnstone, 2 Redshank, 4 Black-headed Gull, 2 Red-throated Diver, Short-eared Owl (oiled bird in Wirvie Burn), Kestrel (hunting Starlings on Burrashield), Carrion Crow (Lerness), Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap, 2 Garden Warbler, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Blackbird (male Shirva, female Vaila's Trees), 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Robin (Chalet), Whinchat, 2 Dunnock, 5 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll (plus a Redpoll sp. heard at North Light), 4 Siskin.
Year List: 167
Other wildlife:
40 Red Admiral, 6 Painted Lady, 6 Silver Y (all counts minimum figures), many Diamond-back Moths
Saturday 13th June 2020
Weather: SE2-3, foggy spells, although clearing at times, cloudy throughout.
A less poor day than expected as regards the weather and the spring migration shows no signs of stopping just yet, with another decent rarity (discovered in the Schoolhouse garden, making it a 'double nightingale species find' spring for Susannah!).
THRUSH NIGHTINGALE: one glimpsed a couple of times briefly at the Schoolhouse was eventually seen well and confirmed as this species; the 67th record for Fair Isle (subject to acceptance).
Citrine Wagtail: male still singing at Da Water
Marsh Warbler: 2; one at Lower Leogh and another at Meadow Burn.
Other sightings:
Woodpigeon, 8 Whimbrel, 15 Turnstone, Dunlin, 2 Redshank, 2 Red-throated Diver (circling the Isle in the fog, calling), 2 Swallow, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat, Blackbird (female around traps), 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Whinchat, 2 Tree Sparrow, 6 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll, 2 Siskin.
Year List: 167
Other wildlife:
4 Red Admiral, Painted Lady, 2 Silver Y (all counts minimum figures), large arrival of Diamond-back Moths
Friday 12th June 2020
Weather: NE F4-5 easing slightly, low
cloud at first over the North becoming fog across the Isle, with some drizzle at
time before it cleared later on to bring sunshine to the south of the Isle at
A frustrating day, with most seabird work not possible due to the weather
until later on, when the weekend was put on hold to make the most of a break in
the weather! Doesn't look like it's going to be much of a weekend for weather,
but with some easterly winds there's hope of a biggy or two out there.
Red-backed Shrike: one at Chalet
Marsh Warbler:
one in the Wirvie Burn
Other sightings:
Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Mallard (first
ducklings of the year; a brood of 5 in the Vaadal), Teal, Woodpigeon, 3 Whimbrel,
3 Dunlin, 2 Redshank, 2 Short-eared Owl (Wirvie Burn and Da
Water), Kestrel (Lower Leogh; first record since April), 2 Carrion Crow (South Light),
Skylark (first fledged chick), 8 Swallow, 2 House Martin, Willow Warbler,
2 Chiffchaff (Obs and Schoolton), Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat, 2 Blackbird,
4 Spotted Flycatcher,
Black Redstart (female-type, Hesti Geo), Redstart, 2 Whinchat, Tree Sparrow
(Haa), Rock Pipit (first fledged chick), 2 Common Redpoll (Obs), Siskin.
Year List:
Thursday 11th June 2020
Weather: cool NE breeze, Force 3-4,
sunny spells with some cloud
A couple of additions to the year list, with a few migrants obviously in -
there's still time for this spring to produce something, although the forecast
for fog for several days isn't ideal. A good start on the seabird monitoring
work from the team, although with such a late start, there's going to need to be
lot done in the next couple weeks (but see the comment above about fog!).
Red-breasted Flycatcher:
female-type in the Gully; first of the year and just the 38th spring
record for Fair Isle
Citrine Wagtail: male still around Da Water
Blyth's Reed Warbler: still in the Schoolhouse
Marsh Warbler: one singing at the
Other sightings:
Canada Goose
(one one Meoness), Greylag Goose, Woodpigeon, Whimbrel, Dunlin, 2 Redshank,
Razorbill (first chick seen, at Lericum), Puffin (seen carrying
fish for the first time), Great Northern Diver (North Haven),
Long-eared Owl (Kirn o' Skroo), 2 Carrion Crow (South Light
area), Swallow, 2 House Martin, 2 Willow Warbler,
3 Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat (first of the
month), Blackbird, 8 Spotted Flycatcher (highest count of the
2 Whinchat (first of the month), Tree Sparrow,
Dunnock (Vaadal), 'Blue-headed Wagtail'
(female south-west of the Airstrip; first flava wagtail of the year), 4 Linnet
(pairs at Obs and Schoolhouse, signalling a continuation of the colonisation of
Fair Isle by this species) , 2 Common Redpoll (Obs), Siskin
(Easter Lother).
Year List:
Other Wildlife: Painted Lady
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Weather: Moderate or fresh SE wind
easing through the day as it backed ENE, sunny at first clouding over later
A quieter day for arrivals, but what a selection of birds around! Seabird
work may be salvageable this year and the team have started off by searching for
occupied Arctic Skua territories.
RIVER WARBLER: still in the Meadow Burn
reedbox, where it alternated between disappearing completely and occasionally
showing incredibly well on the fenceline
Citrine Wagtail: male still at Da Water
Blyth's Reed Warbler: the ringed bird reappeared in the Schoolhouse
Red-backed Shrike: male at Bull's Park and
female still at Meadow Burn
the second of the year was picked up circling over the west coast
before drifting north
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Whimbrel, 3 Dunlin, 2 Redshank, Great Northern Diver (North Haven),
13 Swallow, 3 Willow Warbler,
3 Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Blackbird (female, Chalet), Spotted Flycatcher,
Robin (Chalet), 2 Linnet, 2 Common Redpoll (Obs).
Year List:
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Weather: Largely sunny, although some
cloud appearing in the evening, with a freshening ESE wind
A great start for the new team as they familiarised themselves with the
Isle, as well as starting on some of the catch-up jobs that have been waiting
for their arrival.
RIVER WARBLER: one in the Meadow Burn 'reed
box' was the 19th Fair Isle record and 11th for the spring, with arrivals
spanning from 23rd May to 16th June.
Citrine Wagtail: the male still singing at Da
Red-backed Shrike:
4; two males at Chalet and one still in the Gully,
with a female still around the Meadow Burn
Icterine Warbler:
one still at the Obs
Common Rosefinch:
a 'brown' male singing briefly at the Obs in the morning
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 11 Greylag Goose, Teal, 3 Woodpigeon,
2 Golden Plover, 10 Whimbrel, 7 Dunlin, 3
Redshank, Great Northern Diver (non-breeding plumaged bird in
North Haven), Peregrine, 5 Swallow, 3 Willow Warbler,
3 Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler (Plantation), 3 Blackcap, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2
Blackbird (females at Chalet and Plantation), Redwing (Good
Shepherd noost), 2 Spotted Flycatcher,
Robin (Chalet), Redstart (Haa), 4 Linnet (pairs at the Obs and Schoolhouse), 2 Common Redpoll (Obs),
Year List:
Monday 8th June 2020
Weather: Fresh NW wind easing and
becoming slightly more westerly. Cloudy at first, but brightening up to a sunny
afternoon and evening.
A lovely day for the 'start of the season', with birds around and the new
Wardening Team (AWs Alex and Daniel and Ranger Georgia) arriving on the morning
plane and getting straight into the action by turning up a few scarcities.
Blyth's Reed Warbler: one trapped and ringed at
Rose-coloured Starling:
one still present at the base of Malcolm's Head
Citrine Wagtail: the male flew north over
Schoolhouse in the morning but was back on Da Water later
Red-backed Shrike:
4; two female still around Schoolton, with
males at South Green and Gully
Icterine Warbler:
3; the ringed bird still at the Obs, one unringed bird at Burkle
(presumably yesterday's Haa bird) and another in the Kirn o' Skroo
Common Rosefinch:
one still at Schoolhouse
Marsh Warbler:
one still singing at Schoolton
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, 7 Greylag Goose, Woodpigeon, Ringed Plover (chick at
Muckle Uri Geo), 5 Whimbrel, Curlew (a chick at Da Water was predated by a
Lesser Black-backed Gull), Dunlin, Snipe (brood of 3 chicks near Wirvie), 4
Swallow, 6 Willow Warbler,
2 Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler (Chalet), Blackcap (male,
Schoolton), 5 Lesser Whitethroat, 5 Spotted Flycatcher,
Pied Flycatcher (Gully), Black Redstart (still at North Light),
Redstart (Schoolton), Dunnock (Obs), 3 Linnet (including a pair
nest-building), 2 Common Redpoll (Obs).
Year List:
Other wildlife:
4 Red Admiral, Silver-Y
Sunday 7th June 2020
Weather: cool NW wind, very strong at
first but easing somewhat later. Mostly cloudy, a little rain at times.
Not the weather for a birthday barbecue for Susannah, although a family walk
after lunch was very pleasant with the chance to wave and shou hello to a few
folk and finsihing with a serenade from a Citrine Wagtail!
Rose-coloured Starling:
together at Utra in the afternoon; multiple occurences
of this species have been recorded before, but it's always a welcome sight!
Citrine Wagtail: the male still present at Da
Water, where it was singing
Marsh Warbler:
2; one singing at Schoolton and another at Da Water
Icterine Warbler:
one at Haa was presumably a new migrant
Common Rosefinch:
two at Schoolhouse, where the dandelions continue to prove irresistible
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, 2 Greylag Goose, Teal, Red-breasted Merganser (male,
South Harbour), Collared Dove, 4 Golden Plover (Brecks), 4 Whimbrel, Dunlin, Willow Warbler,
Chiffchaff, Spotted Flycatcher, Meadow Pipit (first fledged
chick; 8 days earlier than 2019).
Year List:
Saturday 6th June 2020
Weather: calm at first, with a NW
wind freshening through the day. Mostly dry and bright earlier on, but with some low cloud
lingering throughout the day that dropped for a while in the afternoon, bringing
some rain.
A few new migrants, a lovely selection of birds about, although the weather
prevented the scheduled plane coming in.
Rose-coloured Starling: still present, roaming
the middle of the Isle.
Marsh Warbler:
two at Schoolton, including one singing bird
Icterine Warbler:
ringed bird still at Obs
Common Rosefinch:
one briefly at Chalet
Red-backed Shrike: female at
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, Greylag Goose, Teal, Great
Northern Diver (North Haven), Willow Warbler (Chalet),
2 Chiffchaff (Plantation and Gully), Blackcap (male, Schoolton), Garden Warbler
(Plantation), 2 Lesser Whitethroat (Obs, Schoolton), Spotted Flycatcher
(Brecks), Robin (Chalet), Black Redstart
(North Light), Redstart (female, Plantation),
Dunnock (Obs, an unringed bird), Pied Wagtail (fledged at North Light), Mealy Redpoll (Obs).
Year List:
Friday 5th June 2020
quite strong north-westerly wind, with some heavy
showers and more prolonged spells of rain. Rather cool for the time of year.
The best new bird of the day looked too colourful for the weather we were
experiencing, but was a very welcome sight nonetheless.
Rose-coloured Starling: a stonking adult at
Upper Stoneybrek keeps up the recent good run of records (although there were
none in 2019) and is the 51st Fair Isle record.
Citrine Wagtail: still present at Da Water
Red-backed Shrike:
female at Houll
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, Greylag Goose, Teal, 2 Woodpigeon, Dunlin 4 Carrion Crow, Lesser Whitethroat (Schoolton).
Year List:
Thursday 4th June 2020
a breezy north-westerly, with sunny spells interspersed with heavy
Another interesting day, as the trickle of migrants coming through included
another unexpected surprise.
Citrine Wagtail: a very smart male on Da Water,
the 81st record for the Isle, but just the sixth in spring (although following
hot on the heels of the fourth and fifth in May and June 2019).
Blyth's Reed Warbler:
still present at Schoolton
Red-backed Shrike:
2 females at Meadow Burn
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose (Da Water), Greylag Goose, Teal, Woodpigeon, Whimbrel,
Turnstone, Carrion Crow, Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap (female Vaila's
Trees, male Obs),
Garden Warbler (Plantation), 2 Lesser Whitethroat (Stackhoull, Gully), Linnet
(male Schoolhouse, female Stackhoull), 2 Mealy Redpoll (Obs).
Year List:
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
the grey weather continued, with a pretty strong N or NW wind keeping
things cool. Some showers and a few sunny spells. A general 'mixed bag'!
A few birds about, although migration has certainly slowed up a bit.
Blyth's Reed Warbler: one still at Schoolton
Red-backed Shrike:
female north of Utra
one still very elusively at Schoolhouse
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Teal, Great Northern Diver
(non-breeding plumaged bird fishing off Shalstane), Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff,
Reed Warbler (Schoolton), Blackcap (female Schoolhouse),
Garden Warbler (Leogh), 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Blackbird (pair
Midway, female Plantation), Robin (Schoolton), Stonechat
(Meadow Burn).
Year List:
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
a fairly strong northerly wind that increased through the day. Drizzly
at first, with heavier rain later, although drying up in the evening.
A quiet day, with the weather taking a distinctly less summery turn. A
pleasant morning surprise in the garden though!
Nightingale: an elusive bird in the Schoolhouse
garden showed well a couple of times on the wall but generally lurked at the
bottom of the rosa and rhubarb. If accepted, the 58th for Fair Isle and the
first record since two in 2017 (a record in April 2019 was found 'not proven' by
Icterine Warbler: one still at the
Obs that later moved to the North Haven.
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Cuckoo (Kirn o' Skroo), Collared
Dove, Redshank, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap (male Schoolhouse, female
Plantation), Lesser Whitethroat, Blackbird (female Plantation), 'Mealy
Redpoll' (sightings at Schoolton, Schoolhouse and Obs may all have
related to the same individual).
Year List:
Monday 1st June 2020
a very murky start, with fog and some drizzle, although this cleared to
sunshine by the afternoon. Breezy southerly wind to start, but calming by the
An interesting start, with a few migrants around the traps and nets,
although when the weather improved, things actually seemed a wee bit quieter.
Still a lovely selection of birds for late spring.
Blyth's Reed Warbler:
one still present at Schoolton, where it was
frequently vocal
Red-rumped Swallow:
showed well at Da Water
Icterine Warbler: 2; singles trapped and ringed
at Schoolhouse and Obs (the latter being the lingering bird from yesterday)
Red-backed Shrike:
female at the Plantation
(presumably yesterday's airstrip bird)
Common Rosefinch:
one still present around Schoolton/Burkle
one glimpsed in the fog in the morning went on to put on quite a show in the
afternoon around the middle of the Isle
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Teal, Peregrine, 10 Swallow, 3 House
Martin, 3 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 2 Sedge Warbler (Obs),
Blackcap (male Obs), Garden Warbler (Gully), 4 Lesser Whitethroat,
Starling (first fledged youngsters; two days earlier than 2019 and earliest
fledging date since 2017), 2 Blackbird, Redwing (Chalet),
2 Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Dunnock (Obs and Burkle), Linnet, 3 Siskin.
Year List:
Other wildlife:
Admiral, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, 5 Silver Y
Sunday 31st May 2020
sunny, with a SSE or SE breeze that was light or moderate.
An excellent day, with a great selection of birds,
including several scarcities. The beautiful weather tempted the kids into the
sea and it was good to see some socially isolated socialising going on around
the Isle.
was trapped and ringed. It was extremely worn, so little of the tail pattern
remained, but what could be seen suggested it was more likely to be this species
than Eastern (Moltoni's could be harder to rule out, although nothing
particularly suggested this species). If accepted, it will be the 102nd
'Subalpine Warbler' for Fair Isle, although following the split of Eastern and
Western there's some sorting out to be done of how many can be assigned to each
Blyth's Reed Warbler: 2; singles at
Schoolton and Chalet (the latter of which was trapped and ringed); the first
spring multiple occurence for the Isle
Red-rumped Swallow: still present, showing very
well over the road at Field Ditch
Marsh Warbler: 2; singles at Schoolton and
Plantation (first of the year)
Icterine Warbler: a bright individual at the
Obs in the evening was thought to be a new arrival
Red-backed Shrike: female at the west end of
the airstrip around the Vaadal stream
at least one still present and roaming the south
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 2 Greylag Goose, 2 Wigeon,
Teal, Red-breasted Merganser, Collared Dove,
2 Whimbrel,
15 Swallow, 5 House
Martin, Willow Warbler, 2
Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler (singing at Obs),
Blackcap (male Obs), 5 Lesser Whitethroat,
2 Blackbird (female still in the Plantation, where behaviour suggests there
could be a possible breeding attempt taking place), Redwing,
3 Spotted Flycatcher, Robin (moulting bird at Schoolton),
Dunnock (Obs), 2 Linnet, 5 Siskin.
Year List:
Saturday 30th May 2020
SE becoming ESE, moderate or strong. Sunny throughout.
Although there were a few bits and pieces about,
the north coast was, perhaps surprisingly, almost entirely devoid of migrants.
Red-rumped Swallow: still present, showing well
over Gilsetter near the Plantation
Red-backed Shrike: male at the Vaadal Reservoir
then Plantation
two around Schoolhouse and then roaming the south, including one
singing immature male
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon,
Teal, 7 Woodpigeon, 2 Collared Dove,
Water Rail (one in the Vaadal; first of the month), 6 Whimbrel,
5 Dunlin, 3 House
Martin, Willow Warbler (North Haven), 2
Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat (Schoolhouse),
2 Blackbird (male Schoolton, female Plantation), 2 Redwing,
Spotted Flycatcher (Setter then Plantation), Whinchat
(Plantation), 2 'White Wagtail', Tree Pipit (Obs),
Crossbill (male at Nether Taft; first of the year), Siskin,
Reed Bunting (Boini Mire).
Year List:
Friday 29th May 2020
SSE wind, fairly light most of the day, although slightly more blustery
at times. Low cloud and a bit of drizzle early on, then sunshine for most of the
An interesting day, with a
couple of good new arrivals as the
weather continues to look promising for migration.
Blyth's Reed Warbler:
one at the Obs in the evening was occasionally giving some sub-song. If
accepted, it will be the 54th record for Fair Isle, with spring records in all
bar two years since 2010 (and autumn records annual since 2009).
Red-rumped Swallow:
still present, feeding around Burkle.
an immature male singing at Schoolhouse.
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 3 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon,
2 Teal, Cuckoo (Field Ditch), Woodpigeon, 3 Collared Dove,
5 Whimbrel, 6 Dunlin, 16 Swallow, 2 House
Martin, Wood Warbler (Obs), 2
Chiffchaff, 2 Sedge Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat (Burkle),
Whitethroat (Upper Leogh), 2 Blackbird (male and female,
Plantation), 2 Redwing,
Linnet, Siskin.
Year List:
Thursday 28th May 2020
light SSE wind, easing to a calm evening. Drizzle in
the morning, with low cloud throughout the day.
Not the nicest of weather,
not that many birds for most of the day, but the suggestion of a few more bits
around later on, with the two highlights both being found after 7pm. There's
also some more hope in the forecast...
Red-rumped Swallow: one found at about 8.05pm at
Aesterhoull then showed well as it fed with hirundines around Boini Mire; 14th
Fair Isle record and fifth consecutive year of occurrence. It arrived with a
notable late-in-the-day influx of hirundines.
Icterine Warbler:
one at the Obs briefly burst into song; first of the year
Gadwall: male
still on Da Water
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon,
Teal, Cuckoo (Gilsetter), 2 Woodpigeon, 2 Collared Dove,
Whimbrel, 2 Red-throated Diver (over the Isle), 50 Swallow (small numbers present until late evening),
7 House
Martin (mostly arriving later on), 2 Sedge Warbler (Obs and Schoolhouse), Lesser Whitethroat (Obs),
2 Redwing,
Redstart, Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll'.
Year List:
Wednesday 27th May 2020
fresh SW wind, W at times, easing to a calm evening.
Cloudy at first then sunny.
A fairly quiet day after recent excitement, although a couple of
late spring migrants made their first
appearance of the year.
Red-backed Shrike:
female still at Chalet
Gadwall: male
still on Da Water
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose
(one around Pund), Greylag Goose, 2 Wigeon (males, Da Water), Teal (female),
Swift (first of the year; 14 days later than first arrival date
in 2019), 4 Woodpigeon, 2 Collared Dove, Dunlin, Arctic Skua
(first egg, 6 days earlier than the first in 2019), 16 Swallow,
2 House
Martin, 2 Sedge Warbler (Setter and Obs), Garden Warbler (Schoolhouse;
first of the year), Lesser Whitethroat (Plantation), Redwing
(singing at Plantation),
Redstart (Aesterhoull), 3 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll'.
Year List:
26th May 2020
a reasonably fresh SW wind throughout the day, easing
slightly later. Some cloud and spots of rain early on, but then largely sunny
and mild.
The southerly element to the new birds continued,
with the theme of no big fall, but some cracking migrants maintained for another
Stone-curlew: one
found sheltering next to a wall at the Ringing Hut Marsh was on Chatham's Land
later. The ninth Fair Isle record and first since 2009 (the previous record was
1995, so it's a species that shows no sign of getting any more regular), it was
rated the 8th 'most overdue species' for the Isle based on birds not recorded
since 2010 with the highest number of records! Bee-eater, Great Reed Warbler and
Lesser Grey Shrike are amongst those above it on that (slightly obscure) list,
and it's a decent time of year (and weather) for any of those to turn up...
Red-backed Shrike:
sightings of a female at Schoolhouse, Quoy then Chalet presumably all related to
one wandering individual.
Turtle Dove: an
increasingly scarce visitor, it's always good to see the first of the year. One
found by Stewart just after lunch at the favoured location of Setter lingered
there for the rest of the day.
Gadwall: the male
still on Da Water
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon (males, Da Water),
5 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, 18 Ringed Plover, 2
Whimbrel, 3 Dunlin, 10 Swallow, 5 House
Martin, Willow Warbler (Obs), Chiffchaff (Obs), Sedge Warbler (Obs), Blackcap (male,
Plantation), Redwing (singing, Chalet),
Pied Flycatcher (female, Schoolton), 2 Tree Pipit
(Restengeos and Gilsetter), Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll' (Schoolhouse).
Other wildlife:
Silver Y (Lower Stoneybrek)
Year List:
25th May 2020
Blustery southerly winds, SSE at times, easing
slightly later. Sunny to start, then clouding over in the afternoon, with some
light rain late on.
A few more migrants in, with quite a pleasant
selection of birds around. The Good Shepherd IV, made up its sailing
from last week and it was an excellent drying day, so a good day all round!
Short-toed Lark: one on the road next to the Gully
flew south towards Gilsetter but couldn't be relocated. The 180th individual for
Fair Isle (subject to acceptance), but the first since 2016 (prior to which, the
species had been on an annual run of occurrences since 1963). Nice to have it
a female in the Plantation was a new (brighter) individual than the previous
bird in the Vaadal
Red-backed Shrike: the female had relocated to Vaila's
Common Rosefinch: at least one around
Schoolton, which was singing
a male on Da Water in the evening; first of the year
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 2 Wigeon (males, Da Water), 2 Teal (male and female,
Da Water), Tufted Duck (male, Da Water), Woodpigeon, 4 Golden Plover, 2
Sanderling, 5 Dunlin, Grey Heron, 12 Swallow, 3 House
Martin, Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 3 Sedge Warbler, Blackcap (male,
Plantation), 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Blackbird (male
Plantation, female Obs), Redwing,
Spotted Flycatcher (Vaadal), Redstart (female, Gully), 6 Tree Sparrow,
2 Linnet, 2 'Mealy Redpoll' (Plantation then Schoolhouse), 2
Year List:
24th May 2020
with westerly winds reaching gale force overnight,
with heavy showers that were prolonged at times, it was an unpleasant start to
the day. However, the winds eased, until it was fairly calm by the evening and
most of the afternoon was dry, albeit cloudy.
Not much new, but a few nice birds still about and
some better weather forecast for next week, which might bring a bit of late
Bluethroat: female still in the Vaadal .
Common Rosefinch:
still two in the Schoolhouse garden, where they were regularly showing well as
they eschewed the feeders and scattered seed, in favour of munching on
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, Wigeon (male, Da Water), Teal (male,
Da Water), Tufted Duck (male, Da Water), Red-breasted Merganser (female, Smirri
Geo), 4 Whimbrel, 2 Dunlin, Purple Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 30
Black-headed Gull, 24 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 'blue'
Fulmar (past South Light), Grey Heron, 22 Swallow, 7 House
Martin, 2 Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler (Sompal), Blackcap (Haa), Redwing (Quoy),
2 Tree Sparrow, 'White Wagtail', 3 Linnet.
Year List:
Saturday 23rd May 2020
strong SSW wind, heavy rain for a large part of the morning then
showers for the rest of the day.
Although not great weather, it was a lovely
selection of migrants to be found; no big numbers of anything, but some decent
Bluethroat: a male at Quoy and a female at the Vaadal
were the first of the year.
Red-backed Shrike:
a female in Boini Mire; first of the year.
Golden Oriole:
still present, between the Kirk and Stackhoull.
Common Rosefinch:
(both female/immature birds) present in the Schoolhouse garden.
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Wigeon (male, Da Water), Teal (male,
Da Water), Tufted Duck (male, Da Water; first of the month), Cuckoo
(Kirn o' Skroo), 2 Whimbrel, 8 Dunlin, Hen Harrier (adult male,
roaming but mostly in the North), 14 Swallow, 3 House
Martin, 2 Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler (Chalet), Lesser Whitethroat
(Lower Stoneybrek), 2 Blackbird (males at Obs and Meadow Burn), Redwing (Quoy), Pied Flycatcher (male, Obs), Redstart
(female, Gully),
6 Tree Sparrow, 4 Linnet (pairs at Shirva and the Obs).
Year List:
Friday 22nd May 2020
an awful morning, with heavy rain and strong SW winds, although once
the sun came out in the afternoon and the wind became more southerly, or even
SSE it was rather pleasant.
Not a day with masses of migrants (although the
rather blustery at times wind didn't help with the birding) but some great
highlights amongst those that were found. A report from an Islander of a
'buzzard-type' bird couldn't be tracked down, so there may well be more out
there to find over the weekend.
Golden Oriole:
a female or immature flew out of the Plantation at
around 8pm and was seen briefly at Setter before heading south again. The first
record since 2016 and 49th individual for the Isle.
Common Rosefinch:
a female or young male was at the Schoolhouse; first of the year (and seven days
later than the first in 2019).
one went south, south of the Houll, first of the year
of this just about annual visitor (the last blank year for the species on Fair
Isle was 2016).
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 4 Teal, Cuckoo
(female, Plantation), 4 Woodpigeon, 3 Collared
Dove, Whimbrel, 9 Dunlin, 2 Common Sandpiper, Arctic Skua (copulation noted in
the Parks), Peregrine (adult), Rook, 18 Swallow, 2 House
Martin, Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Sedge Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 2 Whitethroat
(Plantation and Easter Lother), 2 Blackbird (males at Obs and Vaadal), Robin
(Schoolton), Pied Flycatcher (Obs), Redstart,
5 Tree Sparrow, Tree Pipit (Gilsetter), 2 Linnet.
Year List:
Thursday 21st May 2020
SE at first, easing through the morning, then freshening from the SW.
Sunny at first, clouding throughout the day, then low cloud, fog and rain in the
evening. Dave Wheeler reports the warmest day of the year so far on Fair Isle,
with 13.5 degrees (12.3 degrees on 23rd April was our earlier temperature peak
before a return to more wintry conditions).
The calmer weather meant that homeschooling
included lessons on 'ringing using a mistnet in the garden', which provided a
couple of migrants (despite a few improvements to the Schoolhouse garden's
bird-attracting abilities, it's nowhere near as good for migrants as the Obs
garden, so anything in the net is always a bonus). There were also a few more
migrants around the Isle, which made for pleasant walks. No rarities or
scarcities, but another year tick and a few things in song, which is always a
3 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 4 Teal,
Red-breasted Merganser, 4 Woodpigeon, 4 Collared
Dove, 3 Whimbrel, Knot, Sanderling, 10 Dunlin, 3 Common
Sandpiper, 15
Black-headed Gull, 16 Swallow, House
Martin, 2 Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff,
7 Sedge Warbler (including a couple of singing birds),
Reed Warbler (Chalet; first of the year), 2 Blackcap,
Lesser Whitethroat (Lower Stoneybrek), Whitethroat
(Plantation), 3 Blackbird (male still at Obs, with a pair at Pund,
where the male was singing), 3 Spotted Flycatcher, Robin
(Schoolton), 5 Tree Sparrow, 2 'White Wagtail', Tree Pipit
(Gilsetter), 18 Twite, Linnet (male), Redpoll sp., 2 Siskin.
Year List:
20th May 2020
A strong SE wind overnight easing through the day, veering slightly to
E later. Rain and mist at first, clearing through day, although some low cloud
lingered around the hills for most of the day.
Freyja's birthday has produced some good birds in
the past (including the day she was born, on which Thrush Nightingale and Hoopoe
turned up), and this year added another species to the year list. It was another
day that felt like there probably should have been more around; even allowing
for reduced coverage there were few warblers around the crofts (which were well
birded) for example.
Dotterel: a male and female
at Chatham's Land were the first of the year (arriving four days earlier than
the first arrival in 2019)
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Cuckoo (Gilsetter), 3
Woodpigeon, 3 Collared
Dove, 2 Whimbrel, 9 Dunlin, 12
Black-headed Gull, 25 Carrion Crow, 30 Swallow, 3 House
Martin, Chiffchaff (Schoolton), Blackcap (female, Lower Stoneybrek), Redwing (Quoy),
Robin (Schoolton), 6 Tree Sparrow (Schoolhouse), Linnet
(male, Schoolhouse), 7 Siskin.
Year List:
19th May 2020
light or slightly fresher wind from SW at first, beocming SE and easing
later, sunny to start then clouding, with low cloud appearing over the hills by
early evening, bringing rain with it.
A few new birds around the feeders livened up some
Zoom meetings, although there were perhaps fewer migrants around during walks on
the west coast, crofts and to the Haven later than would have been expected.
Great to have an improvement in the weather though and there were a few new
birds around, with three additions to the year list.
Iceland Gull: 3CY still in
the south
Other sightings:
2 Greylag Goose, Cuckoo (singing on Hill Dyke),
Woodpigeon, 3 Collared
Dove, 6 Whimbrel, 18 Dunlin, 6 Purple Sandpiper, 10
Black-headed Gull, 44 Common Gull (northward passage noted),
Manx Shearwater (from Good Shepherd; first of the year), Grey
Heron, Peregrine, Rook, 19 Carrion Crow, 2
Sand Martin, 42 Swallow, 4 House
Martin, Wood Warbler (Schoolton; first of the year and
one day later than the first arrival in 2019), 2
Chiffchaff (Schoolhouse and Obs), Sedge Warbler (singing at Schoolton), 2
Blackbird (males at Obs and Houll), Redwing (singing from the Schoolhouse
chimney in the evening rain), Spotted Flycatcher (Vaadal; first of the year and
5 days later than the first arrival in 2019), Whinchat (male,
Houll), 6 Tree Sparrow (Schoolhouse), 5 'White Wagtail', Linnet
(male, Shirva), 'Mealy Redpoll' (Schoolhouse), 3 Siskin
(2 males and a female, Schoolhouse), 2 Snow Bunting (pair still at
Year List:
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral (Schoolhouse)
White-tailed Bumblebee
18th May 2020
strong SE wind, easing slightly and backing SW later. Heavy rain for a
large part of the day, clearing in the afternoon, with some sun later on
A promising wind direction, but not really coming
from anywhere exciting enough, whilst the weather for most of the day didn't
help with seeing anything.
Iceland Gull: 3CY still on Meoness
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, 2 Teal (male and
female on Da Water), Collared
Dove, 13 Whimbrel, 7 Dunlin, 5 Purple Sandpiper, 4 Swallow,
Chiffchaff, Robin (Schoolton), 6 'White Wagtail', Tree Pipit.
Year List:
17th May 2020
a quite strong NW wind early on, easing away through the day to almost calm by
The Good Shepherd IV was able to catch up
on its sailing today and it was nice to feel like the recent wintry weather was
coming to an end. It looks like a wet start to the week is forecast for the
first part of tomorrow, but after that, a week of SE winds could be on the
cards, which is very interesting...
Iceland Gull: 3CY on Meoness
Other sightings:
5 Barnacle Goose,
4 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Red-breasted Merganser (Haven), Collared
Dove, 5 Whimbrel, 31 Turnstone, Knot, 10 Dunlin, Purple Sandpiper, 4 Black-headed Gull,
Peregrine (Haven), 3 Swallow, 2 House Martin (Haven),
Blackcap (female, Lower Stoneybrek), Blackbird (male, Plantation), 2 Redwing (Obs
and Aesterhoull), Robin (Schoolton), Stonechat (still roaming the mid-section of
the Isle), 2 'White Wagtail', Chafffinch (female roaming the south;
first of the month), Snow Bunting (male, Barkland).
Year List:
16th May 2020
strong W wind, easing slightly later, Grey at first with some heavy
showers in the morning.
Much of a muchness with the weather and birds.
Iceland Gull: the 3CY still in the south
Other sightings:
6 Barnacle Goose,
2 Greylag Goose, 8 Pink-footed Goose, 12 Ringed Plover, 4 Whimbrel, 44
Turnstone, Knot, 10 Dunlin, 2 Purple Sandpiper, 40 Arctic Tern (minimum
number as they start to settle on Buness), 7 Carrion Crow, 2 Swallow, Sedge Warbler (Haa), Blackbird (male, Plantation),
3 Redwing, 10 'White Wagtail', 2 Linnet, 3 Snow Bunting (male
Haven, pair Skadan), Reed Bunting (female, Obs).
Year List:
15th May 2020
Showers with some spells of more prolonged rain and cloudy throughout.
WNW wind, generally quite strong.
Nice to see one of the later summer visitors
putting in its appearance, and generally a few more waders around in poor
Red-necked Phalarope:
female on Da Water briefly (nothing is given much
peace from the territorial Lapwings, of which at least two pairs currently have
chicks on Da Water). Red-necked Phalarope has bred on Fair Isle in recent years;
last year's first arrival was 13th May and in 2018 it was 14th, showing
consistency in arrival and hopefully a sign that birds may settle again this
Other sightings:
4 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 16 Ringed Plover, 4 Whimbrel, 27
Turnstone, Knot, 29 Dunlin, Purple Sandpiper (first record of
the month), Chiffchaff (lingering bird at Schoolhouse), Robin (Schoolton), 5 'White Wagtail',
3 Snow Bunting (male Haven and pair at Skadan).
Year List:
14th May 2020
a moderate or fresh WNW wind becoming somewhat more SW for a while
later. Sunny spells, but also several heavy showers
Not many birds, but at least the showers were rain
rather than snow today!
3 Barnacle Goose,
2 Greylag Goose, Whimbrel, 4 Knot, 10 Dunlin, 2 Black-headed Gull, Grey Heron
(Hesti Geo), 9 Carrion Crow, Sedge Warbler (singing,
Schoolton), Blackbird (male, Plantation), Redwing (Obs), Robin (Schoolton), 5 'White Wagtail',
Goldfinch (over the south), Snow Bunting (male again in the
North, although relocated to the Obs compound).
Year List:
13th May 2020
still a fairly strong WNW wind, with wintry showers in the morning and
a largely sunny afternoon
It seems a
bit late in the year to be getting pelted with snowballs by the kids, and yet
here we are.
Iceland Gull:
3CY sill around the Meoness area
Other sightings:
5 Barnacle Goose,
Greylag Goose, 7 Pink-footed Goose, Red-breasted Merganser (female, South
Haven), 2 Whimbrel, 2
Knot, 6 Dunlin, 4 Black-headed Gull, 20 Common Gull, Arctic Tern
(many on Buness in the morning only), Peregrine, Stonechat (still
present, although relocated to Leogh), 3 'White Wagtail', 2 Linnet.
Year List:
Tuesday 12th May 2020
the strong NW wind continued, with some heavy wintry
showers in the morning, although the afternoon saw the sun come out.
Another addition to the year list, but generally pretty quiet still.
Iceland Gull:
3CY in South Harbour
Other sightings:
5 Barnacle Goose,
2 Greylag Goose, Red-breasted Merganser
(female, South Haven), 2 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Whimbrel, 2
Knot, 8 Dunlin, Common Sandpiper (South Haven), Wood Sandpiper
(one flew over Schoolton before being relocated on Da Water later in the
evening; first of the year), Short-eared Owl (Obs), Chiffchaff, Blackcap
(female, Schoolton), Whitethroat (South Harbour),
Stonechat (Quoy), 7 'White Wagtail', 2 Linnet, Snow Bunting
(male, North Haven).
Year List:
Monday 11th May 2020
a better day, although still cool with a strong NW or W breeze and some
unpleasant heavy showers.
Not much happening, with the weather bringing migration pretty much to a
6 Pink-footed Goose,
Collared Dove, Whimbrel, 2 Dunlin, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap,
Stonechat (female, Haa), 3 Linnet.
Year List:
Sunday 10th May 2020
Winter basically. A strong, cold northerly or NNW wind, with some heavy
snow during the day. Cold, although some sunny spells at least.
Not what you'd expect at this time of year (although actually the occasional
snow shower in early May occurs about every couple of years). Not much in the
way of migration to see, perhaps unsurprisingly.
Iceland Gull: 2CY in gull flock below Shirva
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, 3 Greylag Goose, 8 Pink-footed Goose,
Collared Dove, 3 Whimbrel, 39 Turnstone, 5 Knot (first of the
year), 16 Dunlin,
12 Lesser Black-backed Gull, Swallow, Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, Blackbird,
Fieldfare, 2 Redwing,
7 'White Wagtail', Tree Pipit (Midway), 2 Linnet.
Year List:
Saturday 9th May 2020
Cool, with a moderate NW wind, rain of varying intensity for most of
the day, finally drying slightly in the evening.
A very poor day of weather reflected in the sightings.
2 Barnacle Goose, 5 Greylag Goose, 9 Pink-footed Goose,
Cuckoo (Quoy), 2 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, 24 Golden Plover, Whimbrel, 11 Dunlin,
8 Arctic Skua, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, 3 Sedge Warbler
(Walli Burn), 2 Blackbird, Redwing (singing, Schoolton), 2 Linnet, Snow
Bunting (female, North Haven).
Year List:
Friday 8th May 2020
light or moderate westerly wind, plenty of sunshine through the day,
with a bit more cloud later
Not quite the excitement of yesterday's arrival, with the day generally
being quieter for birds, but a couple of quality year ticks and another pleasant
day for the daily walk.
a ticking bunting that flew from Quoy was relocated at Setter, where it
was found to be a smart male Rustic Bunting, the 139th record for Fair Isle and
earliest arrival since 2005 .
one seen coming in over South Harbour just before 1430hrs moved North
up the east coast; first of the year
Iceland Gull:
one still around South Harbour
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, 4 Whimbrel,
45 Turnstone, 6 Dunlin, 2 Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler
(Field Ditch), 3 Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat (Gully), 2 Whitethroat, Redwing,
Song Thrush, 2 Robin, 5 'White Wagtail', 10 Twite, Linnet.
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral: Schoolton
Bumblebee: Schoolhouse
Year List:
Thursday 7th May 2020
Light SW wind, easing away through day. Cloudy at
first but clearing to a very pleasant sunny day
Grace's birthday turned out to be a lovely day, so much so that there was
even swimming in the Haven! A very pleasant selection of birds as well, with a
number of highlights and obviously plenty of new migrants. There's no doubt that
there would have been plenty other migrants found with a full census, with a
'ticking' bunting over the Schoolhouse being on example of a bird that was never
tracked down, but that didn't really diminsh from what was a very lovely day.
Long-tailed Skua:
an adult seen over Vaasetter was then in Hjon Park before heading off
up Homisdale. First of the year and first record since 2018.
one circling high over Field and Vaasetter at 1130hrs was possibly the
bird seen later in Shetland. First of the year, first record since 2018 (with
2019 being the first blank since 1997) and 133rd individual for Fair Isle.
a fine male at the feeders at Brecks also wandered to Kenaby and Burkle
(third record of the year)
Iceland Gull:
3CY around Meoness and South Harbour area
Canada Goose:
still present around Mires with a small flock of Pink-feet
Other sightings:
6 Greylag Goose, 8 Pink-footed Goose, Cuckoo (male
singing around Vaasetter), 7 Woodpigeon, 2 Collared Dove,
18 Whimbrel, Curlew (6 headed north, in addition to the
resident birds), 2 Black-tailed Godwit, Sanderling,
3 Dunlin, Woodcock (Obs), 3 Common Sandpiper,
Green Sandpiper (Gilsetter), 12 Arctic Tern
(Buness in the morning; first of the year and one day earlier than the first
arrival in 2019), Short-eared Owl, 9 Carrion Crown, 7 Sand Martin,
54 Swallow (very much a minimum count), 3 House Martin,
5 Willow Warbler, 8 Chiffchaff, Sedge
Warbler (Plantation), Grasshopper Warbler (still at Leogh), 9
Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat (Haa), 2 Whitethroat, 3
Blackbird, 3 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, 5 Robin, Black Redstart
(Mast), 5 'White Wagtail', 2 Linnet, Yellowhammer (male roaming
in the south; first of the year), Reed Bunting (male).
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral: one at Quoy
intricarius: this hoverfly, that mimics bumblebees, emerged in reasonable
numbers around (e.g. Schoolhouse)
Year List:
Wednesday 6th May 2020
W or SW, light or moderate, cloudy
Another day with a few more migrants, but nothing too dramatic (although a
welcome year tick!).
Canada Goose:
one with Pink-feet near Shirva, a typical date for overshooting birds
from the British feral population and the 39th record for Fair Isle
Other sightings:
Greylag Goose, 6 Pink-footed Goose, Teal (first of the
month), Collared Dove, 9 Golden Plover, 6 Whimbrel, Dunlin, Black-headed Gull, Short-eared Owl,
20 Carrion Crown, 2 Swallow,
2 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Fieldfare, 4 Redwing, Robin, Dunnock (Haa), 5 'White Wagtail',
2 Goldfinch (Schoolhouse), 6 Siskin.
Year List:
Tuesday 5th May 2020
light or moderate SW wind, becoming more SSW for a
while. Generally sunny, with some cloudier spells
A few migrants about still, and perhaps one or two new bits and pieces, but not
3 Greylag Goose, 6 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Woodpigeon, 3
Golden Plover, 2 Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Dunlin,
9 Black-headed Gull, 5 Arctic Skua, Grey Heron, Short-eared Owl (Obs),
Peregrine, 30 Carrion Crown, Sand
Martin, 2 Swallow,
Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff, Grasshopper Warbler (Leogh), 4 Blackcap,
Lesser Whitethroat (School), 2 Blackbird, 2 Redwing, Song
Thrush, 5 Robin, Pied Flycatcher (male, Ward Hill),
Redstart (Mast), Redstart, Dunnock (one
Schoolhouse, then Haa), 5 'White Wagtail', 4 Tree Pipit, 8 Twite,
Goldfinch (Schoolhouse).
Year List:
4th May 2020
light or moderate NW wind, becoming more WSW later. Largely sunny
with some cloudy spells
Another fairly quiet day, with the wind stuck in a not particularly
helpful direction.
Greylag Goose, 5 Pink-footed Goose, Bar-tailed Godwit (South Green),
Common Sandpiper, Grey Heron, Sparrowhawk (one headed high
North), 3 Swallow,
House Martin, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, Blackbird, Redwing, Song
Thrush, 3 Robin, 2 Redstart, 5 'White Wagtail', Tree Pipit, 10 Twite, 2 Linnet.
Year List:
Sunday 3rd May 2020
NW breeze, easing slightly during the day. Generally quite pleasant,
with sunshine for most of the day, although a couple of heavy showers blew
through in the afternoon.
Not too much new around, although a pleasant weekend day all in all and
signs of the summer, with the breeding season advancing for some species.
3 Greylag Goose, 2 Collared Dove,
Lapwing (first chicks seen, with a brood of 3 on Da Water; an
early date, with chicks usually not see until mid-month), 4 Whimbrel,
Woodcock (Plantation), Razorbill (first egg of the
year seen in Mavers Geo), 2 Cormorant, 6 Carrion Crow, Swallow,
4 Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff, Grasshopper Warbler (singing in
Plantation), 5 Blackcap, 2 Lesser
Whitethroat (South Haven and Field), Goldcrest (North Haven), 3 Blackbird,
60 Fieldfare,
2 Redwing, 4 Robin, 2 Redstart, 5 'White Wagtail', 3 Tree Pipit, 3 Linnet,
2 Reed Bunting.
Year List:
Other wildlife:
Silver Y
(one in the moth trap at Schoolton is the earliest Fair Isle record,
previous earliest was 13th May)
White-tailed Bumblebee (School)
2nd May 2020
fresh, cooling, NW wind easing slightly through day, generally sunny
Quite a good day's birding, despite the conditions not being ideal
for migration; either the sightings were of things dropped in yesterday's
miserable weather, or possibly today's headwind downed a few birds that were
heading over. The harrier was seen briefly by a couple of people, but
unfortunately not well enough to clinch the identification.
Iceland Gull: 2CYover Soth Green
Other sightings:
9 Greylag Goose, 6 Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon (pair Utra Scrape),
Cuckoo (male at Midway; first of the year, earliest arrival
since 1989), Woodpigeon, Collared Dove,
4 Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit (South Green; first of the year), Common Sandpiper
(South Harbour), 2 Grey Heron, Short-eared
Owl (School Brae and Da Water), 2 Swallow, 2 House Martin
(Hesti Geo), 8 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, Lesser
Whitethroat (South Haven), Whitethroat (Kirki Geo), 2 Ring Ouzel (Malcolm's Head), Blackbird
(male Schoolton), 32 Fieldfare,
5 Redwing, 17 Song Thrush, 11 Robin, 2 Pied Flycatcher (males
at Dog Geo and Malcolm's Head), 2 Black Redstart (male Lower
Stoneybrek and female-type Quoy), 5 Redstart, Whinchat
(female, Burkle), 8 'White Wagtail', 12 Tree Pipit, 3 Linnet,
'Mealy Redpoll', 3 Reed Bunting.
Year List:
Friday 1st May 2020
a fresh NE wind, with rain during most of the day.
A very different day, with the conditions seeing far fewer birds around
(or visible at least), although the sightings from the Schoolhouse window during
homeschooling suggested there were still migrants out there. Things could have
been a lot different if the ringtail Harrier that was seen heading south over
the Kirk had showed better, or been seen elsewhere, as it certainly looked
interestingly delicate. Maybe tomorrow...
3 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon (pair on Da Water), Golden Plover,
4 Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper
(Gully), 3 Arctic Skua (including a pale phase bird at the Mast), Short-eared
Owl (School Brae then Bull's Park), 4 Carrion Crow, 2 Swallow (a pair
prospecting at Upper Stoneybrek), Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap (male and female,
Schoolhouse), Ring Ouzel (female, Schoolhouse), 2 Blackbird, 7 Fieldfare,
4 Redwing, 7 Song Thrush, 3 Robin, Redstart (male, Schoolhouse and also
Barkland), Linnet (ringed male, Schoolhouse), 2 Reed Bunting (School Brae).
Year List:
30th April 2020
A quite fresh NE wind, which eased for a while and became more easterly
during the day then freshened from the ENE again later. Some drizzly rain early
on, dry for a good chunk of the day then heavy rain around early afternoon
before largely drying off.
A really nice walk in the North saw a number of migrants
sheltering on the west cliffs, with a fairly obvious arrival having taken place,
perhaps influenced by the afternoon rain. Tomorrow's forecast also looks
potentially quite promising.
one briefly at the Schoolhouse before heading down the Isle (third of
the year)
one flew over the Vaadal (second of the year)
Other sightings:
9 Greylag Goose, 7 Pink-footed Goose, 4 Teal, Tufted Duck
(female, Golden Water), Collared Dove, 12 Golden Plover,
Dunlin (Upper Stoneybrek), Common Sandpiper
(Furse), 3 Arctic Skua (including a pair displaying over Gilsetter;
beautiful), Sparrowhawk (male, Plantation), Short-eared
Owl (Pund and School Brae; comments from various Islanders suggest it
has probably been present for several days),
14 Carrion Crow, Swallow (one on Dronger was an obvious new arrival),
House Martin (one in the Haven; first of the year and 12 days
later than the first arrival date in 2019), 15 Willow Warbler,
5 Chiffchaff, Grasshopper Warbler (Plantation), 3
Blackcap (males in the Gully and Pier, female at Obs), 2 Whitethroat
(Barkland and Tineside), 3 Ring Ouzel (Hill Dyke,
Copper Geo and Dronger), 4 Blackbird, 14 Fieldfare,
3 Redwing,
46 Song Thrush, 11 Robin, 10 Pied Flycatcher
(the joint-highest spring count since 2013; males at Gunnawark, Lericum, North
Feltsigeo, Dronger [3] and females at Wester Lother, North Naaversgill, Guidicum
and Dronger; first of the year and six days later than the early arrival in
2019), Redstart (male, School),
2 Whinchat (female at Lerness and male at Dronger; first of the
year and 7 days later than the 2019 arrival), Dunnock
(Schoolhouse), 4 Tree Pipit (Hill Dyke, Copper Geo, Guidicum
and Wester Lother), 2 Brambling, 7 Snow Bunting (Dronger), 2 Reed Bunting (Guidicum).
Year List:
126 (higher than four of the five previous years by the end of April)
Other Wildlife:
White-tailed Bumblebee: one at Schoolhouse (first of the year)
Wednesday 29th April 2020
moderate NE wind becoming more E during the day and easing slightly,
fairly cool, with just a couple of showers, but with several sunny spells, some
Another day with a few bits and pieces in, although not quite the
arrival that it felt it may have been at one point. Still, a rather pleasant day
and the next couple of days look potentially quite interesting
13 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 3 Teal, 3 Collared Dove (including
one singing at School), Golden Plover, Whimbrel, 3 Arctic Skua
(one from the Good Shepherd then two over the Isle; first of the year),
17 Carrion Crow, 7 Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, 11 Chiffchaff,
Sedge Warbler (singing in the Plantation; first of the year),
Blackcap (male, Leogh), 2
Lesser Whitethroat (School Brae and one still in South Haven),
Whitethroat (Leogh; first of the year),
4 Ring Ouzel (3 Burrashield, 1 Gilsetter), 2 Blackbird, 3 Fieldfare, Redwing,
8 Robin, Redstart (male, School),
3 Brambling (including a male still singing at School), 14 Twite, Mealy Redpoll
(Haa), Linnet (male), 2 Reed Bunting (females at Da Water and
Upper Leogh).
Year List:
Tuesday 28th April 2020
moderate NW wind, easing slightly during the day, with cloudy
conditions with occasional showers largely giving way to sunshine
quiet all round, although another addition to the year list
2 Barnacle Goose, 13 Greylag Goose, 11 Pink-footed Goose, 'Greenland
White-fronted Goose', 5 Teal, 2 Collared Dove, Whimbrel,
5 Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, Blackcap (male singing Schoolton), 2 Blackbird, 2 Fieldfare,
2 Redwing, 10 Robin, Redstart (male, School), 4 Brambling (including a male
singing at School), Greenfinch (Burkle; first of the year), 7 Twite, Linnet (male),
Mealy Redpoll (Haa).
Year List:
Monday 27th April 2020
a quite strong north wind, with showers - much colder feeling than
recent days.
Far less spring-like feeling, but hopefully the better weather will
return by midweek (or at least the rarer weather).
2 Barnacle Goose, 13 Greylag Goose, 13 Pink-footed Goose, 'Greenland
White-fronted Goose' (an immature with the goose flock near Taing), 5 Teal, Woodpigeon, Whimbrel, 2 Sparrowhawk,
2 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Ring Ouzel (male Skadan), Blackbird, 2 Fieldfare
(Skadan and Obs), 8 Redwing, Song Thrush, 11 Robin, Redstart (male, School), 11 'White Wagtail',
3 Brambling, 7 Twite, Linnet (male),
Mealy Redpoll (Haa).
Year List:
Sunday 26th April 2020
a slightly fresher SW wind, with sunny spells but also a few showers
(the first rain in a long time).
A reasonable day that never really took off in the way that it felt like it
could have done, still some nice bits and pieces around though.
Marsh Harrier:
a 'cream-crown' was seen over the Obs at 9.45am heading north, it was
then picked up in Shetland, where it was seen over Virkie at 1103 (by former
FIBO Warden and FIBOT Chairman Roger Riddington) and Levenwick at 1121 (by
former FIBO assistant warden Will Miles)
Other sightings:
9 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Wigeon, 4 Teal, 5
Woodpigeon, 17 Lapwing, 9 Golden Plover, 4
Whimbrel, 2 Black-tailed Godwit,
Common Sandpiper (South Haven; first of the year), auks present
offshore but none on the cliffs, Shag (first eggs of the year; a
clutch of 2 in Maver's Geo, although most nest sites are still rather empty),
5 Grey Heron, Sparrowhawk (female), 7
Carrion Crow (including a flock of migrants containing one Hooded Crow
over Buness), 6 Swallow, 4 Willow Warbler, 8 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap, Lesser
Whitethroat (still present in South Haven), 3 Blackbird, Fieldfare
(one at Field), 4 Redwing,
6 Song Thrush, 15 Robin, Redstart (male School), 'White Wagtail'
(Da Water), 2 Linnet (the ringed male and female still present), Tree Pipit
(Gilsetter), Goldfinch (one over Field Ditch), Reed Bunting.
Other wildlife:
Red Admiral: one at the Obs; first of the year and one
day earlier than the previous earliest record (set in 2019, which was ten days
earlier than the previous earliest record)
Year List:
Saturday 25th April 2020
Calm at first, with a light SE breeze picking up throughout the day,
sunny with some cloudy spells.
A reasonable day that never really took off in the way that it felt like it
could have done, still some nice bits and pieces around though.
Wryneck: one in Walli Burn (second of the year,
following late news of one in Bull's Park on 20th April [we missed the message!]
[Woodlark: a lark that called as it was flushed from Leogh was almost
certainly this species, but the observer felt that they were unable to submit a
description based on their sighting, so unless it is refound, it remains
technically 'unconfirmed']
Other sightings:
3 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Wigeon, 6 Teal, 4
Woodpigeon, Golden Plover, Whimbrel, Purple Sandpiper, 7 Black-headed
Gull, 2 Grey Heron, 5 Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap,
2 Ring Ouzel, 2 Blackbird,
4 Redwing,
2 Song Thrush, Black Redstart (female-type, School Brae), Redstart (male Schoolhouse),
Tree Sparrow, 7 'White Wagtail', Linnet (male), 2 Reed Bunting
(males, Da Water).
Year List:
Friday 24th April 2020
Calm, with a light ESE breeze backing NNE later. Cloudy spells, with
some brighter patches.
The plane made it in and there was one addition to the year list,
but a generally quieter day.
2 Barnacle Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Wigeon, 5 Teal,
2 Tufted Duck (pair on Da Water all day; first of the year), 19
Golden Plover, 2 Whimbrel, 2 Purple Sandpiper, Grey Heron, Peregrine, 5 Willow Warbler,
19 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 2 Blackbird,
7 Redwing,
Song Thrush, 22 Robin, Redstart (male School Brae), 5 'White Wagtail', 1 Brambling,
2 Linnet (male and female,
Schoolhouse; the female had been ringed in Shetland), Reed Bunting.
Year List:
Thursday 23rd April 2020
A light ESE breeze, becoming more ENE later. Foggy throughout the day,
although patches coming and going and some pleasant sunny spells around bits of
the Isle at various points.
The weather has at least been good for getting out on enjoyable
daily exercise walks during the lockdown, and today was no exception if you
could dodge the fog; it was even good enough for the first Schoolhouse barbecue
of the year. Sadly, despite AirTask's best efforts, the weekly plane wasn't able
to make it in - hopefully tomorrow will be better... Still birds about and
migrants dotted around the Isle, but again a reminder that the counts below
represent only what has been seen by people on their daily activities and are
not comparable with previous year's census counts, whilst coverage is obviously
not entirely consistent on a daily basis either unfortunately.
'Pale-bellied Brent Goose':
still present in South Harbour
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, 11 Greylag Goose, 11 Pink-footed Goose, Wigeon, 6 Teal,
2 Whimbrel,
Dunlin (Muckle Uri Geo), 2 Purple Sandpiper, Guillemots
and other auks on the cliffs again today, Grey Heron,
Merlin (one came in-off the sea at South Light), Jackdaw, 3 Carrion
Crow, 7 Swallow, 6 Willow Warbler, 15 Chiffchaff, 5
Blackcap, Ring Ouzel (one on top of Ward Hill), 5 Blackbird,
4 Redwing,
2 Song Thrush, 35 Robin, 3 Black Redstart
(male at Leogh and two in Skinner's Glig), 2 Redstart, Tree
Sparrow, 2 'White Wagtail',
2 Tree Pipit (Gilsetter), 7 Brambling, Linnet (male,
Schoolhouse), 2 'Mealy
Redpoll' (Haa), Snow Bunting (South Light).
Year List:
We were deeply
saddened today to learn of the passing of Kevin Woodbridge. Everyone at FIBO
would like to wish our deepest condolences to all at North Ronaldsay Bird
Observatory, his friends and family.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
light SE breeze, becoming ENE later. Mostly sunny, although some cloud
during the late afternoon.
Another day of sunshine, with several
interesting birds (including more additions to the year list) noted.
'Pale-bellied Brent Goose':
one in South Harbour is the first Brent Goose for the Isle since 2018
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose, 9 Greylag Goose, 13 Pink-footed Goose,
Greenland White-fronted Goose, Wigeon, 9 Teal, 3 Collared Dove,
Water Rail (Gilsetter; first of the month), 20 Golden Plover,
13 Whimbrel,
Black-tailed Godwit (one on Da Water in the morning; first of
the year), 4 Purple Sandpiper, no auks on the cliffs today, and no Guillemots
near the colonies), Jackdaw (one over Upper Stoneybrek in the
evening; first of the year), 9 Swallow, 7 Willow Warbler,
14 Chiffchaff, Grasshopper Warbler (Setter), 2 Blackcap (male
Plantation, female South Haven), Lesser Whitethroat (still in South Haven), 3
Goldcrest, 2 Blackbird, 11 Redwing,
6 Song Thrush, 28 Robin, Redstart (male still at Schoolhouse),
4 'White Wagtail',
2 Tree Pipit (School Brae and Gilsetter; first of the year and
five days later than the first arrival in 2019), 5 Brambling, 2 Linnet, 2 'Mealy
Redpoll' (Haa), Reed Bunting (male, Schoolton).
Other Wildlife:
Shetland Bumblebee: one at Barkland
Year List:
Tuesday 21st April 2020
sunny, with a light ESE wind. A spell of fog early in the
morning that quickly burnt-off.
Another lovely day, a few more birds. It's difficult to remember a spell of
weather this good for this long on Fair Isle, but we're not complaining!
Common Crane:
one circling the Raevas at c0830 before heading north was seen again at
c1130 as it went north over Houll before carrying on up the Isle. The first
record since 2016 and the 27th record (and 37th individual) recorded on the Isle
Hawfinch: one in the Plantation in the evening; first of the
Other sightings:
7 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Wigeon, 3 Teal, 2 Collared Dove, 27 Golden Plover, Whimbrel,
2 Purple Sandpiper,
Short-eared Owl (School Brae), Kestrel (first
of the year), Sand Martin (South Harbour; first of the year,
nine days later than 2019 arrival date), 3 Swallow, 2 Blackcap (male and female, Schoolton),
Lesser Whitethroat (South Haven; first of the year, two days
earlier than 2019 arrival date and third-earliest ever arrival), Blackbird, 9 Redwing,
2 Song Thrush, 14 Robin, Black Redstart, Redstart (Barkland),
Tree Sparrow (Haa; first of the year), 'White Wagtail',
2 Brambling, Snow Bunting (South Lighthouse).
Other Wildlife:
Buff-tailed Bumblebee: one at Schoolhouse, first of the year
Shetland Bumblee: one at Houll
Tortoiseshell: one at Schoolhouse
Year List:
Monday 20th April 2020
some blustery SE winds overnight calmed during the day, before
freshening slightly from the ENE later in the evening. Another day of sunshine
(14.3 hours) and quite warm (10.2 degrees), with thanks to Dave Wheeler for the
Whilst we're not frustrated at the lack of coverage (we know how lucky those of
us who are here are to be able to take our daily exercise on Fair Isle) there is
a tendency to wonder what is out there in the bits of the Isle that aren't
getting checked on days like this. Although not a massive fall, there was a good
scatter of migrants and a few additions to the year list. It looks like we may
be in for good weather for a while yet as well.
one at Bull's Park; first of the year
Iceland Gull:
2CY on Lerness
Other sightings:
2 Barnacle Goose,
18 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, 2 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 3 Woodpigeon (including
singles at Gunnawark and Easter Lother),
Collared Dove (Schoolhouse), Slavonian Grebe (off Jivvy Geo), 57 Golden Plover, 2 Whimbrel, Sanderling
(South Harbour; first of the year), Green Sandpiper
(Golden Water; first of the year),
Sparrowhawk (adult male, Guidicum), Merlin, Peregrine (adult
male), 3 Swallow (2 Utra, 1 Bergaroo; first of the year,
an arrival date 8 days later than 2019), 9 Willow Warbler,
14 Chiffchaff, Grasshopper Warbler (Vaadal
stream by airstrip; first of the year, 2 days earlier than the first arrival
date in 2019), Blackcap (female, South Haven), Goldcrest (Easter Lother), Blackbird (male,
Chalet), 13 Redwing,
2 Song Thrush, 8 Robin, 3 Black Redstart (male
in the Burkle area and a male and female/2CY at the Mast), Stonechat
(female, Setter), 133 Wheatear (117 counted in the
North, including clusters of birds on the cliffs suggested most were passsage
migrants), 7 'White Wagtail' (feeding in the Kelp in South Harbour),
9 Brambling.
Other Wildlife:
Small Tortoiseshell: 2, singles at the Mast and Schoolhouse are the earliest
known Fair Isle records
Year List:
Sunday 19th April 2020
another day with a light, but at times cool, SE wind, and just limited
cloud, with mostly unbroken sunshine.
A small arrival of Robins was noted around the vegetated areas of the North, so
there's been a bit of an arrival, as we enter the last third of April, the
chance of something rarer increases...
2 Barnacle Goose, 28 Greylag Goose, 13 Pink-footed Goose, Shelduck,
3 Wigeon, 8 Teal, 3 Woodpigeon,
Collared Dove (singing at Schoolton - the species has never bred on Fair Isle,
although singing birds are noted most years), 40 Golden Plover, Whimbrel,
Sparrowhawk, 7 Chiffchaff, Blackcap (male, Bull's Park), Blackbird (female,
Plantation), 21 Redwing,
Song Thrush, 6 Robin, Redstart (male, School Brae),
Black Redstart (Quoy), 'White Wagtail', 4 Brambling, Linnet, Goldfinch.
Year List:
Saturday 18th April 2020
a cool ESE breeze, but a glorious sunny day (Dave Wheeler, Fair Isle's
resident weatherman reports 13.8hrs of sunshine - the most of any weather
station in the UK today).
This spell of weather is very pleasant indeed, and there were more
birds taking advantage of it, with a few more arrivals noted.
3 Wigeon, 8 Teal, 2 Woodpigeon,
48 Golden Plover, auks were back on the cliffs in good numbers, 4
Willow Warbler (first of the year), 9 Chiffchaff, Blackcap (female in the Vaadal), Goldcrest
Blackbird (pair at Schoolhouse, with the male singing), 23 Redwing,
2 Robin (Schoolton and Vaadal), Redstart (presumably the same male at
Schoolhouse and Chalet), Stonechat (male Gilsetter), 60+ Wheatear, Dunnock
(Burkle), 3 Brambling, Goldfinch, 7 Snow Bunting.
Other wildlife:
Shetland Bee: one at Kenaby
Year List: 102
Friday 17th April 2020
Weather: a SE breeze that was fresh
for a while during the early afternoon, but eased away in the evening. Sunny at
first, with cloud during most of the middle of the day then sunny again later
on. Quite cool for a while, especially in the cloudy spells.
Another lovely day. Quite a few migrants in, with the suggestion that birds
arrived late on (Wheatears appeared in the evening where they hadn't been
earlier on in the day) causing a boost in the year list.
Marsh Harrier:
a 'cream-crown' was over Vaasetter in the evening; first of the year of
this now-expected spring migrant
Other sightings:
6 Pink-footed Geese,
Shelduck, 3 Wigeon, 11 Teal, Collared Dove, 2 Woodpigeon,
Slavonian Grebe (a stunning breeding-plumaged adult in South
Haven; first of the year and only the second spring record of the last four
years), Whimbrel (one north over Ditfield; first of the year
and a day earlier than the first record in 2019), 27 Redshank, 4
Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap (both males in the Plantation
and Vaadal), 3 Goldcrest,
Ring Ouzel (male in the Plantation; first of the year), 25 Redwing,
2 Song Thrush, Robin (Schoolhouse), Redstart (male at Barkland;
first of the year and just a day later than the first record in 2019), 2
Stonechat (male Gilsetter and female Vaila's Trees), 35
Wheatear (minimum count, with birds arriving late on), Dunnock
(Burkle), 2 'White Wagtail', Chaffinch, 5
Brambling, 2 Linnet, Redpoll sp?, Goldfinch, 2 Siskin.
Year List: 101
Thursday 16th April 2020
Weather: a light NW breeze, sunny,
almost entirely clear skies and feeling warmer at last.
A beautiful day, seemingly better for things to be leaving than to arrive,
but warm and sunny weather is always welcome during lambing, the Good Shepherd
IV was able to sail and the weekly supply flight came in from Tingwall.
Iceland Gull: 2CY below Shirva
Other sightings:
12 Barnacle Goose, 7 Pink-footed Geese,
3 Wigeon, 20 Teal, Woodpigeon, 51 Golden Plover, 25 Redshank, Chiffchaff
(Utra), Goldcrest (Plantation),
135 Redwing, Robin, 'White Wagtail', 3 Brambling, Mealy Redpoll
(Utra), Goldfinch (Skadan), 3 Siskin.
Year List: 96
Wednesday 15th April 2020
Weather: a moderate SW wind,
easing slightly, mostly grey with a few showers, although some sunny spells
later on.
Obviously still a few birds moving, but nothing too dramatic at the moment.
7 Barnacle Goose, 23 Pink-footed Geese,
3 Wigeon, 13 Teal, Red-breasted Merganser (female, South Harbour), Woodpigeon,
86 Golden Plover, Sparrowhawk (one with prey
at Chalet), Merlin (male, North Haven), Goldcrest (Obs),
3 Blackbird, 117 Redwing, Song Thrush, 2 Robin,
Stonechat (female, Glisetter), 7 alba Wagtail, 4 Twite,
Linnet, Goldfinch (North Haven).
Year List: 95
Tuesday 14th April 2020
Weather: moderate, sometimes strong
SW wind, cloudy, dry but cool.
A big sea thanks to some rather blustery conditions meant there was no Good
Shepherd sailing today, not too many new birds, but still things around. Looks
like calmer conditions coming towards the end of the week, which could be good.
7 Barnacle Goose, 99 Greylag Goose, 14 Pink-footed Geese,
Shelduck, 3 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 10 Teal, Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Woodpigeon,
55 Turnstone, Purple Sandpiper, 151 Skylark,
160 Redwing, 4 Twite.
Year List: 95
13th April 2020
Weather: cool with a light or moderate SW
wind and sunny spells.
7 Barnacle Goose, 68 Greylag Goose, 3 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 8 Teal, Velvet
Scoter (one in Finnequoy; first of the year), 2 Red-breasted Merganser,
6 Woodpigeon, 14 Lapwing, 31 Golden Plover, 3 Carrion Crow, 16 Hooded Crow, 170
Skylark, Fieldfare, 77 Redwing, Dunnock, 2 Brambling (male and female), 16
Year List: 95
12th April 2020
Weather: Cloudy and cool,
with a quite strong NW wind.
Shelduck (Da Water), 4 Wigeon,
2 Pintail, 6 Teal,
4 Golden Plover, Black-headed Gull,
2 Fieldfare, 150 Redwing, 4 Twite, 2 Siskin.
Year List: 94
11th April 2020
Weather: fairly light SW
wind, rain at first but sunny spells then some more cloud as wind also freshened
SONG SPARROW: again elusive,
but still present in the Gully
until dusk.
Other sightings:
3 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan (still present), Shelduck (Da Water),
4 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 12 Teal,
Woodpigeon, 40 Golden Plover, 2 Black-headed Gull,
150 Redwing (minimum count), 2 Robin, Brambling (male Haa), 2 Twite, 7
Siskin (Haa), Reed Bunting (male, Schoolton).
Year List: 94
10th April 2020
Weather: SSE2-3, low cloud over the hills,
with some rain in the morning.
A few more birds moving about, the spring is a lovely time to be on Fair
still present, but elusive as it was seen in the Gully.
Iceland Gull: 2CY at North Light
Other sightings:
7 Barnacle Goose, 4 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, Shelduck (Da Water), 3 Wigeon, 12 Teal,
4 Woodpigeon, Black-headed Gull,
Red-throated Diver (one flew across the Isle calling; first of
the year), Cormorant, Merlin, Chiffchaff (Plantation), Blackbird (female,
c100 Redwing (reasonable numbers were scattered across the Isle, with this large
flock roosting in the Schoolton garden at dusk), Song Thrush, 2 Robin, 4 Wheatear,
8 Twite, 2 Linnet (first of the year), 5 Siskin (in the Plantation towards dusk, other sightings around the Isle during
the day may have indicated more were present), Reed Bunting (male, Houll).
Year List: 94
9th April 2020
Weather: A light S breeze developing from the
SE. Cool, with high cloud.
Well that was nice!
SPARROW: one in the Vaadal
in the evening was an unexpected record, the fifth for Fair Isle and ninth for
the UK (if accepted)
Images at:
Other sightings:
Barnacle Goose, 69 Greylag Goose,
3 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, Shelduck (Da Water), Pintail (pair on Da
Water; first of the year. Although an expected autumn visitor, there have been
spring records in only six of the previous 12 years), 12 Teal,
3 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, 27 Golden Plover, Grey Heron, Merlin, 132 Skylark, 2 Chiffchaff
(Setter and Burkle), Goldcrest (Plantation), Blackbird (singing male at
Chalet still),
2 Fieldfare,
c100 Redwing, Robin, Stonechat (female, Schoolton), 7 Wheatear, 'White Wagtail', Brambling,
8 Twite, 4 Snow
Bunting (Upper Leogh), Reed Bunting (female, Meadow Burn).
Year List: 92
8th April 2020
Weather: SW3-4, just a few clouds, mostly
sunny and still mild.
A mostly nice day, although there weren't too many new birds around. Lovely
to be enjoying the spring though.
4 Barnacle Goose, 72 Greylag Goose,
Pink-footed Goose, Shelduck (Da Water), Wigeon, 14 Teal,
3 Woodpigeon, 28 Golden Plover (flock of breedng-plumaged birds
on Rippack), 31 Redshank, 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull,
Razorbill (a few offshore), Puffin (back on land on Buness this evening), Hen Harrier (ringtail still
present), Chiffchaff (Setter), 2 Blackbird,
3 Fieldfare,
72 Redwing (including one singing at Burkle), 3 Song Thrush
(including one singing at Schoolton),2 Robin, 2 Wheatear,
Dunnock (one at Schoolhouse then Burkle), Grey Wagtail
(Burkle), Chaffinch (female), Goldfinch.
Year List: 90
7th April 2020
Weather: SSE3-4, 6/8 cloud
and quite mild.
A few more birds on the move, although still fairly small numbers so far.
Wildfowl are passing through and a few summer migrants are starting to appear.
3 Barnacle Goose, 140 Greylag Goose,
13 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, Shelduck (Furse), 5 Wigeon, 12 Teal,
3 Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, 4 Golden Plover, 16 Ringed Plover, 8
Lesser Black-backed Gull,
20 Bonxie, Razorbill (small numbers offshore, but the cliffs
were empty of auks), Grey Heron, Merlin,
2 Carrion Crow, Chiffchaff (Schoolton), Blackcap (male Schoolton; first of the year),
Blackbird (male singing at Chalet), 3 Fieldfare,
38 Redwing, Robin, 3 Wheatear (2 North Light, 1 Upper Leogh),
Stonechat (Schoolton), 3 Pied Wagtail, Chaffinch (female), Siskin, 8
Snow Bunting.
Year List: 90
6th April 2020
Weather: SSW4-5, 3/8 cloud,
sunny spells with a light shower in the afternoon.
At last, some spring migration! A few new birds for the year, and some more migrants on the move (although bear in mind that with no seasonal staff, these are not full census counts)
108 Greylag Goose, Whooper Swan, Shelduck (Buness), 7 Wigeon,
11 Teal, Collared Dove (Plantation then Obs; first of the year),
Golden Plover, 11 Ringed Plover, 73 Turnstone, Woodcock (Upper
Stoneybrek), 4 Bonxie, Short-eared Owl (Homisdale), 120+ Skylark, Chiffchaff (Schoolton), 3
Goldcrest (Finniquoy, Brecks, North Raeva),
Blackbird, 4 Fieldfare, 21 Redwing, 3 Song Thrush,
3 Robin,
2 Wheatear (males at Ditfield; first of the year and always one
of the most welcome sightings of the spring - great birds!), Grey
Wagtail (Gully; first of the year), 10 alba
wagtails (including at least 5
Pied and one White), 135+ Meadow Pipit, Chaffinch (female),
Goldfinch (Haa; first of the year), Lapland Bunting
(one moving over Gilsetter with Meadow Pipits), Reed Bunting (Obs).
Year List: 89
5th April 2020
Weather: F4-5, fresh SE, bright
conditions with high cloud, then rain in the evening.
80 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 12 Teal, 7 Woodpigeon,
3 Golden Plover, 7 Ringed Plover, 2 Bonxie, 51 Puffin (on sea in Furse), Hen Harrier,
2 Merlin (adult male and female),
Carrion Crow, Chiffchaff (Chalet), 2
Blackbird, 6 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, Robin,
Pied Wagtail, Chaffinch (female).
Year List:
4th April 2020
Weather: after a calm start, a
freshening wind become more SSE for a while. After rain for most of the morning,
there was a generally drier afternoon.
sort of promising migration weather, but not much to show in the way of
Barnacle Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, 'Greenland White-fronted Goose' (still
opposite Barkland), Whooper Swan, 16 Teal, 3 Woodpigeon, 4 Purple Sandpiper,
Carrion Crow, 100+ Skylark, Blackbird, 4 Redwing, 3 Song Thrush,
Brambling (Quoy), Siskin, Lapland Bunting (male Quoy; first of
the year), Reed Bunting.
Year List:
3rd April 2020
Weather: a fresh WNW force 4-5 wind,
decreasing throughout the day. Mostly sunny, with a few cloudy spells.
Barnacle Goose,
118 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose,
'Greenland White-fronted Goose' (one near Chalet; first of this
subspecies for the year, with spring 'White-fronts' more commonly being this
subspecies rather than European birds), Whooper Swan, Shelduck
(South Haven; first of the year), 15 Teal, 3 Woodpigeon, 36 Ringed Plover, Merlin, Chiffchaff (Chalet), 4 Song Thrush,
(female) Chaffinch.
White-fronted Goose', Chalet (David Parnaby)
Year List:
2nd April 2020
Weather: NW8-10,
decreasing to 5 later. Wintry showers (some very heavy), cloudy with clearer
spells later.
A real doozy of a day, good for getting on with indoor jobs and
enjoying looking at the wild conditions outside .
Woodpigeon, Lesser Black-backed Gull,
Hen Harrier, Song Thrush.
Year List:
1st April 2020
Weather: W4-5, or stronger
at times. Sunny spells, with a few showers, especially in the morning.
A nicer day, although with a chilly feeling and it was no surprise that
there wasn't much in the way of migration noted.
Barnacle Goose, 106 Greylag Goose, 12 Teal, Woodpigeon, Curlew (singing and
displaying at Pund), 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull,
Hen Harrier, Merlin (the adult male caught a Skylark in spectacular fashion at
2 Carrion Crow, 2 Blackbird, 5 Redwing, 4 Song Thrush, Pied Wagtail, 'White
Wagtail' (one in the Haven, also an alba
wagtail over), Chaffinch.
Year List:
31st March 2020
Weather: SW5-6 and gusty, showers (some heavy).
A rather unpleasant day, but good enough for getting on with 'end of month'
jobs. Very little to suggest there's much movement yet.
111 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Wigeon, 14 Teal, Red-breasted Merganser
(female, South Haven), 4 Woodpigeon, 12 Ringed Plover, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull,
Hen Harrier, 2 Merlin (adult male),
Rook, Carrion Crow, 3 Blackbird, 3 Redwing, Pied Wagtail, 2 Twite.
Year List:
30th March 2020
WNW3-4 and sunny
A pleasant enough day, although still very quiet for birds (as it
can be at this time of year when the winds aren't conducive for migration). The
start of the School Easter holidays, although under the circumstances, that's
less of a big deal than normal, as the School closed last week.
Barnacle Goose, 109 Greylag Goose, Wigeon, 15 Teal, 4 Woodpigeon, 8
Lapwing, 12 Ringed Plover, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull,
'blue' Fulmar (one circling around the Fog Horn at North
Light), Hen Harrier, Long-eared Owl
(one at Schoolhouse was a bit of a surprise given the lack of other
migrants; first of the year), 2 Merlin (adult male and female),
Rook, 2 Carrion Crow, Chiffchaff (Chalet), 2 Blackbird, 9 Redwing, 3 Song
Thrush, Dunnock (Haa), Meadow Pipit (singing), 2 Chaffinch.
Year List:
29th March 2020
WNW4-5, cloudy and cold with some light showers
Beached Bird Survey today - very quiet for birds both on the
beaches and elsewhere though.
Barnacle Goose, 106 Greylag Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper
Swan, Wigeon,
14 Teal, 5 Woodpigeon, 9 Lapwing, 15 Ringed Plover, Purple Sandpiper, 3
Lesser Black-backed Gull,
Sparrowhawk, Hen Harrier, Merlin, Rook, 3
Carrion Crow, Chiffchaff (Chalet), 3 Blackbird, 5 Redwing, 2 Song
Thrush, Robin, Dunnock (singing at Burkle; first of the year),
Year List:
28th March 2020
NNW5-6, sunny spells before totally clouding over and some light snow
Far less spring-like now and distinctly wintry.
2 Pink-footed Goose (battling north over Buness),
Whooper Swan, Wigeon (female on Da Water), 15 Teal, 3 Woodpigeon, 8
Lapwing, Golden Plover, 17 Ringed Plover, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull,
Peregrine (adult female), Rook, 2 Carrion Crow, Redwing, Pied Wagtail,
Year List:
27th March 2020
WNW3-4, sunny but cool
Still a nice enough day (albeit with the temperature feeling less
spring-like), but the change in wind appeared to have held up migration for now.
It was confirmed following a meeting with FIBOT and the FIBO team, that the
seasonal staff's arrival to the Isle would have to be delayed due to the ongoing
situation with coronavirus, which will obviously have an impact on the season.
The situation will continue to be reviewed and we'll keep posting updates on the
website. In the meantime, sightings will be updated regularly, although there
will be no systematic census for the time being at least.
Barnacle Goose, Whooper Swan, Shoveler (male), 4 Woodpigeon, 10
Lapwing, 12 Ringed Plover, 2 Purple Sandpiper, 4 Black-headed Gull, Great Skua
(one past Buness), Guillemot (several on cliffs), Puffin (one off South
Light), Chiffchaff (Obs), 'Fair Isle Wren' (singing on
Buness), 2 Redwing, Song Thrush, Stonechat (female trapped in Double Dyke), 2
Pied Wagtail, 2 Chaffinch.
26th March 2020
SW2-3, sunny with just an occasional cloud. Mild
It's good to be back. A very pleasant wander around parts of the
North showed that there were a few birds on the move and it felt distinctly
Whooper Swan, Shoveler (male), Water Rail (Chalet), Lesser Black-backed
Bonxie (one over Easter Lother; first of the year and earliest
arrival since 2016), Guillemot (hundreds on sea), Razorbill (hundreds on sea,
and several returning to colonies), 2 Puffin
(singles off the Holms and in Furse; first of the year), Sparrowhawk
(female heading high north that was probably the same bird seen later
in the Plantation, where it caught a male Blackbird),
Merlin (female), Rook, Carrion Crow, Chiffchaff (Chalet), Goldcrest (Chalet),
23 Blackbird (an obvious small fall of thrushes), 10 Redwing, 3
Song Thrush, 4 Robin, Stonechat (male, Wirvie Burn), 2 Chaffinch, Twite (singing
at the Restengeos).
one at
Barkland, an unusual spring occurence of a butterfly
Grey Seal:
215 hauled out on Wirvie, Jivvy and Easter Lother alone
Year List:
21st-25th March 2020
After a relatively quiet spell, a couple of days of murky, windy
weather on 23rd-24th gave way to a calm, sunny day on 25th. The Parnabys
returned to the Isle on the latter day and a few signs of passage were noted.
Iceland Gull:
North Light on 25th
Other sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 114 Greylag Goose, 38 Pink-footed Goose
(passage on 25th), 3 Whooper Swan (22nd), Shoveler
(male on Da Water from 23rd; first of the year), Wigeon (25th),
23 Teal (25th), Red-breasted Merganser
(female, 25th), 6 Woodpigeon, 34 Oystercatcher, 17
Lapwing, Golden Plover (25th), 2 Black-headed
Gull, 6 Lesser Black-backed Gull (24th; first of the year),
Grey Heron (23rd-24th), Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl (21st), Peregrine
(juvenile female 25th), Rook (24th-25th; first of the year),
3 Carrion Crow, 170 Skylark (with singing first noted
from 25th), Chiffchaff (Chalet, 25th; first of the year, four
days earlier than 2019 and earliest since 2017), Goldcrest
(21st-25th; first of the year, earliest arrival since 2016), 8 Blackbird, Fieldfare,
3 Redwing, 2 Song
Thrush, Robin, Black Redstart (male, Lower Stoneybrek 25th), Stonechat
(female), Pied Wagtail (21st-25th), 15 Meadow Pipit (light
passage throughout), Chaffinch (male from 22nd),
Brambling (Obs, 25th; first of the year), Snow Bunting, Reed
Bunting (Chalet, 25th).
Year list:
16th-20th March 2020
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
118 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 12 Teal, 5 Woodpigeon, 27 Ringed Plover,
79 Turnstone, Black-headed
Gull, Razorbill (coming into the Holms), Cormorant (18th-19th;
first of the year), Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl (20th),
Merlin, Peregrine (adult female), 2 Carrion Crow, 3 Blackbird, Fieldfare, 3 Song
Thrush, Robin, 3 Stonechat
(two males and a female), Siskin (male; 17th), 2 Snow Bunting, Reed
Bunting (3rd; first of the year).
Year list:
11th-15th March 2020
White-tailed Eagle:
12th-13th, an immature over Hoini (seen from the fire truck during an
exercise!) which drifted high south out to sea at 0720hrs the following morning
Iceland Gull:
2CY on 11th
Other sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 123 Greylag Goose, Whooper Swan, Long-tailed Duck (male, 13th),
5 Woodpigeon, 15 Lapwing, 75 Turnstone, Hen Harrier, Merlin, Peregrine, 230 Skylark,
3 Blackbird, Redwing, 3 Song
Thrush, Robin, 3 Stonechat
(two males and a female), 2 Snow Bunting.
Year list:
6th-10th March 2020
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 150 Greylag Goose, Whooper Swan, 12 Mallard, 13 Teal, 6 Woodpigeon (peak
count on 10th), 2 Water Rail, Black-headed
Gull, Hen Harrier (ringtail), Merlin, Peregrine, 210 Skylark, 4 Blackbird, 9 Fieldfare,
3 Redwing, 3 Song
Thrush [with virtually no thrushes by the end of the period], 2 Robin,
Black Redstart (7th; first of the year), 3 Stonechat
(two males and a female on 8th was the peak), Chaffinch (9th;
first of the year), 7 Twite, 2 Siskin (10th; first of the
Year list:
1st-5th March 2020
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 219 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 14 Teal, 2 Woodpigeon (3rd; first of the
year), Water Rail, 46 Oystercatcher, 7 Lapwing, Golden Plover,
24 Ringed Plover, 210 Turnstone, 85 Redshank, Black-headed
Gull, Hen Harrier (ringtail
still), Merlin, Peregrine, 2 Carrion Crow, 165 Skylark (5th; as numbers
fluctuated during spring passage), 9 Blackbird, 25 Fieldfare, 6 Redwing, 3 Song
Thrush [a general clear-out of thrushes was noted], Stonechat
(male from 1st-4th, with 2 on 5th; first of the year),
Pied Wagtail (5th; first of the year), Meadow Pipit, 6 Snow Bunting, Reed
Bunting (3rd; first of the year).
Year list: 66
26th-29th February 2020
Long-tailed Duck (26th), Merlin.
Year list: 62
21st-25th February 2020
Iceland Gull: adult on Meoness on 21st
Other sightings
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 8 Teal,
22 Lapwing (flock arrived on 23rd), 6 Ringed Plover
Dunlin (one in the south with Turnstones on 23rd-24th; first of
the year), 10 Curlew, 56 Redshank, Hen Harrier (ringtail
reappeared in the south), Short-eared Owl (23rd), Merlin, Peregrine
(adult female).
Year list: 62
16th-20th February 2020
More stormy weather, interspersed with some slightly less stormy weather.
Generally cool, with wintry showers.
Iceland Gull: 2cy in South Harbour on 17th
Other sightings
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 6 Wigeon, 13 Teal, Long-tailed
Duck (South Harbour; 18th), Water Rail (Burkle),
41 Oystercatcher, Lapwing (20th; first of the month), Ringed Plover,
8 Curlew, 250 Turnstone (minimum), 33 Redshank, Merlin, Peregrine
(adult male; first of the month), Carrion Crow (Parks),
Skylark, c50 Redwing, c10 Fieldfare, 2 Twite, Snow Bunting.
Year list: 61
11th-15th February 2020
The generally stormy start to the year continued, although a slight
lull in mid-week did at least allow planes to fly and the Good Shepherd IV
to sail. There was little in the way of movement, although a
couple new species for the year were noted.
Iceland Gull: 2cy again in South Harbour on 11th
Other sightings
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 7 Wigeon, 18 Mallard, 18 Teal,
Goldeneye (Golden Water, 15th; first of the year), Water Rail (Burkle),
21 Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover (2 in North Haven, 11th; first of the
year. Four days earlier than the first arrival date in 2019), 15 Curlew, c300
Turnstone, Merlin, Carrion Crow (the resident Setter bird still present),
Skylark, 2 Twite, Snow Bunting.
Year list: 61
6th-10th February 2020
Iceland Gull: 2cy in South Harbour on 9th
(counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 122 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 8
Wigeon, 14 Mallard, 18 Teal, Water Rail (Chalet), 16
Oystercatcher (9th), Golden Plover (7th; first of the
year), 5 Gannet (on Stacks on 9th), Sparrowhawk (Schoolhouse on
9th), Hen Harrier (ringtail), 11 Fieldfare, Robin, 4 Twite.
Year list: 59
1st-5th February 2020
Sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Barnacle Goose, 2 Pink-footed Goose, Whooper Swan, 12 Teal, Water
Rail (Burkle), 4 Oystercatcher, Sparrowhawk (Vatnagaard, 2nd;
first of year), Hen Harrier (ringtail), 2 Merlin, 14 Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush (lingering
near Barkland), 2 Robin, 17 Twite.
Year list: 58
25th-31st January 2020
Sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
142 Greylag Goose,
2 Pink-footed Goose (a second bird arrived on the last day of the month), Whooper Swan,
19 Mallard, 14 Teal,
Common Scoter (Haven), Long-tailed Duck, 2 Water Rail (Burkle and Chalet),
Lapwing, 220 Turnstone, 2 Purple Sandpiper, 'blue' Fulmar
(South Light, 25th), Hen Harrier (ringtail), Short-eared Owl
(School Brae, 29th; first of the year), 2 Merlin,
Peregrine (adult male, 29th), 10 Blackbird, 14 Fieldfare, 13 Redwing, 6 Song
Thrush, Mistle Thrush (lingering near Barkland), 3 Robin.
Year list: 56
21st-24th January 2020
Weather: largely SW or S winds, often quite strong and showery, with
a calm day on 22nd seeing the island shrouded in fog.
Sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
117 Greylag Goose,
Pink-footed Goose, Barnacle Goose (Utra, 24th; first of the
year), 3 Whooper Swan, 7 Wigeon, 12 Teal, Long-tailed Duck,
Common Scoter (Haven), Hen Harrier (ringtail still lingering), Water Rail
(Burkle), Oystercatcher, Lapwing, 2 Purple Sandpiper, Merlin,
Mistle Thrush (Rippack on 21st then wandering the Isle; first
of the year), 8 Song Thrush, 3 Robin.
Year list: 55
16th-20th January 2020
Weather: variably windy, often quite strong and predominantly from
the SW.
Little Auk: one off Wirvie on 20th, first of the year
Other sightings:
3 Whooper Swan (the lingering adult and two new adults from 18th), Merlin,
Snow Bunting (Upper Stoneybrek on 18th; first of the year).
Year list: 53
11th-15th January 2020
Weather: some big storms moving through and mostly not very pleasant
Glaucous Gull: adult on 11th
Other sightings:
Long-tailed Duck (Haven), Common Scoter (Furse), Great Northern Diver
(Furse on 13th; first of the year), Hen Harrier (ringtail still present),
Year list: 51
6th-10th January 2020
Weather: generally windy, with some strong S and SW winds, often
Iceland Gull: 2 2CY (1W) at Setter on 7th, with one still on 8th-9th
Glaucous Gull: 3 2CY on 7th, 5 (adult and 4x 2CY) on 8th
Other sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
85 Greylag Goose,
Pink-footed Goose, 4 'European White-fronted Goose', Whooper Swan, 5 Wigeon,
15 Teal, Common Scoter, Red-breasted Merganser (North Haven and
Furse, 6th-7th; first of the year), Oystercatcher, Purple Sandpiper, Song Thrush.
Year list: 50
2nd-5th January 2020
Weather: variable, with 4th being a calm and very pleasant day, but NW then SW gales and strong winds either side of it. Some heavy rain at times, and largely cloudy.
No real signs of movement, and the strong winds didn't bring any large numbers of gulls (so the high Glauc count was a bit of a surprise), but a few more bits and pieces picked up for the year list.
Glaucous Gull: 6 on 3rd (adult, 4cy and 4 x 2cy)
Other sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
Pink-footed Goose, 4 'European White-fronted Goose', Whooper Swan, 6 Wigeon, 6 Teal, Long-tailed Duck (2 in South Harbour on 4th; first of the year), Hen Harrier (ringtail still present), Water Rail (Burkle), Oystercatcher, 3 Lapwing, 20 Curlew, 15 Purple Sandpiper (South Light on 4th; first of the year), Black-headed Gull, Guillemot (plenty offshore on 5th), Peregrine (3rd; first of the year), Merlin, 4 Song Thrush, 2 Robin (Utra and Lower Leogh).
Year list: 49
Wednesday 1st January 2020
Weather: moderate WSW wind, largely cloudy but dry, relatively mild, although cooler in the breeze.
Happy New Year everyone! After an enjoyable night of guising, the year started, as always, with a day of getting the year list going. Greylag was the first species to make it onto the year list with the wintering flock making a racket before light and, in better weather than we often get on 1st January, a decent tally was achieved (the highest January 1st total since the record breaking year of 2014) with a few interesting wintering species logged (although nothing new was found on the day and most species would be ones that would be expected to be found later in the year).
Glaucous Gull: 2; adult and 4cy or 5cy in roost at Easter Lother Water
Iceland Gull: 2cy off Bergaroo
Other sightings (counts refer to maximum in period unless otherwise stated):
c120 Greylag Goose, Pink-footed Goose, 4 'European White-fronted Goose', Whooper Swan, 9 Wigeon, 6 Teal, Common Scoter (North Haven), Hen Harrier (roving ringtail), Water Rail (Burkle), Oystercatcher (Skadan), 5 Lapwing, 23 Curlew, Woodcock (Boini Mire), Black-headed Gull (adult), Guillemot (good numbers ashore), 2 Merlin, Carrion Crow (Leogh), 3 Skylark (Lower Leogh), 10+ Blackbird, c20 Fieldfare, c70 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, Robin (Chalet), Meadow Pipit (Shirva).
Other species recorded:
Mallard, Eider, Fulmar, Gannet (small numbers offshore), Shag, Turnstone, Snipe, Redshank, Kittiwake (small numbers offshore), Common Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Tystie, Rock Dove, Hooded Crow, Raven, 'Fair Isle Wren', Starling, House Sparrow, Rock Pipit.
Year list: 46